自2006年12月至今,经一年多的精心而又艰巨的筹备,由惠生艺术中心、上海惊蛰艺术联盟联合举办的上海国际陶艺家邀请展暨《世界当代公共环境艺术•陶艺》终于在2008年1月1日在上海浦东惠生艺术中心成功举办。这近10年来上海市举办的参展艺术家国家最多的大型国际展览,本次活动在海内外产生较大影响,展览得到许多国际艺术机构和著名陶艺家的支持。其中联合国教科文组织世界陶艺协会主席珍尼特•曼斯菲尔德(Janet Mansfield)写序,美国哈佛大学陶艺中心主任南西•塞尔维吉(Nancy Selvage)学术支持,阿根廷San Nicolas市市长支持与表彰,同时本次活动策展人张玉山先生受到阿根廷San Nicolas市市长“中国-阿根廷文化艺术交流使者”荣誉勋章。
2.其中实物原作展来自中国、美国、加拿大、英国、德国、澳大利亚、日本、韩国、以色列、挪威、波兰、阿根廷、瑞士、荷兰、捷克和匈牙利等近20个国家的50多位著名艺术家的60多件优秀的陶艺作品参展。其中有欧洲陶艺中心前主任安东•赖金德斯(Anton Rejinders), 阿根廷国家艺术学院陶艺系主任威尔玛•维拉韦德(Wilma Villaverde)教授,挪威国家艺术学院陶艺系主任乌拉•里斯莱鲁德(Ole Lislerud) 教授。通过这批作品传达出了陶艺由传统概念上的工艺品范畴,向当代主流艺术转化的明显倾向,同时通过来自十几个国家艺术家们的展出作品,我们将会从中辨认出不同国家陶艺家们之间迥异的风格特质。
惠生艺术中心 上海惊蛰艺术联盟
协 办:
2008 Shanghai International Ceramic Invitation Exhibition & Literature Exhibition of World Contemporary Public Ceramic Art "
"2008 Shanghai International ceramic Invitation Exhibition & Literature Exhibition of World Contemporary Public Ceramic Art " has successfully open on Dec. 28th 2007 through hard plan for more than a year since winter of 2006 at last.
The development of Chinese modern ceramic is strictly speaking origin in the early 1980s of 20th century. It developing fast in recently 10 through continuously promote development, particularly in the last five years, along with China's overall ecological environment of art the continuous optimization, the sustainability of Chinese contemporary ceramic art space development greatly expand access to, in this context, as a useful academic attempt. It co-sponsored by Wison Arts Center, Shanghai Jingzhe Art Association." 2007 Shanghai contemporary international ceramic invitation exhibition" hopes that through structure a international ceramic art display platform, in order to promote international exchange at the same time, to promote further ceramic in the world in this great frame of reference for the establishment of a global vision in Shanghai public on the contemporary ceramic, to explore ceramic art in the use of public space, strengthen national artists between academic exchanges and cooperation.
The Theme of This exhibition is "Harmonious and Symbiotic". Ceramics go out from the museum protected environment and futzing type, gradually melt into people's lives, into the public environment space, to meet people back to nature and realize "Human---Nature ---society" harmonious and symbiotic.
The exhibition by some of the literature and in-kind works composed of two parts.
1. Documents show some 30 countries from the outstanding public environmental artist of hundred pieces of classic literature environment ceramic works, including: architectural ceramic and murals, sculptures and outdoors installations ceramic, landscape ceramic and brickwork four parts. Demonstrated the system on behalf of the world public areas of the highest level ceramic works profiles.
2. Another part is original work exhibition from China, the United States, Canada, England, France, Germany, Australia, Japan, Korea, Israel, Norway, Poland, Argentina, Switzerland, the Netherlands, the Czech Republic and Hungary etc. nearly 20 countries more than 40 outstanding artists’ works exhibitors. we will identify different from the national ceramic are differences between the style of orientation.
Directed by: Shanghai Zhangjiang Function Area Administration Committee
Sponsored by:
Wison Art Center Shanghai Jingzhe Art Association
Curator: Zhang Yushan
International Co-ordinate: Sylvia Nagy(USA)
Co-supported by:
Cerami Program at Harvard University
Jingdezhen Sanbao Ceramic Institute
Special Supported by:
2008上海国际陶艺家邀请展2008 Shanghai International Ceramic Invitation Exhibition
2008上海国际陶艺家邀请展开幕式--2008 Shanghai International Ceramic Invitation Exhibition Opening
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2008上海国际陶艺家邀请展开幕式--2008 Shanghai International Ceramic Invitation Exhibition Opening
2008上海国际陶艺家邀请展开幕式--2008 Shanghai International Ceramic Invitation Exhibition Opening
展览场景Exhibition Document
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