高三英语精品复习资料: 英语短文改错

高三英语精品复习资料: 英语短文改错

























































*Then I ask him “Grandma, how come you have so much lines on your hand”


*High over the water, theydiscovera hole in the balloon.The hole became bigger and bigger.

全篇使用过去时态,故改discover- -discovered


*Having fun with their friendsmakethem happy.


*But the most wonderful thing about jack werehis musical ability。

主语为the most wonderful thing故此,系词为was

*But not all informationaregood to society.



*In American big cities, thousandsselltickets to watch football or basketball games.(buy)




*I am looking forward toseeall of you again in the near future.(seeing)


*Not onlyplayfootball makes us grow up tall and strong but also gives us a sense of fair play and team spirit.

解析:主语应为动名词,故play football改为playing football


*The airkeepsthe balloon up was escaping quickly and the balloon was coming down.


*I found a small house standing in a field with a light shonefrom the sitting room.

解析:with a light shone改为with a light shining。a light和shining为主动关系。


*I just want to thank you for helping mebecominga different person.(become)

解析:help sb do sth故改becoming为become

*He did notwant sharethings with others.

解析:want to share sth. want后可跟不定式做宾语。


*I have some recordsgivingto me as birthday gifts.

解析:have sth done,some records和give是被动关系,故改为given。


*I came into the living room and saw one of them just go through the kitchen doorbutturn on the light.


*We would return at night to hearthathe`d picked up from the radio in the day.

解析:考查宾语从句,pick up缺宾语,故改that为what

*The classes helped me understandwhatthe world works


*He was silent for a moment.Sohe answered slowly: “Each of these lines stands for a trouble”



*You always gave mespeciallyattention.


*It isreala good chance to have met all of you here.


*My hometown has taken on a new look.Howgreatit has changed !



*This is my first visit toaAmerican family.(an)


*Each player must obeycaptain, who is the leader of the team.


*Suddenly, I caughtasight of my English teacher in the crowd.

解析:固定搭配catch sight of.故此去掉冠词a。



*I just smiled tomeand thought, …



*Besides, the foreign teachers here work hard and tryhisbest to make the activities lively and interesting.(his –their)

解析:主语是第三人称复数,因此try one`s best

【3】it/that/them /us

*I thoughtthatwas dull to watch a game in which players kicked a ball to each other.


*It was about noon when we arrived at the foot of the mountain.The three ofthemwere very excited.前后人称错误。故此改them为us.


*She marked strictly onstudent`sperformance.(students`)

解析:根据句意,学生们的表演,故改为students` performance

*Physics is one of the most difficultsubjectfor us (subjects )

解析:one of说明后面为复数形式。

*We practice three times every week and oftenwatchfootball match on TV together.


* I have nopapersto write on.



*He leftShanghaiata cold night.


*I am a new comerofa small town.

解析:根据句子意思,来自一个小镇come from a small town.

* I was caughtbythe rain last night

解析:固定短语be caught in the rain遇上雨。


*Thousandsselltickets to watch football or basketball games.


*Not all people like to workandeveryone like to play.





*They did not want breakfast becausethatthey were going out early in the morning.



*The crowd waitingforto greet them inEnglandwas very surprised.(for)



*Suddenly I caughtasight of my English teacher in the crowd.

解析:固定短语,catch sight of :偶然看见。


*My motherwasasked : “Have you taken medicine ?”





*He was looking for a glass ^the cupboard (in)

解析:根据句意,in the cupboard做状语。


*However, the popular teacher is at^sametime the one who should be strict with students.(the)



*In one class, I learned^ it rained(why)



*What ^your favorite sport ?(is)







