第一部分 历年真题
1. (2015年新课标卷Ⅰ)A study of travelers ______(68) (conduct) by the website TripAdvisor names Yangshuo as one of the top destinations in the world.
2.(2015年新课标卷Ⅱ)The adobe dwellings(土坯房) ______(61) (build) by the Pueblo Indians of the American Southwest are admired .
3. (2015年新课标卷Ⅰ) Abercrombie & Kent, a travel company in Hong Kong, says it regularly arranges quick getaways here for people ______(71) (live) in Shanghai and Hong Kong.
4.(2016年新课标卷Ⅰ)I was the first Western TV reporter ______(66) (permit) to film a special unit caring for pandas rescued from starvation in the wild.
5. ( 2016年新课标卷Ⅲ)People probably cooked their food in large pots, ______(64) (use) twigs(树枝) to remove it.
6.(2017年新课标卷Ⅱ) This included digging up the road, ______(63) (lay) the track and then building a strong roof over the top.
7.(2019年新课标Ⅱ)When we got a call ______(68)(say)she was short-listed, we thought it was a joke.
8.(2019年新课标Ⅲ)On the last day of our week-long stay,we were invited to attend a private concert on a beautiful farm on the North Shore under the stars, ______(70)(listen)to musicians and meeting interesting locals.
9.( 2016年新课标卷Ⅲ)Skilled workers also combine various hardwoods and metal ______(63) (create)special designs.
10.【特殊】(2018年新课标Ⅱ)The government encourages farmers to grow corn instead of rice ______(64)(improve) water quality.
11.(2020年新课标卷Ⅰ)Chinese researchers hope to use the instruments onboard Chang’e-4______(66) (find) and study areas of the South Pole-Aitken basin.
12.(2020年新课标Ⅱ)They represent the earth ________ (63) (come) back to life and best wishes for new beginnings.
13.(2020年新课标Ⅱ)They make great gifts and you see them many times ________ (65) (decorate) with red envelopes and messages of good fortune.
14.(2020年新课标Ⅲ)And when he saw the mists rising from the river and the soft clouds ______ (69) (surround) the mountain tops, he was reduced to tears.
15.(2020年浙江)Agriculture gave people their first experience of the power of technology _______ (60)(change)lives.
16.(2020年浙江)Later, they learned to work with the seasons, planting at the right time and, in dry areas, ______ (63)(make)use of annual floods to irrigate(灌溉)their fields.
17.(2021年新高考I卷)Though it is the onlyunnatural thing on your way up the mountain, still it highlights the whole adventureandoffers a place where you can sit down to rest your______(63)(ache)legs.
1. ( 2014年新课标Ⅱ)Still, the boy kept ______(67) (ride).
2.(2016年新课标卷Ⅰ)My ambassadorial duties will include ______(67) (introduce) British visitors to the 120-plus pandas at Chengdu and others at a research in the misty mountains of Bifengxia.
3. ( 2017年新课标卷Ⅲ)But unlike school friends,16-year-old Sarah is not spending half-term ______(61) (rest)
4.(2018年新课标Ⅱ)China’s approach to protecting its environment while ______(70) (feed) its citizens “offers useful lessons for agriculture and food policymakers worldwide.” says the bank’s Juergen Voegele.
5.(2018年新课标Ⅲ)I quickly lower myself,ducking my head to avoid ______(64) (look) directly into his eyes so he doesn't feel challenged.
6. ( 2017年新课标卷Ⅲ) But Sarah, who has taken part in shows along with top models wants______(65) (prove) that she has brains as well as beauty.
7.(2017年新课标卷Ⅰ)They are required ______(63) (process) the food that we eat, to recover from injury and for several other bodily functions.
8. ( 2014年新课标Ⅰ) It took years of work ______(65) (reduce ) the industrial pollution and clean the water.
9. (2014年新课标Ⅱ) He refused______(66) (stop) until we reached the next stop.
10.(2015年新课标卷Ⅱ)When a new day breaks, the walls have given up their heat and are now cold enough ______(66) (cool) the house.
11.(2016年新课标卷Ⅱ)If you find something you love doing outside of the office, you’ll be less likely ______(69) (bring) your work home.
12.(2018年新课标Ⅰ)You don't have to run fast or for long ______(62) (see) the benefit.
13.(2018年新课标Ⅲ)Once his message was delivered, he allowed me ______(70) (stay)and watch.
14.(2019年新课标Ⅰ)Modern methods of tracking polar bear populations have been employed only since the mid-1980s, and are expensive ______(64) (perform) consistently over a large area.
15.(2019年新课标Ⅱ)She had no plans ______(65)(retire)from her 36-year-old business.
16.(2019年新课标Ⅲ)We couldn't help wondering how long it would take ______(62)(get)there.
17.(2020年新课标Ⅱ)They are easy ________ (68) (care) for and make great presents.
