BIMUN 2017 | First Announcement of BIMUN 2017

BIMUN 2017 | First Announcement of BIMUN 2017


Youth in Action:Leading from the Front


Beijing International Model United Nations 2017


Dear Sir/Madam:

We are pleasedto announce that China Foreign Affairs University will host Beijing International Model United Nations 2017with the overarching theme of “Youth in Action:Leading from the Front”on May 11thto14th , 2017on China Foreign Affairs University Shahe Campus in Beijing. During the event,the second Plenary Conferenceof China Inter-University Model United Nations Association will be also held.

This year, Beijing Model United Nations (BMUN),hosted by China Foreign Affairs University since 2002, officially changes its name to Beijing International Model United Nations(BIMUN). Meanwhile, the conference will comprehensivelyadopt the Beijing Rules of Procedure, which is pioneeredand advocated by BIMUN. This move marks a new stage of development for BIMUN and indicates a greater mission and responsibilityshoulderedby BIMUN as well.

Serving asthe premier national MUN gathering in China, BIMUN received considerablesupport from the Ministry of Foreign AffairsofPeople’s Republic of China, China Communist Youth League Central Committee, United Nations Association of China, and United Nations System in Chinaevery year.It provides a unique platform for students to promote theirunderstanding of international relations andthe operating model of UN. As the vanguard who first introduced MUN to China, China Foreign Affairs University features a long and glorious MUN history. BIMUN represents the highest academic Standard in China, and is aflagship conference in the nationalscope.

Beijing InternationalModel United Nations will stick to its practice as an invitational Model United Nations conference. We do not recruit delegates and participating schools publicly. BIMUN 2017 intends to further expand in terms of conference scale and the range of participation. We are prepared to invite around 70 prominent universities (including those in the Mainland, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau, as well as prestigiousinstitutions from overseas) and over 30 distinguishedhigh schoolsas well.We will be sending formal invitations to the invited schools recently to your contact mailboxand we sincerely hope that those letters would find you well.

In view of the restrictions of site and personnel of Shahe Campus, we managed to enlarge the overall scale of delegates but we are currently unable to involve so many delegates as to fully meet the demand. Giving thought to the consistentsupport and favor from MUN lovers and the positiveattempt last year, we will continue toopen floor to the public withrecruitment of observers. Please be aware of the updates of registration notice in March.

Furthermore, based on the demand of this conference, we would also be appreciated to recruit severalco-chair members from Russia, UK, Japan, Republic of Korea, Indonesia, Malaysia and other foreign countries. Please notice relevant follow-up information for details.

General Conference Information

Theme:Youth in Action:Leading from the Front


2017 BIMUNConferences Sessions:May 11th to 14th,2017

The 2nd Plenary Conferenceof China Inter-University Model United Nations Association: May 13th, 2017

Venue: Shahe Campus, China Foreign Affairs University

Number of Participants: About500

Official Website: www.网址未加载

WeChat Official Account: CFAUMUNA

Official Weibo:

Facebook:Beijing International Model United Nations

Enquiry: contact@网址未加载

Committees and Topics



Disarmament and International Security Committee (DISEC), First Committee of the General Assembly of the United Nations

Topic A: Terrorist Decapitation Strike

Topic B: Methods to Combat Terrorist Recruitment

Working language: English

Delegation: Single

Rules of Procedure: Beijing Rules of Procedure

Profound and complex changes have taken place in the world since the sensational yet heartbreaking 9/11, making the combat of terrorism a heated topic in the Model United Nations.