Passage 1


Guan Qi, a 21-years-old college student fromJilin1.______Province, had won the Miss China 2003 beauty pageant2.______

in Sanya,HainanProvince, on September 21.3.______Besides judged on their looks, the 32 competitors4.______

were tested on their write ability, English skills,5._______

team-work and generally knowledge. Miss Guan Qi6._______

impressed the judges who present with her excellent7._______

replies during the question or answer section. She will8._______represent(代表) Chinese in the final of Miss World9._______

to be holding in Sanya on December 6.10._______

Passage 2

Today I showed some foreign friend around our city.1.________

We started off in car from the Friendship Hotel at 8:00 a. m.2._______

We first got toJinshanPark. We are all struck by its3._______

beautiful flowers on show. Then, we visited theCityMuseum.4._______

We saw plenty of valuable things, from that we learned a lot5.______

about the city. After that, they drove toJinshanTemple. That is6._______

a beautiful place of interest in our city, but there we enjoyed7._______

the wonderfully scenery of the sea. We had a delicious lunch at the 8._______

seafood Restaurant and we returned back at noon..All the foreign9.______

friends were pleased with my arrangement. We did have the10_____

wonderful time today.

Passage 3

Dear Mr. Brown,

I am writing to thank you with your kind help. 1______

Before you came to teach us, I had notinterest in2______

English.My pronunciation was terribly.I could 3_____

only speak a few words.But one and a half year later,4_____

I now think English fun to learn.I got a lot from your5____

encouraging words.I will always remember what you6.____

said,“If you try to, you can be No 1 !”I hope you`ve7____

had pleasant journey home and will come to china8_____

again sometimes in the future.I will write again 9_____

and send you the photos we take together10______

passage 4

There are advantage for students to work while 1_____

Studying at school.One of them was that2_____

they can earn money.For the most part,3______

students working to earn money for their own4____

use.Earning their own money allow them5 _____

to spend on anything as if they please.6_____

they wouldhave to ask their parents for7____

money or for permission to do things by8 ____

the money.Some students may also to save 9____

up for our college or future use.10______

passage 5

Dear Mr. Brown,

I am writing to thank you with your kind help. 1___

Before you came to teach us, I had not interest in 2_____

English.My pronunciation was terribly.I could3____

only speak a few words.But one and a half year later,4____

I now think English fun to learn.I got a lot from your 5___

encouraging words.I will always remember what you6____

said,“If you try to, you can be No 1 !”I hope you`ve___

had pleasant journey home and will come to china___

again sometimes in the future.I will write again 9____

and send you the photos we take together10____

passage 6

Dear Anish,

Here are the information aboutManchesterUniversity1.______

It is about 200 miles far away fromLondonand it 2______

has a very big schoolyard.You can live in the school 3____

or near the school.They have all sorts of course.4___ ___

I`m sure you will find one you like it.I know you 5___

are particular interested in human rights.So I will 6____

see that there is anything on their website 7____

I will send my friend Charlie meet you at the airport 8____

when you arrived.You met him a few years ago, but he 9___

has changed a lot since then.Both your aunt or I look 10___

forward to seeing you again.

passage 7

Dear Ralph,

I’m a senior student. I have be in love with a boy1______

for three years.

But he is a shy boy, so I wrote him a letter firstly2._______

to express my feeling. And he wrote back. In his letter3______

he said, “We are students. Our task is study. Let us wait4________

to see until we have any chance after graduation.” So5. ______

after graduation I called to him, asking him about6.________

go out. But he said he didn’t want to. He just7. ________

wanted to sleep and watched TV.8. _______

What do you think I should do? Do you think9.______

I should continue to love him and give up?10______


Passage 8

My hometown is a pretty city, so people there1._____________

are kind and polite.With coming of spring, grass and2. _____________

trees turn green,and flowers grew in many colors.3 ______________

In summer, the sea under the blue sky is even more4 ______________

beautiful.After autumn arrives, the city looks as5. _____________

an old man with leaves fallen from the trees.In winter,6. _____________

a lot of white birds come to my city for food.I can7. _____________

wait more patiently above the sea for quite a long8. ______________

time.While they find fish coming to the surface,9. _____________

they fly down immediate and catch them without10. ______________

delay.That is my city, and I love it so much.

