



(1)The first one is a hands-on skills component where the students have to demonstrate that they________________(在...方面专长)the skills of adult, child and infant CPR(心肺复苏术),how to help somebody who's choking, as well as how to use an AED(自动体外除颤仪).(2021年山东新高考质量测评联盟)

(2)That night, word came from the hospital that the two kids ______________________(状态很好).(浙江省稽阳2019届高三4月联考)


(1)Simmons______________________(坐在那里毫无反应). Apparently, she______________________(晕过去)owing to the huge impact force.(2021年山东新高考质量测评联盟)

(2)Roy lay on the ground nearby______________________(痛苦地呻吟).(2021届广州市高三年级阶段训练)

(3)Ada saw that one of his legs was _______________(弯向一边)between the knee and the ankle. A________(break)leg!(2021届广州市高三年级阶段训练)


_______________________________________, Roy let out a sudden painful moan____________________________________.

(5)From my shoulders down I hung in________________(冰冷的水).(浙江省十校联盟考试续写2020.10)

(6)His right leg was pushed under a stone. He looked___(虚弱无意识).(河北省衡水中学2021届全国高三英语第一次联合考试试题)


(1)The next thing I knew I was hanging on to the edge of a hole in the ice by______________________(手臂伸出冰外). From my shoulders down I hung in icy water.

(2)I tried to climb out of the hole, but when I got a knee on the ice, it___________________________(像玻璃一样破裂).(浙江省十校联盟考试续写2020.10)

(3)Asthe coatbecame completely wet, it______________(把我拖下水). I was tired of the struggle and rested with my arms stretched out on the ice.(浙江省十校联盟考试续写2020.10)

(4) I was ____________________(疲于挣扎)and rested with my arms stretched out on the ice.(浙江省十校联盟考试续写2020.10)

(5)When we finally reached them, they__________________(差不多奄奄一息)with only their heads coming in and out of the water.(浙江省稽阳2019届高三4月联考)

(6) He struggled,and _____________________(大喊救命),but all in vain.(福建省连城县第一中学2021届高三英语上学期月考试题一)

(7) However, when he wanted to return to the campsite, he realized that _____________________(他迷路了).(河北省衡水中学2021届全国高三英语第一次联合考试试题)

(8) During those days, he ________________________(又冷又饿). He slipped and his right leg was pushed under the stone when he was looking for his way back.(河北省衡水中学2021届全国高三英语第一次联合考试试题)

(9)The motorcycle shop had caughtfire and_____________(人们边跑边大叫).(山东省淄博市实验中学2020届高三上学期暑假收心考试)

(10)They________________________(冲出大门)and along the corridor(走廊)through the smoke.(山东省淄博市实验中学2020届高三上学期暑假收心考试)

(11)As________________________(在他们周围越来越浓厚), Tom could see many of their neighbors—some still in their pyjamas—running forsafety.(山东省淄博市实验中学2020届高三上学期暑假收心考试)


(1)A lot of people started to gather around to see what was happening. The crowd______________________________(惊讶地看着,张开嘴). Someone advised to make an emergency call immediately.(2021年山东新高考质量测评联盟)

(2)I looked at Harry on shore. He________________________(看起来像定在原地).(浙江省十校联盟考试续写2020.10)



“Help me get Simmons out of the car!” Norwood_________, who were left in a panic.诺伍德和朋友们把西蒙斯从车里拉了出来,把他放在一个安全并且离车有点远的地方。(2021年山东新高考质量测评联盟)

Norwood as well as her friends pulled Simmons out of the car and_________________________, a little far from the car.


Nervous and anxious, Norwood struggled to calm herself down and_________________________.


Norwood and her friends laid Simmons on her back and_________________________.


After what seemed to be half an hour, Simmons____________.


Seeing Simmons______________, Norwood breathed a sigh of relief.

