
专业:艺术史论 科目:基础写作 一、请将下面这段英文翻译成中文,再依次回答以下问题: 1.文中提到的是哪个时代、哪位艺术家的哪件作品? 2.根据自己的理解把这件作品画出来,并就自己的描绘写..

专业:艺术史论 科目:基础写作 一、请将下面这段英文翻译成中文,再依次回答以下问题: 1.文中提到的是哪个时代、哪位艺术家的哪件作品? 2.根据自己的理解把这件作品画出来,并就自己的描绘写一段解说词。(30分) Leonardo undertook to execute, for Francesco del Giocondo, the portrait of Monna Lisa, his wife; and after toiling over it for four years, he left it unfinished; and the work is now in the collection of King Francis of France, at Fontainebleau. In this head, whoever wished to see how closely art could imitate nature, was able to comprehend it with ease; for in it were counterfeited all the minutenesses that with subtlety are able to be painted, seeing that the eyes had that lustre and watery sheen which are always seen in life, and around them were all those rosy and pearly tints, as well as the lashes, which cannot be represented without the greatest subtlety. The eyebrows, through his having shown the manner in which the hairs spring from the flesh, here more close and here more scanty, and curve according to the pores of the skin, could not be more natural. The nose, with its beautiful nostrils, rosy and tender, appeared to be alive. The mouth, with its opening, and with its ends united by the red of the lips to the flesh-tints of the face, seemed, in truth, to be not colours but flesh. In the pit of the throat, if one gazed upon it intently, could be seen the beating of the pulse. And, indeed, it may be said that it was painted in such a manner as to make every valiant craftsman, be he who he may, tremble and lose heart. He made use, also, of this device: Monna Lisa being very beautiful, he always employed, while he was painting her portrait, persons to play or sing, and jesters, who might make her remain merry, in order to take away that melancholy which painters are often wont to give to the portraits that they paint. And in this work of Leonardo’s there was a smile so pleasing, that it was a thing more divine than human to behold; and it was held to be something marvellous, since the reality was not more alive. 二、以下引文出自《庄子秋水篇》,请认真阅读并回答后面的问题(30分): 庄子与惠子游于濠梁之上。庄子曰:“鱼出游从容,是鱼之乐也。” 惠子曰∶“子非鱼,安知鱼之乐?” 庄子曰:“子非我,安知我不知鱼之乐?” 惠子曰:“我非子,固不知子矣;子固非鱼也,子之不知鱼之乐全矣!” 庄子曰:“请循其本。子曰‘汝安知鱼乐’云者,既已知吾知之而问我。我知之濠上也。” 1.还原出对话双方各自的逻辑论据; 2.你同意他们的看法吗?为什么? 3.想象你是惠子,最后你会如何反驳庄子呢? 三、请列举不少于三件你最喜欢的不同门类的艺术作品,然后反思你喜欢它们的理由,尝试说明你心目中艺术的标准是什么,然后为你自己的“艺术理论”取个名字(40分)。 要求: 1.每个问题的回答均可以独立成文,并分别设置题目; 2.试题不设标准答案,鼓励独抒己见; 3.不要在答题中透露任何有关考生的个人信息。

专家解析 “原文、原著与真情” 今年“艺术史论”专业第一次招生。考虑到本专业学生不同于参加各省美术联考的美术学考生的特点,我们设定了从一般文科方向,从“原文、原著与真情”,也就是世界视野、传统文化和审美经验三个方面,来考查“艺术史论”专业学生的“基础”能力。第一题考查学生对外文原文的阅读理解能力,并在此基础上进行相应图像表达和文字写作;第二题考查学生对于中国文化原著的阅读和理解,更注重对于原著文脉、逻辑的还原和辨析;第三题考查学生对不同门类艺术作品的审美经验,鼓励学生在真情实感基础上,进行一定程度的理性思辨。考试材料由试题提供,学生不须事先准备;全部考题不预设标准答案,鼓励学生独抒己见。