18.(2020年新课标Ⅲ)The next morning he hired a boat and set out _______ (67) (find) the well-known painter.
19.(2020年山东)As well as looking at exhibits, visitors can play with computer simulations(模拟)and imagine themselves living at a different time in history or ______ (43)(walk)through a rainforest.
20.(2021年全国乙卷)Activitiesthere range from whale watching to hiking (远足) and accommodations aim ______(70)(have) a low impact on the natural environment.
21.(2021年全国甲卷)It is possible ______(43) (walk) or bike the entire 14 kilometers.
1. (2014年新课标Ⅱ)One morning, I was waiting at the bus stop, worried about ______(61) (be) late for school.
2.(2015年新课标卷Ⅱ)What makes the adobe dwellings admirable is their ability to “air condition” a house without ______(64)(use)electric equipment.
3.(2017年新课标卷Ⅰ)By ______(68) (eat) more fast food people will get more salt and fat than they need in their diet.
4.(2018年新课标Ⅰ)You may drink, smoke, be overweight and still reduce your risk of ______(63) (die) early by running.
5.(2019年新课标卷Ⅰ)Scientists have responded by ______(67) (note) that hungry bears may be congregating(聚集) around human settlements, leading to the illusion(错觉) that populations are higher than they actually are.
6.(2019年新课标Ⅱ)A 90-year-old has been awarded "Woman Of The Year" for ______(61)(be)Britain's oldest full-time employee — still working 40 hours a week.
7.(2021年全国乙卷)Minimize the impact of ______(67)(visit) the place
8.(2021年全国甲卷)After ______(44) (spend) some time looking at all the defensive equipment at the wall, we decided it was time for some action and whatbetterthan to ride on a piece of history!
第二部分 参考答案
1. (2015年新课标卷Ⅰ)Astudyof travelers ______(68) (conduct)bythe website TripAdvisor names Yangshuo as one of the top destinations in the world.(非谓语动词)conducted
2.(2015年新课标卷Ⅱ)The adobe dwellings(土坯房) ______(61) (build)bythe Pueblo Indians of the American Southwest are admired .(非谓语动词)built
3. (2015年新课标卷Ⅰ)Abercrombie & Kent, a travel company in Hong Kong, says it regularly arranges quick getaways here forpeople______(71) (live) in Shanghai and Hong Kong. living
4.(2016年新课标卷Ⅰ)I was the first Western TVreporter______(66) (permit) to film a special unit caring for pandas rescued from starvation in the wild.(非谓语动词)permitted
5. ( 2016年新课标卷Ⅲ)Peopleprobably cooked their food in large pots, ______(64) (use) twigs(树枝) to remove it. (非谓语动词)using
6.(2017年新课标卷Ⅱ) This includeddigging upthe road,______(63) (lay)the trackand then buildinga strong roof over the top. 非谓语laying
7.(2019年新课标Ⅱ)When we got acall______(68)(say)she was short-listed, we thought it was a joke.(非谓语)saying
8.(2019年新课标Ⅲ)On the last day of our week-long stay,we were invited to attend a private concert on a beautiful farm on the North Shore under the stars,______(70)(listen)to musiciansand meetinginteresting locals.(非谓语)listening
9.( 2016年新课标卷Ⅲ)Skilled workers also combine various hardwoods and metal ______(63) (create)special designs.(非谓语动词)to create表目的
10.【特殊】(2018年新课标Ⅱ)The government encourages farmers to grow corn instead of rice ______(64)(improve) water quality.(非谓语)to improve表目的
11.(2020年新课标卷Ⅰ)Chinese researchers hope tousethe instruments onboard Chang’e-4______(66) (find) and study areas of the South Pole-Aitken basin. (非谓语)tofind表目的
12.(2020年新课标Ⅱ)They representthe earth________ (63) (come) back to life and best wishes for new beginnings.(非谓语动词表主动)coming
13.(2020年新课标Ⅱ)They make great gifts and you seethemmany times ________ (65) (decorate) with red envelopes and messages of good fortune.(非谓语动词表被动)decorated
14.(2020年新课标Ⅲ)And when he saw the mists rising from the river and the soft clouds ______ (69) (surround) the mountain tops, he was reduced to tears.(非谓语动词表主动)surrounding
15.(2020年浙江)Agriculture gave people their first experience of the power oftechnology_______ (60)(change)lives.(非谓语作后置定语)to change
16.(2020年浙江)Later,theylearned to work with the seasons,plantingat the right timeand, in dry areas, ______ (63)(make)use of annual floods to irrigate(灌溉)their fields.(非谓语动词表主动)making
17.(2021年新高考I卷)Though it is the onlyunnatural thing on your way up the mountain, still it highlights the whole adventureandoffers a place where you can sit down to rest your ______(63)(ache)legs.
