每天一套 | 高中英语听力专项训练(1),适用所有版本!

每天一套 | 高中英语听力专项训练(1),适用所有版本!


听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中

选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。

1. When will the flowers come out probably?

A. In February.

B. In March.

C. In May.

2. What is the weather like probably?

A. Sunny.

B. Cloudy.

C. Rainy.

3. Why does the man refuse to buy a new cellphone now?

A. He’s waiting for the latest iPhone.

B. He likes his old one very much.

C. He is short of money.

4. How will the speakers go to the cinema?

A. By taxi.

B. By bus.

C. By underground.

5. What time is it now?

A. 8:45.

B. 9:00.

C. 9:15.


听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。


6. What will the girl eat tonight probably?

A. Beef.

B. Bread.

C. Tomato.

7. How does the man feel about the girl?

A. Worried.

B. Proud.

C. Annoyed.


8. What’s the relationship between the speakers?

A. Workmates.

B. Classmates.

C. Shop assistant and customer.

9. Why does the man look different?

A. He has lost some weight.

B. He’s wearing a new coat.

C. He’s wearing glasses.


10. What can we know from the conversation?

A. The woman got her ideas from a cook book.

B. The man is probably a regular customer.

C. The man has never been to the shop before.

11. What desserts does the man choose to buy?

A. Lemon pie and strawberry cake.

B. Strawberry cake and green tea cupcake.

C. Green tea cupcake and lemon pie.

12. How much should the man pay in total?

A. $3.

B. $4.

C. $7.


13. Where does the conversation probably take place?

A. In an office.

B. In a shop.

C. In an apartment.

14. What did the man do in his last job?

A. A car salesman.

B. A clothing designer.

C. An English teacher.

15. How does the man learn things about his new career?

A. Through the Internet.

B. From his friend.

C. From college books.

16. What’s the man’s advice to the woman in the end?

A. Deciding what she likes to do.

B. Finding information about writing.

C. Being confident about herself.


17. Where is Loch Ness?

A. In Scotland.

B. In England.

C. In Northern Ireland.

18. What’s the most well-known theory about Nessie?

A. It’s a survived dinosaur.

B. It’s a genetically altered monster.

C. It’s an undiscovered large fish.

19. What does the professor think of Nessie’s stories?

A. It’s very convincing.

B. It’s not true.

C. It needs more proof.

20. What does the speaker mainly talk about?

A. Scientists trying to uncover the Nessie mystery.

B. How the stories of Nessie coming into being.

C. A professor’s new discoveries about Nessie.


Text 1 (29词) 何时开花

M:I thought the flowers of this plant should come out at this time in March.

W: No. To see the flowers,you still need to wait two months.

Text 2 (31词) 完美的场景

M: Nice weather!

W: Really?With all the dark clouds blocking the sun and the expected heavy rain on its way?

M: Yeah. What a perfect setting for a detective story!

Text 3 (33词) 换手机

W:So you’ve got a pay rise. Congratulations! Why don’t you get yourself a new cellphone to celebrate?

M:Not now.I’m just waiting for the newest iPhone.It’s coming soon in September.

Text 4 (41词) 去影院

M: I don’t want to take a crowded bus to the cinema. Let’s take a taxi.

W: I have no problem with that if you pay for it.

M: Uh,I think subway is even better. Don’t you think?


Text 5 (27词) 迟到

W: Excuse me, Sir.How many minutes do I still have before 9:00?My train leaves at that time.

M:You’re already a quarter late.Sorry, Madam.

Text 6 (86词) 太辛苦

W: Dad, I’m out for the marathon training. Tell mom I’ll skip supper.

M: But what will you eat? Your mom said she’ll cook your favorite beef with tomato tonight.

W: Don’t bother.I’ve taken some bread.See?

M: Oh, honey, you have a heavy class load, and you’ve been holding down a part-time job.I think you have pushed yourself too hard. You really need to take a break sometimes.

W: I’m fine, Dad. I feel fully capable of handling all these. Besides, I’m happy.

Text 7 (106词) 戴眼镜了

W: Charlie, you look different. Did you lose some weight?

M: My weight hasn’t changed for at least ten years.

W: Then it must be the new coat you’re wearing. It’s a really nice coat.

M: Uh, I wore this coat last winter, and the winter of the year before last.Do we really work in the same office for the last five years, Jenny?

W: Sorry, Charlie. You know I’m not that observant sometimes, but… Oh, I know it!You’re wearing glasses now!How did you become nearsighted?

M: I’m not. I’m just wearing it in a decorative way. Now I look knowledgeable, don’t I?

Text 8 (120词) 买甜品

M:Nice day, Kate. It seems you’ve invented some new desserts.

W:Hi, Mr. Fry.Yeah. Some creative ideas just popped up in my mind, so I decided to put them into practice.

M: Good for you. So, any recommendations?

W: Sure. You might want to try this lemon pie. I’ve added something spicy in it. It has a lovely strong flavor. The strawberry cake is worth trying, too.

M: Sounds nice. How about this little green one?

W: Oh, that’s the green tea cupcake. It tastes refreshing.

M: Okay.I want the lemon pie and this green tea cupcake.How much should I pay?

W:The pie costs 4 dollars and the cupcake 3 dollars.

M: Okay. Here’s the money.

Text 9 (174词) 开创新事业

W: Hi, Frank. I didn’t expect to see you here.Are you buying some new furniture for your apartment?

M: No, Chloe. My friend and I are starting our own business. We’ve been busy decorating our office recently. I’m here to look for some office tables and chairs.

W: Starting your own business?

M: Yeah. We design clothing for our customers.

W: So you quit your job, didn’t you?

M: Yeah.I just couldn’t imagine myself selling cars forever.

W:Do you know anything about clothing design? I remember you majored in English Literature back in college.

M: Well,my friend has been in that field for over a decade and he is willing to teach me everything.

W: So brave of you. I’ve wanted to write a book for a long time since my kid went to college. I even looked for information about how to write on the Internet. But I just don’t know if I’m capable...

M:Have a little faith in yourself,Chloe. Where there’s a will, there’s a way.

Text 10 (214词) 揭秘尼斯湖怪

W: For hundreds of years, visitors to Loch Ness,the famous lake in Scotland, have described seeing a monster-like creature that some people believe lives deep in the lake. They call it “Nessie”.

Among the many theories about Nessie,the most well-known one is that Nessie is a long-necked dinosaurthat somehow survived after other dinosaurs died out. Some other people believe that the creature is actually an extremely large fish. Now the mystery of Nessie may have no place to hide. A New Zealand professor is leading his international team to the lake next month. They plan to take some of the water and study genetic material from the lake to see what species live there. The 51-year-old professor sayshe does not believe the stories about Nessie at all,but he wants to take people on an interesting trip and communicate some science to them along the way.The professor said that when creatures move in water, they leave small pieces of their DNA behind. He and his team will take water from different points around the lake and at different depths. After removing the impure material from the water, they will compare the acquired DNA with all known species. He said they should have answers by the end of the year.



6—10 BAACB

11—15 CCBAB

16—20 CAABA




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