高中英语听力强化训练Day 15

高中英语听力强化训练Day 15



1. Who probably made the food?

A. The woman.

B. The woman’s grandma.

C. A diner(餐馆)cook.

2. Where does the conversation probably take place?

A. At a hotel.

B. In an airport.

C. In a taxi.

3. How much does the coffee cost?

A. 3 dollars.

B. 4 dollars.

C. 5 dollars.

4. What was the man probably doing just now?

A. Reading a book.

B. Having a meeting.

C. Having a class.

5. What does the man think of the news?

A. Terrifying.

B. Absurd.

C. Confusing.


听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。


6. Why is the boy forbidden from playing video games?

A. He hasn’t finished his homework.

B. It’s bad for his eyes.

C. He hasn’t passed the math exam yet.

7. What has the boy already done?

A. He’s done the laundry.

B. He’s cleaned the furniture.

C. He’s swept the floors.


8. Where does the man want to post the ad?

A. On the Internet.

B. On the newspaper.

C. In the campus.

9. How often is the cleaning lady expected to come?

A. Every day.

B. Twice a week.

C. Three times a week.


10. What does the man think about Physics?

A. Attractive.

B. Boring.

C. Complex.

11. What did the tutor suggest the woman do?

A. Put more efforts on metal working class.

B. Focus on her main courses.

C. Join the Great Outdoors Club.

12. What is the woman going to do next?

A. Go to class.

B. Take a walk.

C. Go to the lab.


13. What’s the relationship between the speakers?

A. Husband and wife.

B. Colleagues.

C. Father and daughter.

14. What university did Katie choose?

A. Harvard University.

B. MIT (麻省理工学院).

C. Yale University.

15. Why does Katie feel down recently?

A. She failed an exam.

B. She found she wasn’t the only best.

C. She can’t go fishing.

16. How does the man feel about Katie’s frustration?

A. Worried.

B. Indifferent.

C. Happy.


17. When do high schoolers in Dobbs Ferry start their class now?

A. At 7:30 a.m.

B. At 8:15 a.m.

B. At 9:00 a.m.

18. What benefit do students get from the policy?

A. They can concentrate more easily.

B. They have more playtime.

C. They can study much later at night.

19. What is the new schedule in Solebury School?

A. Starting morning class half an hour later on Wednesdays.

B. Changing 6 classes per day to 4 classes.

C. Shorten per class to 50 minutes.

20. What do we know about Rick Tony?

A. His school is in New York City.

B. He is the Director of Administration.

C. He teaches math.


Text 1

M:The food tastes wonderful! I didn’t know you were such a good cook!

W:You think I made it? Come on! You know how lazy I am!I bought it in Granny’s Diner.

Text 2

W:Can you turn on the air conditioner please? It’s freezing in here.

M:Sure, miss, and we’ll be at the airport in 20 minutesif the traffic is good.Don’t worry.

Text 3

M:Here is 5 dollars for the coffee.

W:Okay, sir, and here is 1 dollar for your change.


W:Yeah. We offer a 20% discount for all food and drinks during Christmas season. Have a nice day!

Text 4

W:Why are you speaking in such a low voice, Ron? I can barely hear you!

M:Shhh!I’m in the library right now.I’ll talk to you later, okay?

Text 5

W:Look at the news, Tom! It says KFC has rows of headless chickens in their factories, which grow much faster than the normal ones. I can’t believe they would do this!

M:Let me just ask you one question, Jessie — how would a headless chicken be alive and even grow?

W:Err… You’re right. I shouldn’t believe this nonsense.

Text 6

W:What a mess, Jack! Clean this up!

M:Okay, Mom, I will do it in a minute. Just let me finish this level of the game.

W:I said NOW! Plus,I told you that you’re not allowed to play video games until you pass the math exam.I want you to make your bed, do the laundry and sweep the floors downstairs!

M:That’s so unfair!

W:My house, my rules.

M:ButI’ve already wiped the windows and dusted the furniture!

W:That’s great, but you still have work to do, so get to it.

Text 7

M:Can you help me write an ad, Rose?I want to upload it on the web.

W:Sure. Do you want to buy or sell something?

M:Actually, I want to hire a cleaning lady who can help me around the house.

W:OK. What do you want her to do exactly?

M:I want her to come in three times a weekfor a couple of hours to clean the kitchen, bathroom and maybe do some cooking. I’ll discuss the payment with her in person if she’s interested.

W:Got it.

Text 8

M:Hey, Jenny, is that you? Long time no see!

W:Oh, hey, no kidding! How have you been? Settling into college life OK?

M:Yeah, I joined the Physics Association, and now I spend most of my day time in labs.

W:That sounds smart... but kind of boring.

M:Not at all!Physics is fascinating.Besides, I also joined the Great Outdoors Club. We’ve gone on two camping trips already. It’s fun.

W:Good for you. I’m not that lucky, though. The metal working class just wasn’t as interesting as I’d hoped, so I dropped it.The tutor suggested that I focus on my main coursesso that I can make sure the credits count. Oops,I’m late for class. Gotta run!

M:OK, take care! Nice running into you!

W:Yeah, you too!

Text 9

W:Have you noticed our daughter Katie is a little frustrated recently?

M:No. Is she?

W:You’ve always been such a caring father.

M:Oh, come on! Just tell me what’s going on.

W:You know back in high school, our little Katie always ranked number one in her class. She received many honors,even including scholarships to Harvard University and MIT, though she chose Yale at last.

M:Yeah, I feel so proud of that, but how does it have anything to do with her frustration?

W:Well, Katie told me thatin Yale, she found it difficult admitting that some classmates are as talented as she is.She used to feel so special.

M:That’s because she had been used to being a big fish in a small pond.I actually feel happythat she can realize that there are always people out there who can do things better than her.

Text 10

M:Teenagers in Dobbs Ferry, New York State now have more time to sleep in the morning.

Last September, Dobbs Ferry School District decided to push back their middle and high school start times.

In Dobbs Ferry, before the 2015 to 2016 school year, middle schoolers started at 8:15 a.m. andhigh schoolers at 7:30 a.m.Now under the new policy,each school now starts and ends 45 minutes later.Both schools have experienced tremendous benefits.

Many of the kids reported having more time to get ready for school, while parents didn’t have to drag kids out of bed to hurry them up. In school,students felt much easier to get focused.Students also said that they went to bed at the same time at night.

The “starting school later” policy has been getting spread in the US for the past few years.

In Solebury School, New Hope, Pennsylvania,the Director of Studies Rick Tony has also made some changes to the typical school schedule, including starting class an hourlater in the morning on Wednesdays,moving from six 50-minute classes per day to four 80-minute classes, etc.Tony is also a math teacher.He says his students seem more relaxed now.












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