(3)最终,医生赶到了,把西蒙斯送往医院。(2021年山东新高考质量测评联盟)Ultimately, doctors arrived and______________.

(4)Ada took a deep breath and then knelt down beside Roy,_________________________________(把树枝放在他的断腿下). With_________________________________(急救树上的句子在她脑海徘徊), she carefully wrapped his leg together with the stick using those shirts.(2021届广州市高三年级阶段训练)

(5)_______________________________(他们一完成)than Victor came back with Roy’s mother and a villager driving a truck following them.(2021届广州市高三年级阶段训练)

(6)Without thinking, I ran down into the street,____________(一路拿着我的冲浪板)and shouted at a stranger to call the coastguard(海岸整卫).(浙江省稽阳2019届高三4月联考)

(7)Patting their faces to wake them up, we continuously told them to be strong. After what seemed a century, I felt extremely exhausted while_______________________________(拼命游来保持浮在水面).(浙江省稽阳2019届高三4月联考)

(8)Salt stinging(刺痛) my eyes, I could hardly tell how long I could hold on. But I still shouted in my head: focus.________(在绝望中), I finally caught sight of some boats with lifeguards on them_____________________________(在远处朝我们而来).(浙江省稽阳2019届高三4月联考)

(9)Quite soon, I felt_____________________________(有力的手臂把我拖出海面)onto the board, and the two kids were sent to the hospital without delay.(浙江省稽阳2019届高三4月联考)

(10)Hearing the screams, Henry____________________(跑到河边,脱掉他的衣服,毫不犹豫地跳进河里).

(11)He____________(接近) Robert just as he was sinking the last time.(福建省连城县第一中学2021届高三英语上学期月考试题一)

(12)Then Misha immediately called on her teammates to save Michael. They removed the stone on Michael’s leg and_________________________________(把他送到最近的医院).(河北省衡水中学2021届全国高三英语第一次联合考试试题)



A reporter_________________________________and reported it at the local station.


(3)A person who witnessed this incident had photographed it and_________________________(把它发到推特上). Many likes were given and it became a hit, especially at Simon’s school.


(1)When Miller and her students learned about the news, they_____________________________(说不出话来)and so proud.(2021年山东新高考质量测评联盟)

(2)把她学到的东西应用到实践,在紧急情况下表现得很好,这让我非常惊讶。” Miller骄傲地说。(2021年山东新高考质量测评联盟)

“Norwood___________________________________and performed very well during an emergency, which made me so surprised.” Miller said proudly. “ Norwoodsaid proudly.


All the students in Norwood’s school_______and_________.



“_________________________________, I would have dead.” Simmons said to Norwood gratefully. Simmons showed her gratitude to Norwood, saying “It was you who_________________.”西蒙斯对诺伍德表示了感谢,她说:“是你来帮助我,救了我一命。”(2021年山东新高考质量测评联盟)


“Thank you for entering my world and I will always_________________.” Simmons whispered to Norwood.



Take some time to learn the knowledge of first aid._________________________________.


The story shows that_________________________________.


Everyone should learn something about first aid, for_______.


Knowing basic first-aid techniques will help you____________.


As you could imagine, if_________________________________, the injured would be saved.


There is no doubt that Norwood________________________.


We have learnt from the incident that_____________________.


Therefore, please_________________________________and learn more skills because we never know what will happen to us.


From this, Robert learned what true courage was:_________.


Brimming with pride and confidence, Norwood____________.




(1)The first one is a hands-on skills component where the students have to demonstrate that theyare expert in(在...方面专长)the skills of adult, child and infant CPR(心肺复苏术),how to help somebody who's choking, as well as how to use an AED(自动体外除颤仪).(2021年山东新高考质量测评联盟)

(2)That night, word came from the hospital that the two kidswere in good condition(状态很好).(浙江省稽阳2019届高三4月联考)


(1)Simmonswas just sitting there unresponsive(坐在那里毫无反应). Apparently, shepassed out(晕过去)owing to the huge impact force.(2021年山东新高考质量测评联盟)

(2)Roy lay on the ground nearbymoaning in pain(痛苦地呻吟).(2021届广州市高三年级阶段训练)

(3)Ada saw that one of his legs wasbent a little sideways(弯向一边)between the knee and the ankle. Abroken(break)leg!(2021届广州市高三年级阶段训练)


Sorrowful tears rolling down Roy’s cheeks, Roy let out a sudden painful moanwith cold sweats on his forehead.

