Top 15 International Film Schools Revealed
Academy for Performing Arts School of Film and TelevisionHong Kong香港演艺学院 中国香港
One of the first official film schools in Hong Kong, the academyhas helped to launch the careers of the second new wave of Hong Kong cinema in recent years, including Jevons Au, who co-directed back-to-back award winners, as well as Roy Chow, who apprenticed for Ang Lee before making his debut feature,Murderer, in 2009.
Australian Film, Television and Radio SchoolSydney澳大利亚电影电视广播学校澳大利亚悉尼
Highly regarded for its industry practitioner lecturers, the Sydney school's alumni include Phillip Noyce, Cate Shortland (recently chosen to direct Marvel'sBlack Widow), Warwick Thornton (director ofSweet Country) and Masters 2017 graduate Eryk Lenartowicz, whose short filmDotswas an official selection at Cannes in 2018, as well as Oscar winners Jane Campion (best screenplay forThe Piano) David White (sound editing forMad Max: Fury Road) and Margaret Sixel (editingMad Max: Fury Road).
Busan Asian Film School Busan釜山亚洲电影学校韩国釜山
Operated by the Busan Film Commission, the school &mdash launched in 2016 in the South Korean port city known for hosting Asia’s largest film festival — offers six-month-long training courses for producers, nurtures Asian filmmakers and promotes regional co-productions. Last year’s lecture program featured well-established regional names such as Bhutanese actor-turned-producer Jamyang Jamtsho Wangchuk.
该学院由釜山电影委员会(Busan Film Commission)运营,于2016年在韩国港口城市釜山成立。这座城市以举办亚洲最大的电影节而闻名。该校为制片人提供为期六个月的培训课程,旨在培养亚洲电影人,并促进地区合拍与制作。去年的课程培养了许多著名的地方特色人才,如不丹演员出身的制片人贾明扬·贾姆朔·旺楚克。
Beijing Film Academy Beijing
北京电影学院 中国北京
The USC of the East, China's most prestigious film school is the alma mater of many of the biggest names in the Sino movie business, from art house stars like Jia Zhangke to industry veterans such as Zhang Yimou and Zhao Wei. In addition to its core Chinese offerings, BFA now has an undergraduate film production program taught entirely in English and open to international students.
Centro de Capacitacion Cinematografica Mexico City墨西哥电影培训中心墨西哥墨西哥城
When the Mexico City school was founded in 1975, Oscar-nominated director Luis Bunuel was named honorary president. More than four decades later the school continues to produce talent; in June, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences invited five CCC alumni to join its ranks of voting members, including acclaimed documentarians Everardo Gonzalez (Devil's Freedom) and Tatiana Huezo (The Tiniest Place).
1975年墨西哥电影培训中心成立之时,曾获奥斯卡提名的导演路易斯·布努埃尔被任命为名誉校长。40多年后,该校继续培养电影人才;今年6月,美国电影艺术与科学学院(Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences)邀请了五位墨西哥电影培训中心的校友加入投票委员会,其中包括广受好评的纪录片导演埃弗里多冈萨雷斯(导演,《魔鬼的自由》)和塔蒂亚娜胡艾佐(导演,《最小的地方》)。Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia Rome意大利实验电影中心意大利罗马
Founded in 1935, the Experimental Center of Cinematographygave birth to the generation that created Italian Neorealism withMichelangelo Antonioni among its most famous alumni. Today, the storied school features acting workshops withJames Bondregular Giancarlo Giannini and partners with Rome Film Fest and the National Film Library to restore classic films.
成立于1935年的意大利实验电影中心,诞生了与米开朗基罗·安东尼奥尼一同创造意大利新现实主义的那一代影人。如今,这所历史悠久的学校与007系列的常规演员詹卡洛贾娜妮尼,罗马电影节(Rome Film Fest)和国家电影图书馆(National Film Library)合作,致力于修复经典电影。
The Film Academy Vienna奥地利维也纳电影学院奥地利维也纳
One of Europe's most acclaimed and accomplished institutions, the Film Academy likes to keep it exclusive, only admitting 15-20 new students every year. The lucky few can enjoy one of the most intimate learning experiences around, with a student-to-professor ratio of 4-to-1, with teachers likes of Oscar-winner Michael Haneke (Amour,The White Ribbon) among the faculty.