passage 9

Dear doctor,

My name is Wang Lin. I’m a middle school student.I have

a problem and I’m writing to ask you for some advices.1._________

I’m just 1.57 meters high, and my weight is 71 kilos.Many2.__________

Students often make fun me.Some boys are unfriendly to me.3._________

They called me “ Meat Ball”. That makes me feel unhappy.4._________

I’m now worry about my weight. Though I am a bit too fat, I5.__________

feel rather good. I enjoy my meals. I love eating meat very6._________

much. And I like sweet food, either. I often have sugar with7._________

tea, milk, porridge, and even hot water. In the past two months8._________

I have put off 5 kilos. I’m worried about this problem,9.__________

but I don’t know what to lose weight quickly. Please help me,10_________

dear doctor!I hope to hear from you as soon as possible.

With best wishes,

Wang Lin

Passage 10

Women,present and ancient,at the home and 1.______abroad,wear long hair,that adds to their beauty.But few 2.______people realize it affects her brains.Hair grows constantly.3.______It takes in nourishment(营养) constantly.If it was short 4.______of nourishment,it’ll die and falls off.Body supplies hair with 5.______nourishment,it can’t be stopped even in a minutes.If it takes in 6.______too many,that means hair has already used too much 7.______nourishment which body gives it to the head.As time passes,8.______brain is relatively short of nourishment.It leads dizziness 9.______(头昏).Therefore one’s brains will be weakened.10.______

Passage 11

It’s easy to go downhill than to climb uphill:so it’s 1.____easier to fall into bad habits than into good one 2.____Bad habits don’t come suddenly.It come little by 3.____little.Schoolboys first picks up a little in school and on 4.____the streets.When they cannot write their homework,they 5.____copy from their schoolmate.If they see bigger boys 6.____smoking,they also want learn to smoke.When they 7.____get bigger,the habits become stronger or 8.____stronger,so that they can not longer get rid of 9.____them.What necessary it is that we get rid of the bad 10.____habits in the beginning!

Passage 12

Fred and I haven’t many in common. I sometimes1. __________

wonder why we were friends at all. Fred is2. __________

always busy make things. Everything he makes is3. __________

so perfect that I sometime feel envy at his skill.4. __________

My trouble is that I’m one of those lazy people.5. __________

Outside my work at the office, the only thing which6. __________

interests me is listening to the music. I have a7. __________

big collection of records but all day long the 8. __________

only thing I can think is when I’m going to9. __________

get home listen to a new piece.10. __________

passage 13

Mary was an university student. She didn’t havemuch1 ____

money and her parents were not rich, and she had an uncle2. ____

who had been fortunately enough to collect great wealth.3. ____

He always give her valuable Christmas and birthday presents.4. ____

When her uncle’s birthday came round, Mary wantedbuy him5. ____

something really special, but because she was rich, she did not6. ____

know how to get him. She went into the best shop in her7. ____

town and explained what her problem was to one of helpful8. ____

shop assistants. Finally she asked, “What do you have for9. ____

someone who has already got everything he wants or needs.10

The assistant sighed deeply and answered, “Envy, only envy.”


As the world enters the 21stcentury, the development in the 1 _____

science and technology will bring us much more new hopes and 2_____

chance we`ve never imagined before.People are hoping have 3_____

a peacefully and highly developed world.To catch up with 4_____

the new development and to be success in the new century the 5____

younger generation is required to have different kind of skills 6____

and abilities, such like the computer science and the English 7____

language.Otherwise one will be left behind.Young people should 8____

study even hard at school and prepare themselves mentally 9____and physically to meet with the challenge of the new century 10____

Passage 15

Mark Twain was born in a small town ofHorid.Whenhe is only 1___

twelve years old, his father died.Late he became a river boat pilot.2_____

Mark Twain was her pen name.During the American Civil War 3_____

He worked as a reporter and write a lot of stories.Gradually he 4____

made his mark and his work were popular.He became one of the 5_____

best known writer of the 19thcentury in the U.S.A.In his life 6____

Mark Twain wrote the number of stories and novels, on which 7____

“Adventure of Tom Sawyer” is the most famous one.His writings 8____

have been translated to many other languages, and they are 9_____

deeply love by the readers all over the world.10 ___



1. 21-years-old —–21-year-old2. had won ——-won3.√4.∧judged—— being5. written—— writing 6. generally—– general7.去掉who或who∧—were8. or —–and