(5)From my shoulders down I hung inicy water(冰冷的水).(浙江省十校联盟考试续写2020.10)

(6)His right leg was pushed under a stone. He lookedweak and unconscious(虚弱无意识).(河北省衡水中学2021届全国高三英语第一次联合考试试题)


(1)The next thing I knew I was hanging on to the edge of a hole in the ice by arms outstretched on the ice. From my shoulders down I hung in icy water.

(2)I tried to climb out of the hole, but when I got a knee on the ice, itbroke like window glass(像玻璃一样破裂).(浙江省十校联盟考试续写2020.10)

(3)Asthe coatbecame completely wet, itdragged me down(把我拖下水). I was tired of the struggle and rested with my arms stretched out on the ice.(浙江省十校联盟考试续写2020.10)

(4) I wastired of the struggle(疲于挣扎)and rested with my arms stretched out on the ice.(浙江省十校联盟考试续写2020.10)

(5)When we finally reached them, theywere almost lifeless(差不多奄奄一息)with only their heads coming in and out of the water.(浙江省稽阳2019届高三4月联考)

(6) He struggled,andscreamed for help(大喊救命),but all in vain.(福建省连城县第一中学2021届高三英语上学期月考试题一)

(7) However, when he wanted to return to the campsite, he realized thathe was lost(他迷路了).(河北省衡水中学2021届全国高三英语第一次联合考试试题)

(8) During those days, hewas filled with cold and hunger(又冷又饿). He slipped and his right leg was pushed under the stone when he was looking for his way back.(河北省衡水中学2021届全国高三英语第一次联合考试试题)

(9)The motorcycle shop had caughtfire andpeople were running and crying(人们边跑边大叫).(山东省淄博市实验中学2020届高三上学期暑假收心考试)

(10)Theyrushedout of the door(冲出大门)and along the corridor(走廊)through the smoke.(山东省淄博市实验中学2020届高三上学期暑假收心考试)

(11)Asthe smoke thickened around them(在他们周围越来越浓厚), Tom could see many of their neighbors—some still in their pyjamas—running forsafety.(山东省淄博市实验中学2020届高三上学期暑假收心考试)


(1)A lot of people started to gather around to see what was happening. The crowdwatched in astonishment, open-mouthed(惊讶地看着,张开嘴). Someone advised to make an emergency call immediately.(2021年山东新高考质量测评联盟)

(2)I looked at Harry on shore. Heseemed rooted to the spot(看起来像定在原地).(浙江省十校联盟考试续写2020.10)



“Help me get Simmons out of the car!” Norwoodyelled loudly to her friends, who were left in a panic.诺伍德和朋友们把西蒙斯从车里拉了出来,把他放在一个安全并且离车有点远的地方。(2021年山东新高考质量测评联盟)

Norwood as well as her friends pulled Simmons out of the car andlaid her in a safe place, a little far from the car.


Nervous and anxious, Norwood struggled to calm herself down andcarried out first aid to Simmons.


Norwood and her friends laid Simmons on her back andopened her airway.


After what seemed to be half an hour, Simmonsregained her consciousness.


Seeing Simmonswake up from passing out, Norwood breathed a sigh of relief.

(3)最终,医生赶到了,把西蒙斯送往医院。(2021年山东新高考质量测评联盟)Ultimately, doctors arrived andrushed Simmons to the hospital.

