

01. His mouth_________________.他吓得张大了嘴

02. His eyes_________________.他的眼睛几乎从脑袋里跳了出来。

03. At first_________________(以为看花了眼).

04. A cold feeling_________________, his eyes_________________(他脊背发冷,眼睛紧盯着门).

05. Her throat_________________and she_________________.她喉咙发紧,使劲咽了一下口水(紧张的动作)

06. He stared at the beast,_________________他的心怦怦直跳that he thought it would break through his chest.

07. His heart skipped a beat(我的心砰砰跳) as he realized that…

08. The hairs on the back of my neck_________________(=_________________) when I heard the door open.听到开门声,我颈后汗毛倒竖prkld。

09. The hairs on his arms_________________.他手臂上的毛竖立起来。

10._________________inside Barry.Barry心里一阵恐慌。

11. He stood still for a moment,_________________(吓得僵住了).

12. His entire body_________________(开始发抖).

13. “…,” she said,_________________(嘴唇在颤抖)and_________________(声音颤抖着).

14. His knees_________________(发软).

15. He_________________(感到一阵恐惧=a jolt of fear).

16._________________(=_________________) gave him a jolt of fear.想到这件事,他吓了一跳。


01. His mouthdropped open in shock.他吓得张大了嘴

02. His eyespractically popped out of his head.他的眼睛几乎从脑袋里跳了出来。

03. At firsthe was sure that his eyes were playing tricks on him(以为看花了眼).

04. A cold feelingcrept up his spine, his eyesglued to the door(他脊背发冷,眼睛紧盯着门).

05. Her throattightenedand sheswallowed hard.她喉咙发紧,使劲咽了一下口水(紧张的动作)

06. He stared at the beast,his heart pounding so hard他的心怦怦直跳that he thought it would break through his chest.

07. His heart skipped a beat(我的心砰砰跳) as he realized that…

08. The hairs on the back of my neckprickled(=stood straight up) when I heard the door open.听到开门声,我颈后汗毛倒竖prkld。

09. The hairs on his armsstood straight up.他手臂上的毛竖立起来。

10.Panic boiled upinside Barry.Barry心里一阵恐慌。

11. He stood still for a moment,frozen in fear/shock(吓得僵住了).

12. His entire bodybegan to shake(开始发抖).

13. “…,” she said,her lips trembling(嘴唇在颤抖)andher voice shaky(声音颤抖着).

14. His kneeswent weak(发软).

15. Hefelt a stab of fear(感到一阵恐惧=a jolt of fear).

16.Thinking about it(=The thought of it) gave him a jolt of fear.想到这件事,他吓了一跳。







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