Celine Estates:致力于设计全球最独特的住宅组合
Celine Estates是一家成立于2014年的世界领先且屡获殊荣的豪华室内设计公司,位于英国伦敦,致力于设计英国和全球最独特的住宅组合。
Founded in 2014, Celine Estates is the world's leading and award-winning luxury interior design firm based in London, UK, dedicated to designing the most unique residential portfolio in the UK and around the world.
Noor Charchafchi是其创始人,现在被公认为英国领先的50位室内设计师之一,专门为伦敦的顶级酒店,住宅和商业打造奢华和定制的室内设计。
Noor Charchafchi is the founder and is now recognized as one of the UK's leading 50 interior designers, specializing in luxury and custom, residential and commercial interior design for London's top hotels.
Noor Charchafchi拥有强大的设计能力和卓越的服务水平,不仅通过了解他们的需求和愿望,并将其诠释为美丽而定制豪华住宅,还通过改进其功能和可用性,始终超越客户的期望。
With a strong design and exceptional service, Noor Charchafchi not only understands their needs and desires, but also interprets them as creating beautiful and custom-made luxury homes, and always exceeds their expectations by improving their functionality and usability.
Celine Estates坚信,设计既是一种表达,也是一种改善生活方式和环境的工具,将空间转换为能够为每个内部空间提供完全独特的生活方式和体验。从而创造出世界上最卓越和创新性的空间。
Celine Estates believes that design is both an expression and a tool for improving lifestyles and the environment, transforming space to provide a completely unique sound and identity for each interior space. This creates the world's most outstanding and innovative features.