



1. Considering there was no way to persuade my mother to let me take the watch, I decided to wait for her to step outside and ___________________________(把手表塞进口袋). So I did.(2021年4月宁波二模)

2. Karie___________________________(把试卷塞进背包里)and explained that she was just too excited.(2020.11月潍坊高三英语期中考试)


1. The door opened and ___________________________(一个很瘦的女人走出来).(2021广一模)

2. ____________________(走在他眼前)was a undernourished boy, beaming from ear to ear while working busily with flour at hand.(2021广一模)

3. Due to their young age,Jayce was encouraged that he__________________(像一块翅膀折叠起来的天使)to prepare for something.(2021年汕头一模)

4. The white lie ___________________________(像泡泡一样破碎)that day.(2021年汕头一模)

5. The missing arm is ___________________________(想一个隐藏的挑战), reminding us that we should make more efforts if we want to achieve anything

6. ___________________________(时间飞逝)when you are absorbed in something interesting.(2021湖丽衢11月模拟卷)

7. ___________________________.(记忆如潮水一样涌来)(2021年沈阳一模)

8. The December morning breeze___________________________(抚摸我黑黑的长发) as I stepped towards the doors of Hagenberg High.(2021年沈阳一模)

9. My English was poor, and I was alone,___________________________(像一个迷路的小孩).(2021年沈阳一模)

10. It was___________________________(好像一个异国灵魂进入我的身体)and made me do things against my will.(2021年沈阳一模)


1. “That’s not the right way. Patience, Will. Patience,” ___________________________(一个声音在我耳边回响)after the boys left.(2021年4月宁波二模)

2. “What was done was done,” thought I to myself. “___________________________(现在重要的是下一步要做正确的事情).” (2021年4月宁波二模)


Though anger, embarrassment and sadness hung heavily in the air, the voice _______________________________when I attempted to impress the boys.


I ________________________________, nor should I have stolen the watch behind my mother.

5.放学后,我会诚实地告诉妈妈,我偷了手表是为了给那些不是我真正朋友的朋友留下好印象。(2021年4月宁波二模)After school, I__________________________that I had stolen the watch out to impress friends __________________________.

6.After saying that _________________________(满脸通红),she handed the paper and the prize to the teacher. 1.(2020.11月潍坊高三英语期中考试)

7.With those words, he _________________________(深情地抚摸着她的卷发).(2020.11月潍坊高三英语期中考试)

8._________________________(在荣誉和良知之间摇摆不定), she had a restless night, tossing and turning on bed.(2020.11月潍坊高三英语期中考试)

9.The poor little boy _________________________(被迷住了),watching dunk after dunk.(2021年汕头一模)

He saw Trashaun _________________________(当做一个坚强的榜样)who had a seemingly similar born disability but led a brilliant life.(2021年汕头一模)

10.We often ________________________(那些值得我们感恩的事情我们经常当作理所当然).(2020.11江苏三校)

11.Regardless of how much good she thought she might be able to do with the money, Catchy decided that _______________________(留给她最现实的选择是把它还给主人).(2021届湖南省衡阳市第一中学高三上学期第二次月考)

12.Through our lives, we can gain a lot and lose so much. But being honest should always be with us, as _____________________________________(诚实是一种美德).(2020届山东省滨州市高三第二次模拟英语试题)

13.But when the time came, I got up on stage and faced one of my greatest fears-and discovered _______________(我比我自己认为能做的做得更多).(2020届山东省聊城市高三二模英语试题)

14.I found a new person inside me,____________(一个隐藏已久的更勇敢和外向的人), just waiting for the opportunity to appear.(2020届山东省聊城市高三二模英语试题)

15._________________________(勇敢是最重要的品质)that I wanted her to possess.湖北省龙泉中学2021届高三英语8月月考试题

16.I_________________________(鼓起勇气迈出第一步)onto the suspension bridge, then another, I inched forward, all the way holding on tight to the handrail.湖北省龙泉中学2021届高三英语8月月考试题

17.I’m a straight A student, _________________________(有信心又受欢迎), but that’s not what I was a year ago.(2021沈阳一模)

To my surprise, she_________________________(对我微笑,向我道歉) for ignoring my loneliness as well as my difficulty with English communication.(2021沈阳市一模)

18.Afterwards, it was my turn to give a small lecture,in which I _________________________(向我的妈妈和朋友表示感谢),bowing to them several times. (2021沈阳市一模)

19. Then he patted Jayce’s head, “But I think this is the perfect way God made me. With five fingers, we also made it in lots of things just now. The missing arm is like a wing folded by an angel. _________________________(只有你足够坚强才能看见翅膀)!"(2021年汕头一模)



I knew for sure that every time I lost patience in the future I_______________________________________________.