This year, the Disarmament and International Security Committee (DISEC) will focus on two sub-topics of global anti-terrorism operations, the terrorist decapitation strikes and methods to prevent terrorist recruitment. In the era of information, new phenomena in the counter-terrorism practice should be given adequate attention with further analysis. With the gradual withdrawal of the United States forces from Iraq, counter-terrorism operations transformed from large-scale, direct confrontation into small, fixed-point strikes. Such military operations changed from head-to-head crossfire to drone attacks, while the targets shifted from terrorist organizations as a whole to individual terrorist leaders. The removing of head of terrorist groups is an effort led majorly by the United States with the killing of Osama Bin Laden was then a major victory in their anti-terrorism campaign. However, according to the surveys conducted, decapitations were not that significant as it otherwise considered would be. Terrorist groups are still rampaging across the globe. One cannot be too optimistic about the current situation. Despite international cooperation, the terrorist forces are still expanding. They went extremes to gain capital, personnel, materials through a variety of channels covertly. Recruitment through social network sites now emerges as a new feature of terrorist organizations.

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Topic A: Investment in Zero Hunger Project

Topic B: Food Security under Climate Change

Working language: English

Delegation: single

Rules of Procedure: Beijing Rules of Procedure

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) was set up on Oct. 16, 1945, aiming at guaranteeing the living standards of people around the world, improving the efficiency of production and distribution of all food and agricultural products, improving the lives of rural population, promoting the development of rural economy and ultimately eradicating hunger and poverty.

This year’s Beijing International Model United Nations will mainly focus on the challenges and future of the actions the UN takes to eliminate hunger and poverty during a new period. The ratification of the Paris Agreement in Dec. 2015 marked the formation of a new response framework to climate changes, and the initiation of the investment to FAO “zero hunger” project further proves UN’s resolution to reduce hunger and poverty. Delegates, under this structure, will together solve the hunger problems, food potential security hazards existing in the FAO projects and current international community, as well as to set proposals for improvement of the Green Food Movement and initiatives related to sustainable development.

FAO Committee implements single delegate system and the Beijing Rules of Procedure which are more expected for the comparison of multi-dimensional and broad-breadth proposals. Welcome to join us in the Food and Agriculture Organization Committee of Beijing International Model United Nations 2017 with your contribution to the eradication of hunger and poverty!

The Ocean Conference

TopicA: Sustainable Use of Marine Resources

TopicB: Protection of Navigation Safety

Working Language: English

Delegation: double

Rules of Procedure: Beijing Rules of Procedure

The world’s oceans – their temperature, chemistry, currents and life – drive global systems that make the Earth habitable for humankind. Our rainwater, drinking water, weather, climate, coastlines, much of our food, and even the oxygen in the air we breathe, are all ultimately provided and regulated by the sea. Throughout history, oceans and seas have been vital conduits for trade and transportation. Careful management of this essential global resource is a key feature of a sustainable future.

The first United Nations Ocean Conference will be convened from 5 to 9 June 2017, coinciding with the World Oceans Day. Targeting at supporting and facilitating the implementation of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 14, the conference will mainly focus on the conservation of marine biodiversity and sustainable exploitation of marine resources. However, as a long-term strategy, SDG 14 has not yet promoted effective actions owing to unbalanced financial and technological distribution, inconsistent regulations and supervisions as well as insufficient institutional and intergovernmental cooperation. Meanwhile, insurance of maritime transportation safety is also crucial to commercial trade and the lives of passengers on board. Oil leakage, pirates, illicit traffic and the elements are all apprehensions for sailors and travelers. When pondering over these issues, economic, social and political issues should be all be highlighted. The committee expects delegates to come up with a delicate blueprint for sustainable development and use of marine resources and protection of navigation safety.

International Criminal Police Organization


Topic A: Tackling Transnational Network of Drug Cultivation and Trafficking

Topic B: Suppressing Trafficking for Tissue, Cells and Organs

Working language: English

Delegation: Single

Rules of Procedure: Rules of Procedure of the ICPO-INTERPOL General Assembly

As the world’s second largest political organization after the United Nations in terms of membership (190 by 2015), the International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL) aims to prevent and fight crimes through enhanced cooperation on police and security matters. The Organization works to provide law enforcement officers around the globe with high-tech infrastructure of operational support that cracks down on terrorism, genocide, illicit drug production, money laundering, weapons smuggling, and other crimes threatening public safety, meanwhile keeping itself as politically neutral as possible.

