语法 | 20 Most Common Grammatical Mistakes (11-20)

语法 | 20 Most Common Grammatical Mistakes (11-20)


11. There/their/they’re

We’ve met this one before, too; it’s another example of those pesky homophones – words that sound the same but have different meanings.

The rules:

Hownotto do it:

How to do it properly:


Homophones – words that sound the same but have different meanings...

12. Fewer vs. Less

The fact that many people don’t know the difference between “fewer” and “less” is reflected in the number of supermarket checkout aisles designated for “10 items or less”. The mistake most people make is using “less” when they actually mean “fewer”, rather than the other way round.

The rules:

Hownotto do it:

How to do it properly:


“Fewer” refers to items you can count individually. “Less” refers to a commodity, such as sand or water, that you can’t count individually.

13. Amount vs. Number

These two work in the same way as “less” and “fewer”, referring respectively to commodities and individual items.

The rules:

Hownotto do it:

How to do it properly:

14. To/two/too

It’s easy to see why people get this one wrong, but there’s no reason why you should.

The rules:

Hownotto do it:

How to do it properly:

15. Then vs. Than

Confusion between “then” and “than” probably arises because the two look and sound similar.

The rules:

Hownotto do it:

How to do it properly:

16. I.e. and e.g.

These two abbreviations are commonly confused, and many people use them interchangeably. However, their uses are very different.

The rules:

Hownotto do it:

How to do it properly:

17. Affect vs. Effect

It’s an easy enough mistake to make given how similar these two words look and sound, but there’s a simple explanation to help you remember the difference.

The rules:

Hownotto do it:

How to do it properly:

18. Invite vs. Invitation

This mistake is now so common that it’s almost accepted as an alternative, but if you really want to speak English properly, you should avoid it.

The rules:

Hownotto do it:

How to do it properly:

19. Me/myself/I

The matter of how to refer to oneself causes all manner of conundrums, particularly when referring to another person in the same sentence. Here’s how to remember whether to use “me”, “myself” or “I”.

The rules:

Hownotto do it:

How to do it properly:

20. Who vs. Whom

Another conundrum arising from confusion over how to refer to people. There are lots in the English language!

The rules:

Hownotto do it:

How to do it properly:

Who vs. Whom vs. Whose


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