Gerasimov Institute of Cinematography Moscow格拉西莫夫电影学院俄罗斯莫斯科
Moscow’s Gerasimov Institute of Cinematography, known by its Russian abbreviation VGIK, is the country’s oldest and best-known film school. While courses are taught in Russian, VGIK recently launched an undergraduate preparatory course for international students — Russian as a foreign language and an introduction to filmmaking — to help prepare international students for the school's regular classes.
Hochschule fur Film and Fernsehen München慕尼黑影视学院 德国慕尼黑
Germany's No. 1 film university offers solid training in every aspect of the industry, with an alumni roster that reads like a who's who of German big screen talent, fromIndependence Daydirector Roland Emmerich toToni Erdmannhelmer Maren Ade and the late, great producer Bernd Eichinger (The Name of the Rose).
La Femis Paris
法国高等国家影像与声音职业学院 法国巴黎
It boasts plenty of distinguished French alumni (including Alain Resnais and Francois Ozon) but La Femis has gotten some bad press lately for its elitist image, thanks to Claire Simon’s critical 2017 documentaryThe Graduationthat looked at how the school hosts just 40 slots for 1,200 candidates. In response, the school is heavily promoting its summer program for underprivileged youths as well as the fact that 52 percent of its students are female (up from just 38 percent a decade ago).
Lodz Film School Lodz
波兰罗兹电影学院 波兰罗兹
Founded in 1948, Poland's national film school is one of the oldest in the world.An hour and a half's drive from Warsaw, Lodz numbers three Oscar winners among its alumni: Roman Polanski, Andrzej Wajda and Zbigniew Rybczynski. Holders of honorary doctorates include Martin Scorsese and renowned cinematographer Vittorio Storaro.
波兰罗兹电影学院成立于1948年,是世界上最古老的电影学院之一。 罗兹距离华沙有一个半小时的车程,其校友中有三位奥斯卡奖得主:罗曼·波兰斯基,安德烈·瓦伊达和兹比格涅夫· 雷布琴斯基。荣誉博士学位的持有者包括马丁·斯科塞斯和著名摄影师维托里奥·斯托拉罗。
National Film and Television School London
英国皇家电影电视学院 英国伦敦
The past 12 months NFTS got a new director (Jon Wardle), named Ex Machina director Alex Garland an associate director, and opened the doors on two new facilities as part of its $26 million expansion. Denis Villeneuve, David Fincher, Colin Trevorrow, Kenneth Branagh and Taika Waititi were among those giving masterclasses over the past year, while the school was able to — finally — celebrate its alumnus Roger Deakins (Blade Runner 2049) winning the Oscar evaded him over 12 previous nominations.
RTA School of Media at Ryerson University Toronto
加拿大瑞尔森大学广播电影艺术学院 加拿大多伦多
Ellen Wong, Jenny on Netflix's GLOW, and New Girl's Hannah Simone attended this prestigious Toronto institution, which includes programs for media production, sport media and new media, as well as a Los Angeles bootcamp that prepares grads for the entertainment industry grind.
The Steve Tisch School of Film and Television, Tel Aviv University Tel Aviv
以色列特拉维夫大学史蒂夫泰施电影电视学院 以色列特拉维夫
The Jerusalem school boasts not only alums like 2014 Academy Award nominees for best live-action short Mihal Brezis and Oded Binnun, director Talya Lavie (Zero Motivation) and Nadav Lapid, whose filmThe Kindergarten Teacherwas recently adapted in the U.S. and picked up by Netflix at Sundance, but also its International Film Lab, a development platform with films going on to festivals like Cannes.
Universidad del Cine Buenos Aires
阿根廷布宜诺斯艾利斯电影大学 阿根廷布宜诺斯艾利斯
Created in 1991 by Argentina's renowned 1960s auteur Manuel Antín, Fundación Universidad del Cine has played a key role in ushering in a new generation of acclaimed Argentine filmmakers, includingDamián Szifron, whoseWild Talesfrom 2014 won best film and director at the Argentinian Academy Awards.
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