9. Chinese—- China10. holding—- held


1.friend-friends 2.in –by 3.are—were 4right 5.that—which 6.they-we7.but—and 8.wondefully—wonderful 9 back/ 10the—a


1.with—for 2.not—no 3terribly—terrible 4. years—years 5.is6

Right7./to8 a9 sometimes—sometime 10 take –took


There areadvantagefor students to work while ___ advantages

Studying at school.One of themwasthatis

they can earn money.For the most part,

studentsworkingto earn money for their ownwork

use.Earning their own moneyallowthemallows

to spend on anything as if they please.╱if

they would∧have to ask their parents fornot

money or for permission to do thingsbywith

the money.Some students may also to save/to

up forourcollege or future use.their


Dear Mr. Brown,

I am writing to thank youwithyour kind help.for

Before you came to teach us, I hadnotinterest inno

English.My pronunciation wasterribly.I couldterrible

only speak a few words.But one and a halfyearlater,years

I now think English∧fun to learn.I got a lot from youris

encouraging words.I will always remember what youright

said,“If you tryto,you can be No 1 !”I hope you`ve/to

had∧pleasant journey home and will come to chinaa

againsometimesin the future.I will write againsometime

and send you the photos wetaketogethertook


Dear Anish,

Herearethe information aboutManchesterUniversity.___is___

It is about 200 miles far away fromLondonand it ___far___

has a very big schoolyard.You can live in the school__right__

or near the school.They have all sorts of course.___courses___

I`m sure you will find one you like it.I know you __it__

are particular interested in human rights.So I will ___particularly__

see that there is anything on their website ___if/whether__

I will send my friend Charlie meet you at the airport_to___

when you arrived.You met him a few years ago, but he__arrive_

has changed a lot since then.Both your aunt or I look __and_

forward to seeing you again.


Dear Ralph,

I’m a senior student. I have be in love with a boy1been

for three years.

But he is a shy boy, so I wrote him a letter firstly2.first

to express my feeling. And he wrote back. In his letter3. feelings

he said,“We are students. Our task isstudy. Let us wait4. to/studying

to see until we have any chance after graduation.” So5. if / whether

after graduation I called to him, asking him about6. to

go out. But he said he didn’t want to. He just7. going

wanted to sleep and watched TV.8. watch

What do you think I should do? Do you think9. √

I should continue to love him and give up?10 . or



1.so– and 2.the coming3. grew— grow4.right5.as–like6fallen–falling7.I–They8.去掉more9.While—When 10.immediate—immediately

Key 9

1 advices –advice 2 and—but3of 4 called –call 5 worry—worried 6 good –well 7 either –too 8 right 9 off –on 10 what –how

Key 10

1.去掉the 2.that─which 3.her─their4.was─is 5.falls─fall 6.minutes–minute7.many─much 8.去掉it 9 lead后加to10.√Key 11

1.Easy–easier2.(one)-ones3.It–They4.picks-pick5.right6.Schoolmate-schoolmates7.tolearn93.or–and9.not–no10.What-HowKey 121) many–much2) were–are3) make — making 4) sometime–sometimes5) right6) which – that 7)去掉the8) but — and9) think后加about10) listen前加to

Key 13

1.an—a 2 and—but 3 fortunately—fortunate 4 give—gave 5to buy 6.she—he 7how-what8the helpful.9 assistant — assistants 10 right

Key 14

1.in the science –in science2.much—many 3.hoping to 4.peacefully-peacful 5.success—successful 6.kind—kinds 7.like—as 8 right 9 hard—harder 10去掉with

Key 15

1is—was 2 Late-later 3.her—his 4.write—wrote 5 work—works 6.writer—writers

7.the—a 8.right 9 to—into 10.loved





主页-高考-高考号-高中知识点学习-高三英语精品复习资料: 英语短文改错