It was the first time that I _________________________________--- patience.


1.However, from then on I promised that this broken watch would always remind me to be patient __________________.

2.As Alan watched into the Bob’s eyes, he saw the genuine comradeship_________________________(和小小的柔软的雪花一起闪烁)falling down from the sky, white and pure.(2021广东一模)

3.Aram said, “Thanks, Mrs Rossi, for teaching me how to make a cake to _________________________(实现我的梦想).” Mrs Rossi held his hands, saying, “ It is you who teach me how to_________________________(坚持我的梦想).”(2021广二模)

4._________________________(Aram突然想到) “One should stick to his/her dream no matter what happens.”(2021广二模))

5.Outside the bakery, the birds ____________________________(栖息在树枝顶端的鸟儿欢快地叽叽喳喳), as if celebrating their achievement.(2021广二模))

6.Many years have passed, looking at the sign “Aram and Rossi's Bakery” _________________________(挂在他们店外的招牌), he was full of appreciation about this place where he got his start as a real baker.(2021广二模))

7.________________________________________(面包店的每个角落再次排满了人), and the faded wood sign shined again with a new name “Aram and Rossi's Bakery” .(2021广二模))

8.She confirmed the l4-year-old would be a superhero one day, so would her son, whowas _________________________(展开他的翅膀)!【2021年·汕头一模】

9._________________________(是妈妈教会我)we should never take for granted the very things that most deserve our gratitude.(2020.11江苏三校)

10.Thought it was a tough year that I struggle a lot with my identity, it was that day that I realize _________________________(我可以做一个孩子们需要的英雄).(浙江省湖州、衢州、丽水2021届高三11月教学质量检测)

11._______________________________________(他对Cathy的诚实是那么感激)he actually ended up donating a generous amount to VNSA to show his gratitude.(2021届湖南省衡阳市第一中学高三上学期第二次月考)




1. Considering there was no way to persuade my mother to let me take the watch, I decided to wait for her to step outside andslip the watch into my pocket(把手表塞进口袋). So I did.(2021年4月宁波二模)

2. Kariestuffed the test paper into backpack(把试卷塞进背包里)and explained that she was just too excited.(2020.11月潍坊高三英语期中考试)


1. The door opened andout came a very thin woman(一个很瘦的女人走出来).(2021广一模)

网址未加载ing in front of his eyes(走在他眼前)was a undernourished boy, beaming from ear to ear while working busily with flour at hand.(2021广一模)

3. Due to their young age,Jayce was encouraged that hewas just like an angel with one wing folded(像一块翅膀折叠起来的天使)to prepare for something.(2021年汕头一模)

4. The white lieburst just like bubbles(像泡泡一样破碎)that day.(2021年汕头一模)

5. The missing arm islike an invisible challenge(想一个隐藏的挑战), reminding us that we should make more efforts if we want to achieve anything

6.Time really flies(时间飞逝)when you are absorbed in something interesting.(2021湖丽衢11月模拟卷)

7.Memories flooded back.(记忆如潮水一样涌来)(2021年沈阳一模)

8. The December morning breezebrushed my long, black hair_(抚摸我黑黑的长发) as I stepped towards the doors of Hagenberg High.(2021年沈阳一模)

9. My English was poor, and I was alone,like a lost little kid(像一个迷路的小孩).(2021年沈阳一模)

10. It wasas if some foreign soul entered(感动和爱的泪水) my body and made me do things against my will.(2021年沈阳一模)


1. “That’s not the right way. Patience, Will. Patience,”a voice echoed in my ears(一个声音在我耳边回响)after the boys left.(2021年4月宁波二模)

2. “What was done was done,” thought I to myself. “What is important now is to do correct things next(现在重要的是下一步要做正确的事情).” (2021年4月宁波二模)


Though anger, embarrassment and sadness hung heavily in the air, the voicedrew me to the awareness of the mistakes I had madewhen I attempted to impress the boys.


Ishouldn’t have tried to integrate in such a hasty way, nor should I have stolen the watch behind my mother.

5.放学后,我会诚实地告诉妈妈,我偷了手表是为了给那些不是我真正朋友的朋友留下好印象。(2021年4月宁波二模)After school, I wouldtell my mother honestlythat I had stolen the watch out to impress friendswho turned out not to be my true friends.