Of all illegal activities that require collaborative efforts of international police, drug-related crimes and human trafficking stand out as two of the most profitable and thus threatening crimes of the 21st century. Both involve various types and serve multiple unlawful purposes, endangering lives of millions, in rich and poor countries alike. Taken the formidable situation into serious concern, International Criminal Police Organization of Beijing International Model United Nations 2017 focuses its agenda on fighting drug-related crimes and human trafficking. Delegates are expected to come up with constructive solutions for human rights protection and world peace.

Federation International de Football Association


Topic A: Bidding for the 2026 World Cup

Topic B: Football, as a safer game

Working language: English

Delegation: Mixed Delegation

Rules of Procedure: Beijing Rules of Procedure

The World Cup winner must simultaneously possess exquisite skills, elaborate tactics and outstanding resistance, while competing for the host of the world’s most influential sports gathering—the World Cup does not only require the showcase of strong national power, but also wit and charisma of applicants. Your performance counts. Which country will claim the honor of hosting the 2026 FIFA World Cup? You are chosen to make the decision.

The 2016 football world was filled with terrorist threat, notorious cases of hooligan provocation, frequent occurrences of robbery and theft, unexpected terrible incidents on fields…such shadow blots out the incoming 2018 Russian World Cup and every other match. Voices of change are loud and desperate. Football has long been regarded as the most influential sports, and it is our joint responsibility to make football game a safer one with constructive ideas and proposals.

BIMUN 2017, FIFA, Your Choice, Your Football.

International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)

Topic A: Nuclear Emergency Response Mechanism

Topic B: The Future of Nuclear Cooperation

Working language: English

Delegation: double

Rules of Procedure: Beijing Rules of Procedure

With the huge progress of human society, the demand of acquiring renewable energy keeps rising up. Accordingly, countries are actively focusing on the development of nuclear industry. However, chances are followed by challenges, and security concerns on the nuclear facilities are under hot debate--how to achieve global cooperation on nuclear tech and, in the meantime, to prevent the possible nuclear proliferation that might be derived from such cooperation? How to reform current mechanism in order to run better supervision on each nation's nuclear research and collaboration? What actions should we take on nuclear terrorism? How to deal with nuclear waste more safely? What kind of emergency response mechanism ought to be in place to prevent the recurrence of the tragedy in Chernobyl and Fukushima? Such problems will be thoroughly discussed under the structure of International Atomic Energy Agency, which is an intergovernmental organization aiming for better technical cooperation on atomic energy within the UN system. This year, the IAEA committee will take the 60th anniversary of IAEA's foundation as a chance to focus on main concerns of nuclear security in the new era and nuclear issues urgent to be solved including the control of nuclear proliferation, regulation of nuclear waste and nuclear emergency mechanism.

Social, Humanitarian and Cultural Committee (SOCHUM), Third Committee of the General Assembly of the United Nations

Topic A: The status of women in an aging society

Topic B: The rights of girls

Working language: Chinese

Delegation: Double

Roles of Procedure: Original Robert's Rules of Order

There is a saying from Mencius, ‘Expend the respect of the aged in one’s family to that of other families; expend the love of the young ones in one’s family to that of other families.’

The elder and the young, the vulnerable in the society, need more protection. Therefore, it is also the mission of the United Nations since its inception that we should heed to and support them and build a more amiable international community.

Social, Humanitarian and Cultural Committee (SOCHUM) in Beijing International Model United Nations 2017 will focus on the rights of girls and the status of women in an aging society. We are more than concerned about the prejudices and harassments faced by girls from birth all over the world, the discrimination and challenges they face in their growing-up, and the new problems that women face in employment and retirement in the process of aging.

To protect the rights of girls and to care for women in an aging society, the United Nations is in action.

