










    圣菱艺术中心-《圣菱画廊》座落在幽雅、宁静的卢湾区绍兴路,画廊面积203平方米, 层高5米,展线80米,可同时展出作品60幅,画廊经营者自1989年以来从业至今,有着丰富的专业和市场经验,2004年同中国油画协会联手成功举办《江南行》中国当代油画家赴江南采风写生活动。画廊已为老艺术家鲍加、崔开玺、沈天万,当代艺术家段正渠、陈淑霞、徐晓燕举办个展,《黄山四君》、《江南行》、《骄阳下的绿荫》、《色界》、《新年合奏》、《在上海》、《三种目光》等大型主题联展。今年九月又和中国当代知名画家赴俄罗斯进行《金色吉雅河》采风写生活动。2004年11月荣获文化部颁发首批“中国诚信画廊”荣誉证书。画廊与上海文艺出版社、北京教育出版社合作已出版《金色吉雅河》、《段正渠》、《三种目光》油画集。画廊以坚实的学院为背景,把握当代、瞻仰前辈、关注未来为宗旨。求变化,求发展,愿同画家、收藏家一起为繁荣规范我国文化艺术市场共同探索、发展。
  Sheng- Ling Art Center-Sheng- Ling Gallery, located on the retired, quiet Shaoxing Road, Luwan District, Shanghai, covers an area of 203 square meters. The gallery measures 5 meters high, and its exhibition line is as long as 80 meters, therefore , the gallery can hold 60 pieces of artistic works for exhibition. Since 1989, the President Mr. Chen has been devoted to the gallery, so he is richly experienced in artistic specialty and marketing. In 2004, Sheng-Ling- Gallery and China Oil Painting Association co-held a called Journey to south of the Yangtse River of China activity for Chinese contemporary oil painters to investigate the customary practices and draw live things successfully. The gallery has respectively held their individual works exhibition for old artists Bao Jia, Cui Kaixi, Shen Tianwan and contemporary artists Duan zhengqu, Chen Shuxia and Xu Xiaoyan. Many large theme exhibitions have also been held jointly, the theme exhibitions include Four Gentlemen on the Huang Mountain, Journey to south of the Yangtse River of China, Green Shade in the Burning Sun, Clour World,Rendition of New Year,In Shanghai and Three kind if eyssight.In September, 2004, our gallery organized well-known Chinese contemporary painters to go to Russia, held a customary practice investigating and live-drawing activity called Golden Jiya River. In November, 2004, our gallery was awarded the honorary certificate-China Trustworthy Gallery-by State Ministry of Culture. Before this point, no gallery in China was awarded such certificate.Sheng-Ling-Gallery with Shanghai Literature and Art Publishing House and Beijing Education Publishing House have published three albums named Golden Jiya River,Duan zhengqu and three kind of eyssight Our gallery is based on stable academies. It aims at grasping the contemporary trends, looking at artistic predecessors with reverence and looking to the future. We always seek changing and development. Every painter, every collector, please put our strength together, strive to prosper and standardize China’s cultural market.
画廊地址:上海绍兴路19号丙 主持:陈刚
Address: No. 19C, Shaixing Road, Shanghai President:Chen Gang
电话:(86-21)64737319 传真:(86-21)64731014
Telephone:(86-21)64737319 Fax:(86-21)64731014
Post Code:200020  
web: www.网址未加载




