pini leibovich 从1989开始就是以色列特拉维夫市设计界的风云人物,他在艺术中心教书的同时,也为一些公司做产品设计,而且在做这些设计的同时,他还从不间断个人的设计研究,从制图、色彩及原料选用方面都进行了许多试验。
pini 在耶路撒冷的艺术设计学院学的工业设计,但他毕业后,为了还是从事设计工作,他去了一个做地板装材的小公司,就是靠着自己的勤学苦干,终于在1997年开创了自己的设计制作室,并让他在当地小有名气,也使他的设计思想得到了更好的发挥舞台。
experiments in wood
experiments in wood
model of a table
experiments in wood
organic table
chairs contructed in steel and cellophane
rolls of cellophane
pini with his chairs, one also covered in balloons
cellophane chair with balloons
detail of chair
vintage chair put on a wooden box ...
balloon carpet ...
balloon carpet covering the chair
detail of balloons
detail of the back of the balloon net
man shaped balloon carpet
different forms can be made with the the movement of the balloons...
making it look different all the time
pini with his 'moving',coffee table