Joint Crisis Cabinet

Topic: Cuba Missile Crisis

Working language: Chinese

Delegation: Single

Roles of Procedure: Roles of Procedure for Joint Crisis Cabinet

Turning the page of history to 1960s, the European continent was frequently baffled by turmoil and chaos after the World War II. In the meanwhile, the world’s attention was then drawn on the Caribbean area by the end of 1962. Under such circumstances, Cuba, enduring a deteriorating bilateral relationship with the US, decided to agree on the proposals of the Soviet Union on missile deployment, which triggered the later well-known trilateral crisis threatening the hard-earned peace of the world after 1945. Joint Crisis Cabinet in Beijing International Model United Nations this year, will mainly focus on the political simulation of the Cuban Missile Crisis in the history. In a Cabinet-run system requiring real-time reactions, the US, the Soviet Union and Cuba are expected to face all-round challenges including international and domestic problems. Would there be an end of the world or a salvage of a peaceful agreement? Let’s wait and see.

Le Conseil de Sécurité de l’Organisation des Nations Unies

Issue : La Crise en Syrie

Langue : Franais

Taille : Seul délégué

Règlement des rles : Règlement des rles de Beijing

Avec ses 15 membres, le Conseil de Sécurité s’applique à maintenir la paix et la sécurité internationales depuis son naissance en 1946. Constatant les menaces potentielles et les actes d’agression, le Conseil règle les différends par des moyens pacifiques dans la plupart du temps, mais aussi les sanctions ou l’emploi des forces en faveur du maintien ou du rétablissement de la paix. De la confrontation militaire à la tentative de soution politique, le Conseil ne cesse jamais à affronter aux problèmes substantiels en Syrie depuis 2011, y compris l’utilisation d’armes chimiques, les massacres sanguinaires et les organisations terroristes,etc. Bien que la négociation de la paix du janvier de l’année 2017 entre les deux parties reflètent les réalisations avec difficultés, un grand nombre de problèmes restent encore durs. La résolution de la crise de Syrie concerne les intérêts de toutes les parties et sont l’aspiration générale de la communauté internationale. Continuons nos efforts en la matière !

Office du Haut Commissaire des Nations Unies pour les réfugiés (UNHCR)

Issue : L’Urgence en Syrie

Langue : Franais

Taille : Seul délégué

Règlement des rles : Règlement des rles de Beijing

L’Office du Haut Commissaire des Nations Unies pour les réfugiés (UNHCR) a été créé en 1950 par l’Assemblée générale des Nations Unies. L’agence a pour mandat de diriger et de coordonner l’action internationale, selon la Convention de Genève sur les réfugiés de 1951, visant à sauvegarder les droits et le bien-être des réfugiés. Depuis 2011, le cataclysme déclenché en Syrie force un peuple immense à disperser. Le HCR, travaille sans relche pour leur venir en aide, il apporte une aide vitale aux réfugiés syriens, il s’efforce de garantir que les réfugiés syriens puissent exercer le droit de chercher asile et de trouver un refuge sr dans un autre Etat, avec pour option de retourner chez elle de son plein gré, de s’intégrer sur place ou de se réinstaller dans un pays tiers. Pourtant, la quantité extraordinaire de réfugiés, le budget dans la gêne paralyse ses actions. Depuis le cessez-le-feu en 2017, l’UNHCR uni avec le PAM, l’UNICEF et l’OCHA appellent à protéger les réfugiés dans toutes les régions en Syrie qui sont coupées de l’aide humaine. Ce n'est pas à dédaigner car nous ne pouvons pas laisser la tragédie en Syrie 2016 se reproduire en 2017 !

We are looking forward to meeting you in Beijing this May!

China Foreign Affairs University Model United Nations Association

2017 Beijing International Model United Nations Organizing Committee


微信号: CFAU_1955








艺考培训-北京本科院校-外交学院-微高校-院校号-外交学院-BIMUN 2017 | First Announcement of BIMUN 2017