

01. Strange thoughts_________________in his mind.奇怪的念头在他脑子里转动。

02.He closed his eyes, but_________________(一直在想) what his father had said—the words had wormed their way into his mind.


04.He_________________(想到了)something his father always said: Brave people get spooked all the time. What made them brave was that they didn’t let their fear stop them.

05. We_________________the strange noises and lights.那奇怪的声音和亮光把我们吓坏spuk了。


07.He tried not to look at…, but he_________________(禁不住想)who might be still inside.

08. Leo_________________(在他的脑子里寻找主意). And as usual, his thoughts turned to his father.

09. He woke up early that morning,_________________(有些期望)to see his father.

10. His mind_________________.(他的脑子里充满了不安的想法。)

11._________________what Dad was going to do with it.过了一会,她才恍然大悟爸爸将如何处理它。

12._________________I thought she was joking.在一刹那间,我想到她是在开玩笑。

13.Terrifying thoughts_________________.可怕的念头涌上他的心头。

14._________________He thought.如果这没有用呢?他想道。

15. His mind_________________._________________the guys had forgotten all about him?他的脑子里充满了紧张的思绪。如果这个不行怎么办?

16. The urge to run is just.他想跑走。


01. Strange thoughtsraced around and aroundin his mind.奇怪的念头在他脑子里转动。

02.He closed his eyes, butkept thinking about(一直在想) what his father had said—the words had wormed their way into his mind.

03.Hecouldhearhis father’s voice in his mind.在脑海里,他能听到他爸的声音

04.Hereminded himself of(想到了)something his father always said: Brave people get spooked all the time. What made them brave was that they didn’t let their fear stop them.

05. Wewere spookedbythe strange noises and lights.那奇怪的声音和亮光把我们吓坏spuk了。

06.Amazing,he thought.太棒了,他想道

07.He tried not to look at…, but hecouldn’t stop thinking about(禁不住想)who might be still inside.

08. Leosearched his mind for idea(在他的脑子里寻找主意). And as usual, his thoughts turned to his father.

09. He woke up early that morning,half expecting(有些期望)to see his father.

10. His mindwas filled with restless thoughts.(他的脑子里充满了不安的想法。)

11.It took him a minute to realizewhat Dad was going to do with it.过了一会,她才恍然大悟爸爸将如何处理它。

12.For a split secondI thought she was joking.在一刹那间,我想到她是在开玩笑。

13.Terrifying thoughtsflooded his mind.可怕的念头涌上他的心头。

14.What if this didn’t work out?He thought.如果这没有用呢?他想道。

15. His mindswirled with nervous thoughts.What ifthe guys had forgotten all about him?他的脑子里充满了紧张的思绪。如果这个不行怎么办?

16. The urge to run is justtoo strong to resist.他想跑走。







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