(4)Ada took a deep breath and then knelt down beside Roy,placing the stick beneath the broken leg(把树枝放在他的断腿下). Withsentences from that first-aid book repeated in her mind(急救树上的句子在她脑海徘徊), she carefully wrapped his leg together with the stick using those shirts.(2021届广州市高三年级阶段训练)

(5)No sooner had they finished doing that(他们一完成)than Victor came back with Roy’s mother and a villager driving a truck following them.(2021届广州市高三年级阶段训练)

(6)Without thinking, I ran down into the street,holding my bodyboard on the way(一路拿着我的冲浪板)and shouted at a stranger to call the coastguard(海岸整卫).(浙江省稽阳2019届高三4月联考)

(7)Patting their faces to wake them up, we continuously told them to be strong. After what seemed a century, I felt extremely exhausted whileswimming hard to keep myself afloat(拼命游来保持浮在水面).(浙江省稽阳2019届高三4月联考)

(8)Salt stinging(刺痛) my eyes, I could hardly tell how long I could hold on. But I still shouted in my head: focus.In sheer desperation(在绝望中), I finally caught sight of some boats with lifeguards on themheading towards us in the distance(在远处朝我们而来).(浙江省稽阳2019届高三4月联考)

(9)Quite soon, I feltstrong arms pull me out of the sea(有力的手臂把我拖出海面)onto the board, and the two kids were sent to the hospital without delay.(浙江省稽阳2019届高三4月联考)

(10)Hearing the screams, Henryran to the riverside, threw off his clothes and jumped into the water without hesitation(跑到河边,脱掉他的衣服,毫不犹豫地跳进河里). He reached Robert just as he was sinking the last time.(山东省各地2019-2020学年高三英语试卷)

(11)Then Misha immediately called on her teammates to save Michael. They removed the stone on Michael’s leg andsent him to the nearest hospital(把他送到最近的医院).(河北省衡水中学2021届全国高三英语第一次联合考试试题)



A reporterhappened to witness the sceneand reported it at the local station.


(3)A person who witnessed this incident had photographed it andposted it on the twitter(把它发到推特上). Many likes were given and it became a hit, especially at Simon’s school.


(1)When Miller and her students learned about the news, theywere at a loss of words(说不出话来)and so proud.(2021年山东新高考质量测评联盟)

(2)把她学到的东西应用到实践,在紧急情况下表现得很好,这让我非常惊讶。” Miller骄傲地说。(2021年山东新高考质量测评联盟)

“Norwoodapplied what she had learned into practiceand performed very well during an emergency, which made me so surprised.” Miller said proudly. “ Norwoodsaid proudly.


All the students in Norwood’s schoolgave thumbs up to herandrealized the importance of learning some knowledge of first aid.



“If I had not been given first aid, I would have dead.” Simmons said to Norwood gratefully. Simmons showed her gratitude to Norwood, saying “It was you whocame to my aid and saved my life.”西蒙斯对诺伍德表示了感谢,她说:“是你来帮助我,救了我一命。”(2021年山东新高考质量测评联盟)


“Thank you for entering my world and I will alwaysremember what you have done for me.” Simmons whispered to Norwood.



Take some time to learn the knowledge of first aid.It saves lives, and it works.


The story shows thata good knowledge of first aid can make a real difference.


Everyone should learn something about first aid, forevery second will count in an emergency.


Knowing basic first-aid techniques will help yourespond quickly to emergencies.


As you could imagine, ifthe first aid is given in time, the injured would be saved.


There is no doubt that Norwood’sknowledge of first aid saved Simmon’s life.


We have learnt from the incident thatlife is valuable and the skill of saving is more valuable.


Therefore, pleaseprepare for tomorrow welland learn more skills because we never know what will happen to us.


From this, Robert learned what true courage was:never be afraid to do good, but always fear to do evil.


Brimming with pride and confidence, Norwoodstrengthened her determination to pursue a career in the medical field.







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