1. ( 2014年新课标Ⅱ)Still, the boykept ______(67)(ride).(非谓语动词)riding
2.(2016年新课标卷Ⅰ)My ambassadorial duties willinclude ______(67) (introduce)British visitors to the 120-plus pandas at Chengdu and others at a research in the misty mountains of Bifengxia. (非谓语动词)introducing
3. ( 2017年新课标卷Ⅲ)But unlike school friends,16-year-old Sarah is notspendinghalf-term______(61) (rest)非谓语resting
4.(2018年新课标Ⅱ)China’s approach to protecting its environmentwhile ______(70) (feed)its citizens “offers useful lessons for agriculture and food policymakers worldwide.” says the bank’s Juergen Voegele.(非谓语)feeding
5.(2018年新课标Ⅲ)I quickly lower myself,ducking my head toavoid ______(64)(look) directly into his eyes so he doesn't feel challenged(65) (challenge).(非谓语)looking
6. ( 2017年新课标卷Ⅲ) But Sarah, who has taken part in shows along with top modelswants______(65)(prove) that she has brains as well as beauty. to prove
7.(2017年新课标卷Ⅰ)They arerequired ______(63)(process) the food that we eat, to recover from injury and for several other bodily functions. to process
8. ( 2014年新课标Ⅰ) Ittook years of work ______(65)(reduce ) the industrial pollution and clean the water.(非谓语) to reduce
9. (2014年新课标Ⅱ) Herefused______(66) (stop)until we reached the next stop.(非谓语动词) to stop
10.(2015年新课标卷Ⅱ)When a new day breaks, the walls have given up their heat and are nowcold enough ______(66)(cool) the house.(固定用法)to cool
11.(2016年新课标卷Ⅱ)If you find something you love doing outside of the office, you’llbe less likely ______(69)(bring) your work home.(固定搭配)to bring
12.(2018年新课标Ⅰ)You don't have to run fast or for long ______(62) (see) the benefit.(非谓语动词)to see
13.(2018年新课标Ⅲ)Once his message was delivered, heallowed me ______(70)(stay)and watch.(非谓语)to stay
14.(2019年新课标Ⅰ)Modern methods of tracking polar bear populations have been employed only since the mid-1980s, andare expensive ______(64)(perform) consistently over a large area.(非谓语)to perform
15.(2019年新课标Ⅱ)Shehad no plans ______(65)(retire)from her 36-year-old business.(非谓语)to retire
16.(2019年新课标Ⅲ)We couldn't help wonderinghow long it would take ______(62)(get)there.(非谓语)to get
17.(2020年新课标Ⅱ)Theyare easy ________ (68)(care) for and make great presents. (非谓语)to care
18.(2020年新课标Ⅲ)The next morning he hired a boat andset out _______ (67)(find) the well-known painter.(非谓语的固定搭配,set out to do sth:着手,开始做某事)
19.(2020年山东)As well as looking at exhibits, visitors can play with computer simulations(模拟)andimagine themselves living at a different time in history or ______ (43)(walk)through a rainforest.(非谓语, imagine sb doing)walking
20.(2021年全国乙卷)Activitiesthere range from whale watching to hiking (远足) and accommodationsaim ______(70)(have)a low impact on the natural environment.
21.(2021年全国甲卷)It is possible______(43) (walk) or bike the entire 14 kilometers.towalk
1. (2014年新课标Ⅱ)One morning, I was waiting at the bus stop, worried about ______(61) (be) late for school.(介词的功能)being
2.(2015年新课标卷Ⅱ)What makes the adobe dwellings admirable is their ability to “air condition” a house without ______(64)(use)electric equipment.(介词的基本功能)using
3.(2017年新课标卷Ⅰ)By ______(68) (eat) more fast food people will get more salt and fat than they need in their diet.介词后面加动名词形式eating
4.(2018年新课标Ⅰ)You may drink, smoke, be overweight and still reduce your risk of ______(63) (die) early by running.(非谓语动词)dying
5.(2019年新课标卷Ⅰ)Scientists have responded by ______(67) (note) that hungry bears may be congregating(聚集) around human settlements, leading to the illusion(错觉) that populations are higher than they actually are.介词后面加动名词形式noting
6.(2019年新课标Ⅱ)A 90-year-old has been awarded "Woman Of The Year" for ______(61)(be)Britain's oldest full-time employee — still working 40 hours a week.介词后面加动名词形式being
7.(2021年全国乙卷)Minimize the impact of ______(67)(visit) the placevisiting
8.(2021年全国甲卷)After ______(44) (spend) some time looking at all the defensive equipment at the wall, we decided it was time for some action and whatbetterthan to ride on a piece of history!spending
5. 定语从句
14.谓语 VS 非谓语
22、【问题解答】on a first-name basis什么意思?
25、【难点】一般过去时 VS 现在完成时