朱宣咸 (作)
木刻版画, 31.5×23.9cm, 1959年于重庆
By Zhu Xuanxian
Woodcut, 31.5×23.9cm,
In Chongqing City, China, 1959
该作品入选1959年“第三届全国美术作品展”,1959年“第四届全国版画展览”,被中国美术馆收藏, 1962年又被入选“纪念毛主席在延安文艺座谈会上的讲话发表二十年来全国优秀美术作品展”,2000年被邀请参加“中国百年版画展”,后入编《中国百年版画(1900--2000)》。
Night, combined with a brand new style and fertile imagination, shows a maid is seeing after a sleeping baby at a beautiful night with soothing wind and bright moon, just like a sweet, peaceful and graceful serenade.
Zhu Xuanxian’s works are featured with vivid orientations to the times and the society.
Before the Liberation in 1949, based on his own experiences of dropping out of school, being unemployed and even being imprisoned, he created a number of works shocking as a dagger that reflected from multiple aspects the darkness of the society and the miseries and fighting of the people at that time. Afterwards, since the foundation of the P.R.C and the starting of the reform and opening-up, the significant social activities in politics, economy and thoughts have also left vivid traces in his works. With his abundant enthusiasm seeming to be the grand symphony or the stream-like lyric poem now and then, he praised the new China, the new society and the pure and beautiful nature.
From these historical paintings with the features of the times and the society, we can read clearly the emotional journey of Zhu Xuanxian’s artistic career and his persistent pursuit for truth and brightness as well as the artistic and natural beauty.