6.After saying thatwith her face flushed red(满脸通红),she handed the paper and the prize to the teacher. 1.(2020.11月潍坊高三英语期中考试)

7.With those words, hestroke her curlys affectionately(深情地抚摸着她的卷发).(2020.11月潍坊高三英语期中考试)

8.Torn between the honor and conscience(在荣誉和良知之间摇摆不定), she had a restless night, tossing and turning on bed.(2020.11月潍坊高三英语期中考试)

9.The poor little boygot spellbound(被迷住了),watching dunk after dunk.(2021年汕头一模)

He saw Trashaunas a tough role model(当做一个坚强的榜样)who had a seemingly similar born disability but led a brilliant life.(2021年汕头一模)

10.We oftentake for granted the very things that most deserve our gratitude(那些值得我们感恩的事情我们经常当作理所当然).(2020.11江苏三校)

11.Regardless of how much good she thought she might be able to do with the money, Catchy decided thatthe only realistic choice left to her was to return it to its owner(留给她最现实的选择是把它还给主人).(2021届湖南省衡阳市第一中学高三上学期第二次月考)

12.Through our lives, we can gain a lot and lose so much. But being honest should always be with us, ashonesty is always regarded as a virtue(诚实是一种美德).(2020届山东省滨州市高三第二次模拟英语试题)

13.But when the time came, I got up on stage and faced one of my greatest fears-and discoveredI could do more than I ever gave myself credit for(我比我自己认为能做的做得更多).(2020届山东省聊城市高三二模英语试题)

14.I found a new person inside me,a much more daring, outgoing person who had been hidden all along(一个隐藏已久的更勇敢和外向的人), just waiting for the opportunity to appear.(2020届山东省聊城市高三二模英语试题)

15.Bravery was the most significant quality(勇敢是最重要的品质)that I wanted her to possess.湖北省龙泉中学2021届高三英语8月月考试题

16.Iplucked up my courage and took my first step(鼓起勇气迈出第一步)onto the suspension bridge, then another, I inched forward, all the way holding on tight to the handrail.湖北省龙泉中学2021届高三英语8月月考试题

17.I’m a straight A student,confident and popular(有信心又受欢迎), but that’s not what I was a year ago.(2021沈阳一模)

To my surprise, shesmiled at me and expressed her apology(对我微笑,向我道歉) for ignoring my loneliness as well as my difficulty with English communication.(2021沈阳市一模)

18.Afterwards, it was my turn to give a small lecture,in which Iexpressed my sincere gratitude to my mom and friends(向我的妈妈和朋友表示感谢),bowing to them several times. (2021沈阳市一模)

19. Then he patted Jayce’s head, “But I think this is the perfect way God made me. With five fingers, we also made it in lots of things just now. The missing arm is like a wing folded by an angel.Only when you're tough will you see the wing(只有你足够坚强才能看见翅膀)!"(2021年汕头一模)



I knew for sure that every time I lost patience in the future Iwould remember my grandfather’s words.


It was the first time that Ihad truly realized the meaning of the gift--- patience.


1.However, from then on I promised that this broken watch would always remind me to be patientuntil truth emerged itself.

2.As Alan watched into the Bob’s eyes, he saw the genuine comradeshipglistening with little soft snowflakes(和小小的柔软的雪花一起闪烁)falling down from the sky, white and pure.(2021广东一模)

3.Aram said, “Thanks, Mrs Rossi, for teaching me how to make a cake torealize my dream(实现我的梦想).” Mrs Rossi held his hands, saying, “ It is you who teach me how tostick to my dream(坚持我的梦想).”(2021广二模)

4.It dawned on Aram that(Aram突然想到) “One should stick to his/her dream no matter what happens.”(2021广二模))

5.Outside the bakery, the birdsperching on the top of the branches chirruped happily(栖息在树枝顶端的鸟儿欢快地叽叽喳喳), as if celebrating their achievement.(2021广二模))

6.Many years have passed, looking at the sign “Aram and Rossi's Bakery”hanging outside their shop(挂在他们店外的招牌), he was full of appreciation about this place where he got his start as a real baker.(2021广二模))

7.Rows of people lined every corner of the bakery’s again(面包店的每个角落再次排满了人), and the faded wood sign shined again with a new name “Aram and Rossi's Bakery” .(2021广二模))

8.She confirmed the l4-year-old would be a superhero one day, so would her son, whowasunfolding his hidden wing(展开他的翅膀)!【2021年·汕头一模】

9.It was Mom who taught me(是妈妈教会我)we should never take for granted the very things that most deserve our gratitude.(2020.11江苏三校)

10.Thought it was a tough year that I struggle a lot with my identity, it was that day that I realizeI can be a hero that kid’s needed(我可以做一个孩子们需要的英雄).(浙江省湖州、衢州、丽水2021届高三11月教学质量检测)

11.So thankful was he for Cathy’s honesty that(他对Cathy的诚实是那么感激)he actually ended up donating a generous amount to VNSA to show his gratitude.(2021届湖南省衡阳市第一中学高三上学期第二次月考)







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