

01._________________(时间似乎停止了). He had no idea what they should do( ).

02. It took him a few seconds_________________(意识到发生了什么).

03.He had no idea_________________(多少时间过去了).

04. He tried to go to sleep, but_________________(随着时间一分一分的过去), his mindgot restless(变得焦躁不安).

05._________________(随着时间一分一分的过去), he felt helpless and terrified.

06. With every second that went by, their chance to escape_________________(溜走了).

07._________________say another word(他还没来得及再说一句话), she hurried down to the basement, slamming the door behind her.

08.And_________________even take a breath(他还没来得吸口气), something leaped out of the shadows and pushed him to the ground.

09. Before he could take two steps, the front door flew open.

10._________________(还没有明白发生了什么), they were all around him, attacking like a swarm of fiery [fari]火红的bees.

11._________________(一)her car disappeared, Lucas sprinted back home(冲sprnt回家). He grabbed his bike and_________________(尽可能快地蹬) to the train station.

12. He grabbed hold of the tree,_________________(不知道接下来做什么).

13._________________(几乎想也不想), Jess_________________(抓住) the twins, gripping[ɡrp]紧抓their arms_________________(用所有的力气), and they jumped in.

14._________________(用所有的力气), he kicked at the window of the door.

15._________________(全身的力量), he_________________(从水里爬出来) and wrapped his arms and legs around the trunk.

16. He_________________(鼓足每一分勇气)and stepped forward.

17. John_________________(集中最后一丝力气mstd) and screamed out_________________(拉高嗓门).

18. He closed his eyes,_________________(祈祷这一切都是一场梦). But_________________(他没有时间)to think about this.

19.He closed his eyes and_________________(告诉自己那是个噩梦).

20.He_________________(闭上眼睛), imagining that he had enormous wings that would_________________(带他飞向天空).

21.He lay on his stomach,_________________(不敢动) or even to take a breath.

22.He stood/lay there_________________.他在那儿站/躺那儿感觉过了好久。

23.Like Li he seemed_________________(惊得说不出话). He_________________(吃惊地看)the scene around them.

24.Screams and shouts echoed through the air(在空中回荡).

25._________________(沉默了一会儿)and then he burst into tears.

26.He screamed_________________(直到他的喉咙发烧).

27.He wanted to get up and run, but_________________(站在那儿一动不动).

28. She felt_________________in the chest.她胸部突然感到一阵stb剧痛。

29. They_________________(张口结舌地看)the burning car,_________________(他们因震惊和恐惧睁大了眼睛).

30.His mind_________________(心里惊恐地尖叫), “Get out! Get out!”

31.Even in the dim light, Ben could_________________(看到她脸上的悲伤和忧虑).

32._________________(但是不知道怎么的)he managed to regain his balance.

33.For a long minute, he stayed there,_________________(想歇口气;喘口气)

34._________________(几分钟之内), people rushed towards him,_________________(准备救人).

35. He tried Dad’s phone, and dialed over and over, but he just kept getting the busy signal.

36. Terror rose up inside him. He_________________(突然感觉到) someone or something was nearby watching him.

37. He_________________(深呼吸), pushed aside the frond door, and slipped in.

38. He_________________(溜进) the house and_________________(过了一会儿)for his eyes to adjust.

39. Tired and lost, we_________________(挤在一起hdl)

40.…_________________and fell to the ground/floor(绊倒)

41.…_________________and came charging towards Leo一跃而起

42.…grabbed him_________________抓住他的手臂

43.…tried tograb hold of…, but_________________(但没有抓住)

44.…_________________the rope(放开)

45.…_________________towards the front door(摇摇晃晃地走了几步)

46._________________, he…(用力一推)

47. And then finally he_________________(重重地倒在地上slmpt),_________________(上气不接下气).

48._________________(一点一点地;缓慢地), he pulled the boy from the earth, like a farmer pulling a gigantic carrot from his garden.

49. He_________________(转过身来), ran up the stair, and_________________(冲出了门).

50.…_________________through the crowd(用手肘挤了过去)

51.…_________________his sister(一点地靠近)



54. He did exactly_________________.他完全按照他父亲让她做的去做。

55. She_________________(瘫倒在地klpst),_________________(掩面) and let the tears come pouring down.


01.Time seemed to stop(时间似乎停止了). He had no idea what they should do().

02. It took him a few secondsto realize what had happened(意识到发生了什么).

03.He had no ideahow much time had passed(多少时间过去了).

04. He tried to go to sleep, butas the minutes ticked by(随着时间一分一分的过去), his mindgot restless(变得焦躁不安).

05.With every minute/second that ticked by(随着时间一分一分的过去), he felt helpless and terrified.

