

1.北非谍影 (Casablanca 1942)
2.乱世佳人 (Gone With The Wind 1939)
3.西城故事 (West Side Story 1961)
4.罗马假日 (Roman Holiday 1953)
5.金玉盟 (An Affair to Remember 1957)
6.往日情怀 (The Way We Were 1973)
7.齐瓦格医生 (Doctor Zhivago 1965)
8.大富之家 (It`s a Wonderful Life 1946)
9.爱情故事 (Love Story 1970)
10.城市之光 (City Lights 1931)
11.安妮.霍尔 (Annie Hall 1977)
12.窈窕淑女 (My Fair lady 1964)
13.走出非洲 (Out of Africa 1885)
14.非洲皇后 (The African Queen 1951)
15.呼啸山庄 (Wuthering Heights 1939)
16.雨中曲 (Singin` in the Rain 1952)
17.月色撩人 (Moonstruck 1987)
18.迷魂计 (Vertigo 1958)
19.人鬼情未了 (Ghost 1990)
20.乱世忠魂 (From Here to Eternity 1953)
21.风月俏佳人 (Pretty Woman 1990)
22.金色池塘 (On Golden Pond 1981)
23.旅行者 (Now,Voyager 1942)
24.金刚 (King Kong 1933)
25.当哈瑞遇见莎莉 (When Harry met Sally ... 1989)
26.淑女伊芙 (The Lady Eve 1941)
27.音乐之声 (The Sound of Music 1965)
28.街角商店 (The Shop Around the Corner 1940)
29.军官与绅士 (Ah Officer and a Gentleman 1982)
30.欢乐时光 (Swing Time 1936)
31.国王与我 (The King and I 1956)
32.黑色胜利 (Dark Victory 1939)
33.茶花女 (Camille 1937)
34.美女与野兽 (Beauty and the Beast 1991)
35.琪琪 (Gigi 1958)
36.断肠云雨 (Random Harvest 1942)
37.泰坦尼克号 (Titanic 1997)
38.一夜风流 (It Happened One Night 1934)
39.花都艳舞 (An American in paris 1951)
40.妮诺奇嘉 (Ninotchka 1939)
41.甜姐儿 (Funny Girl 1968)
42.安娜.卡列尼娜 (Anna Karenina 1935)
43.一个明星的诞生 (A Star is Born 1954)
44.费城故事 (The Philadelphia Story 1940)
45.西雅图不眠夜 (Sleepless in Seattle 1993)
46.捉贼记 (To Catch a Thief 1955)
47.天涯何处无芳草 (Splendor in the Grass 1961)
48.巴黎最后的探戈 (Last Tango in Paris 1961)
49.邮差总按两次铃 (The Postman Always Rings twice 1946)
50.莎翁情史 (Shakespeare in Love 1998)
51.管教贝贝 (Bring Up baby 1938)
52.毕业生 (The Graduate 1967)
53.郎心似铁 (A Place in the Sun 1951)
54.龙凤配 (Sabrina 1954)
55.赤色分子 (Reds 1981)
56.英国病人 (The English Patient 1996)
57.丽人行 (Two for the Road 1967)
58.猜猜谁来吃晚餐 (Guess Who`s Coming to Dinner 1967)
59.梦旅人 (Picnic 1955)
60.逃亡 (To Have and Have Not 1944)
61.在蒂凡尼处早餐 (Breakfast at Tiffany`s 1961)
62.桃色公寓 (The Apartment 1960)
63.日出 (Sunrise 1927)
64.马蒂 (Marty 1955)
65.雌雄大盗 (Bonnic and Clyde 1967)
66.曼哈顿 (Manhattan 1979)
67.欲望之车 (A Streetcar Named Desire 1951)
68.疯狂飞车大闹唐人街 (Wath`s Up,Doc?)
69.哈洛与慕德 (Harold and Maude 1971)
70.理智与情感 (Sense and Sensibillty 1995)
71.往事如烟 (Way Down East 1920)
72.爱上罗姗 (Roxanne 1987)
73.寡妇情深结鬼缘 (The Ghost and Mrs.Muir 1947)
74.小姑居处 (Woman of the Year 1942)
75.白宫奇缘 (The American President 1995)
76.蓬门今始为君开 (The Quiet Man 1952)
77.春闺风月 (The Awful Truth 1937)
78.归来 (Coming Home 1978)
79.红衫泪痕 (Jezebel 1939)
80.沙漠情酋 (The Sheii 1921)
81.再见女郎 (The Goodbay Girl 1977)
82.证人 (Witness 1985)
83.摩洛哥 (Morococ 1930)
84.双重保险 (Double Indemnity 1944)
85.生死恋 (Love is a Many-Spendored Thing 1955)
86.美人计 (Notorious 1946)
87.布拉格之恋 (The Unbearable Lighthness of Beihg 1988)
88.公主新娘 (The Princess Bride 1987)
89.灵欲春宵 (Who`s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? 1966)
90.廊桥遗梦 (The Bridges of Madison 1995)
91.打工女郎 (Working Girl 1988)
92.波基与贝斯 (Porgy and Bess 1959)
93.辣身舞 (Dirty Dancing 1987)
94.焚身 (Body Heat 1981)
95.小姐与** (Lady and the Tramp 1955)
96.斗气夫妻 (Barefoot in the Park 1967)
97.油脂 (Grease 1978)
98.钟楼驼侠 (The Hunchgack of Notre Dame 1939)
99.枕边细语 (Pillow Talk 1959)
100.甜心先生 (Jerry Maguire 1996)



