学院与澳大利亚格里菲斯学院(Griffith College)合作举办“大数据与会计”专业高等专科教育项目,通过引进国际优质教育资源和先进教育理念,实现两校联合培养具备双语交流能力、能够参与国际竞争的专业人才。
4、专升本对接大学实力雄厚。项目接轨的大学为澳大利亚格里菲斯大学、在2023年U.S. News全球最佳大学第203位,综合实力十分雄厚。
经济法基础、财务机器人应用与开发、Accounting for Decision Making(决策会计)、会计基础、Management Concepts(管理理念)、企业财务会计、Introduction to Marketing (市场营销导论)、大数据技术应用基础、Economics for Managers(管理者经济学)、Business Data Analysis(商业数据分析)、智慧化税费申报与管理、Money,Banking & Finance(货币银行与金融)、智能化成本核算与管理、管理会计实务、会计信息系统应用、Excel在财务中的应用、大数据技术在财务中的应用等。其中,由格里菲斯大学及学院选派外教承担的专业课程简介如下:
(一)决策会计(Accounting for Decision Making)
Objectives: Accounting for Decision Making aims to introduce students to the basic concepts and principles of accounting and to develop an understanding of the role of accounting information in economic decision-making and organizational control. The course will provide students with an understanding of the purpose, format and content of key financial statements that external decision makers use to assist them in their investment and/or lending decisions. The course also aims to provide students with an understanding of the role of accounting information in business planning, tactical and decision-making, and control by managers within organizations. During the process students will begin to develop critical analysis, evaluation and problem solving skills.
(二)管理者经济学(Economics for Managers)
Objectives: The key objectives of this course are to introduce students to the basic principles and concepts of macroeconomics, building upon micro-economic foundations, and to introduce students to the role that economic factors can play in influencing household, business, and government decision-making processes. Upon successful completion of this course, students should be able to understand the behaviour of consumers and markets through analysis of basic micro-economic concepts; to apply macroeconomic concepts to measure economic performance in the areas of production, price movements, labour and economic growth; to develop skills to manage the economy back to full employment using the knowledge of measuring economic performance; and to enhance generic problem solving and critical thinking skills for practical real world macroeconomic problem solving.
(三)货币银行与金融(Money Banking & Finance)
Objectives: This course provides an overview of the Australian financial system, particularly the role of the financial markets and institutions. It also presents a brief survey of the theory of money and an analysis of the conduct of monetary policy in recent years. It provides a basic understanding of the participants, roles, functions, products and operations of the various types of financial institutions, markets and instruments that make up a modern financial system.
(四)商业数据分析(Business Data Analysis)
Objectives: This course is designed to provide students with the basic statistical techniques needed for the study of their discipline. It aims to provide recognition where statistical analysis may be of benefit and introduce the range of methods that may apply to a given situation using real world examples. After successfully completing this course, students should be able to: Recognise situations where statistical analysis using different variables and types of data would be of benefit; Summarise statistical information graphically or numerically to support data interpretation and analysis; Explain how probability and sampling are used as a basis of making inferences about business problems; Analyse data appropriately through a range of methods to make inferences about business problems.
(五)管理理念(Management Concepts)
Objectives: This course has two distinct but inter-related aims. These are outlined below. First, the course seeks to ensure that all students have an understanding of broad management concepts and their inter-relationships in a global context. Effective management is essential for the success of all private, not for-profit and public organizations no matter where in the world they are located. How to plan and make decisions, organize, lead and control, how to motivate staff, and manage change in different business environments. Second, the course aims to instill in students the principles of management research. As successful graduates, employers will expect from you a capacity to apply knowledge of management. In this course students will be asked to identify an issue or potential issue from nominated case studies, and propose a recommendation to the issue. Students should support their argument using management theory and research. Through this activity students will build skills in decision-making, communication, and teamwork that will be further developed through future management studies and work.
(六)市场营销导论(Introduction to Marketing)
Objectives: Marketing is not so much a business discipline as a business philosophy. Marketing is about putting both customers and consumers at the centre of a companys thinking. Companies with a marketing focus understand their businesses in terms of the needs and wants of their customers. This course provides the foundational knowledge to help students to formulate, at a basic level, innovative solutions to meet those needs and wants.
Eliot Sanft ,格里菲斯学院课程主管、金融课教研组组长,澳大利亚经济学会和澳大利亚金融规划协会现任成员。曾担任新西兰政府财政部经济学家,之后从事投资和基金管理,作为持证基金经理担任英国和香港公司的财务顾问。2000年开始结合自身多年的金融行业从业经验在格里菲斯学院教学,包括投资分析与管理、经济学和金融学等,Eliot的教学特色是将理论与实践有效融合。
(Eliot Sanft)
Dr. Allen Huang, 格里菲斯大学商学院会计、财务与经济系高级讲师和博士生导师,在格里菲斯大学执教超过三十年。黄博士主要的教学领域包括财务会计、管理会计和国际会计。研究领域包括国际会计、行为会计、财务会计、外币换算、汇率风险控制、亚太区金融报告、金融理财,并在多份世界顶级学术期刊发表学术论文。撰写学术专著一本,在新加坡出版(英文),并被日本学者译成日文出版。Dr. Allen Huang多次获得格里菲斯大学表彰,包括获得“格里菲斯国际化杰出贡献奖”,是格里菲斯大学最受学生欢迎的教师之一。
(Dr. Allen Huang)
Dr. Allen Huang, 格里菲斯大学商学院会计、财务与经济系高级讲师和博士生导师,在格里菲斯大学执教超过三十年。黄博士主要的教学领域包括财务会计、管理会计和国际会计。研究领域包括国际会计、行为会计、财务会计、外币换算、汇率风险控制、亚太区金融报告、金融理财,并在多份世界顶级学术期刊发表学术论文。撰写学术专著一本,在新加坡出版(英文),并被日本学者译成日文出版。Dr. Allen Huang多次获得格里菲斯大学表彰,包括获得“格里菲斯国际化杰出贡献奖”,是格里菲斯大学最受学生欢迎的教师之一。
(Alastair McWhir)
Jeremy Tan ,格里菲斯学院资深讲师,因其在学习和教学以及学生关注方面的卓越持续表现和杰出成就,以及对大学工作的贡献,获得格里菲斯学院学术总监表彰奖,同时在昆士兰科技大学任职并并获校长卓越奖,并评为格里菲斯学院提名最多的最受欢迎讲师。
(Jeremy Tan)
Dr. Evelyn Anderson 格里菲斯学院深讲师,格里斯大学会计金融与经济学导师。从事经济学和国际商业讲师工作二十多年,曾多次获教学卓越奖,并在多个世界顶级学术期刊及学术研讨会上发表学术论文。所发表论文曾获得了东亚经济研究局颁发的“最佳论文”奖。同时,Dr. Anderson是亚洲商业管理协会(ABMC)国际能力管理协会(ICCBM)、商业历史学家协会(ABH)等多个相关领域专业协会的成员。
(Dr. Evelyn Anderson)
2019级学生郭利荣获2021年 “外研社 国才杯”全国英语写作大赛湖北赛区全一等奖。
2020级学生周子达荣获2021年 “外研社 国才杯”全国英语演讲大赛湖北赛区全二等奖。
2020级学生王仪方荣获 “中国教育电视台 外研社杯”职场英语挑战赛英语演讲大赛三等奖。