06. With every second that went by, their chance to escapeslipped away(溜走了).

07.Before he couldsay another word(他还没来得及再说一句话), she hurried down to the basement, slamming the door behind her.

08.Andbefore he couldeven take a breath(他还没来得吸口气), something leaped out of the shadows and pushed him to the ground.

09. Before he could take two steps, the front door flew open.

10.Before he knew what was happening(还没有明白发生了什么), they were all around him, attacking like a swarm of fiery [fari]火红的bees.

11.The minute(一)her car disappeared, Lucas sprinted back home(冲sprnt回家). He grabbed his bike andpedaled as fast as he could(尽可能快地蹬) to the train station.

12. He grabbed hold of the tree,with no idea what to do next(不知道接下来做什么).

13.Almost without thinking(几乎想也不想), Jessgrabbed hold of(抓住) the twins, gripping[ɡrp]紧抓their armswith all her might(用所有的力气), and they jumped in.

14.With all his might(用所有的力气), he kicked at the window of the door.

15.With every bit of strength in his body(全身的力量), hepulled himself out of the water(从水里爬出来) and wrapped his arms and legs around the trunk.

16. Hegathered up every ounce of courage(鼓足每一分勇气)and stepped forward.

17. Johnmustered the last of his strength(集中最后一丝力气mstd) and screamed outat the top of his lungs(拉高嗓门).

18. He closed his eyes,praying this was all a dream(祈祷这一切都是一场梦). Butthere was no time for him(他没有时间)to think about this.

19.He closed his eyes andtold himself it was a nightmare(告诉自己那是个噩梦).

20.Heclosed his eyes(闭上眼睛), imagining that he had enormous wings that wouldtake him soaring into the sky(带他飞向天空).

21.He lay on his stomach,afraid to move(不敢动) or even to take a breath.

22.He stood/lay therefor what felt like a long time.他在那儿站/躺那儿感觉过了好久。

23.Like Li he seemedtoo stunned to speak(惊得说不出话). Helooked in shock at(吃惊地看)the scene around them.

24.Screams and shouts echoed through the air(在空中回荡).

25.There was a moment of silence(沉默了一会儿)and then he burst into tears.

26.He screameduntil his throat burned(直到他的喉咙发烧).

27.He wanted to get up and run, buthe was frozen to the ground(站在那儿一动不动).

28. She felta sudden stab of painin the chest.她胸部突然感到一阵stb剧痛。

29. Theygaped at(张口结舌地看)the burning car,their eyes wide with shock and horror(他们因震惊和恐惧睁大了眼睛).

30.His mindscreamed in panic(心里惊恐地尖叫), “Get out! Get out!”

31.Even in the dim light, Ben couldsee the sadness and worry on her face(看到她脸上的悲伤和忧虑).

32.But somehow(但是不知道怎么的)he managed to regain his balance.

33.For a long minute, he stayed there,trying to catch his breath(想歇口气;喘口气)

34.Within minutes(几分钟之内), people rushed towards him,ready to help(准备救人).

35. He tried Dad’s phone, and dialed over and over, but he just kept getting the busy signal.

36. Terror rose up inside him. Hesuddenly had the feeling that(突然感觉到) someone or something was nearby watching him.

37. Hetook a deep breath(深呼吸), pushed aside the frond door, and slipped in.

38. Heslid into(溜进) the house andit took a moment(过了一会儿)for his eyes to adjust.

39. Tired and lost, wehuddled together(挤在一起hdl)

40.…trippedand fell to the ground/floor(绊倒)

41.…leaped to his feetand came charging towards Leo一跃而起

42.…grabbed himby the arm抓住他的手臂

43.…tried tograb hold of…, butlost his grip(但没有抓住)

44.…let go ofthe rope(放开)

45.…staggered a few stepstowards the front door(摇摇晃晃地走了几步)

46.With a might push, he…(用力一推)

47. And then finally heslumped down onto the ground(重重地倒在地上slmpt),out of breath(上气不接下气).

48.Inch by inch(一点一点地;缓慢地), he pulled the boy from the earth, like a farmer pulling a gigantic carrot from his garden.

49. Hespun around(转过身来), ran up the stair, anddarted out the door(冲出了门).

50.…elbowed his waythrough the crowd(用手肘挤了过去)

51.…inched closer tohis sister(一点地靠近)

52.…rushed to his aid/rescue(冲过来救他)

53.…run for his life逃命

54. He did exactlywhat his father had told her to do.他完全按照他父亲让她做的去做。

55. Shecollapsed on the ground(瘫倒在地klpst),buried her face in his hands(掩面) and let the tears come pouring down.







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