每天一套 | 高中英语听力专项训练(48)(录音+原文+答案)

每天一套 | 高中英语听力专项训练(48)(录音+原文+答案)





1.When did the man gethome?

A.Before six o’clock.

B.After six o’clock.

C.At six o’clock.

2.Where is Mr. Baker now?

A.At his office.

B.At the travel company.

C.At the restaurant.

3.What’s the man’s reaction to the woman’s request?

A.He is warm-hearted.

B.He wants his secretary to be here at once.

C.He doesn’t like to be interviewed at the moment.

4.What do we know about the man?

A.He won’t go to the party.

B.He will attend the party alone.

C.He will take friends to the party.

5.What are the tickets for?

A.A movie.

B.A football game.

C.A concert.




6.What are the speakers talking about?

A.Lady first.

B.Gender equality.

C.Good manners.

7.Which of the following do not the speakers mention?

A.Men pick the women up.

B.Men take care of the women.

C.Men help the women with the luggage.

8.What can be concluded from the conversation?

A.Men like to help women in many ways.

B.The woman thinks men should open doors for women.

C.The woman doesn’t think men should always care for women.


9.How long has the man kept the disc player?

A.One day.

B.One week.

C.Two weeks.

10.What is wrong with the disc player probably?

A.The play button can’t be pressed.

B.There’s something wrong inside.

C.Something is wrong with the batteries.

11.How does the woman deal with the matter?

A.Ask the manager for help.

B.Return the money to the man.

C.Change another player for the man.


12.What do the speakers want to do according to the conversation?

A.Rent a bigger office.

B.Buy a bigger house.

C.Rent a bigger house.

13.How much does the speakers’ present house worth?

A.24,000 dollars.

B.45,000 dollars.

C.75,000 dollars.

14.What is the man’s suggestion?

A.Selling the old house.

B.Renting the new house.

C.Paying a 35% down payment.


15.What kind of color TV does the man want to buy?

A.A smaller one.

B.A bigger one.

C.A cheaper one.

16.What is the probable relationship between the speakers?

A.Husband and wife.

B.Teacher and student.

C.Good friends.

17.Why does the woman suggest the man buy a smaller TV?

A.Because the man’s sitting room isn’t very big.

B.Because the bigger TV would be a waste of money.

C.Because the smaller TV would be out of fashion in a few years.


18.What will the students do next Thursday?

A.Take an exam.

B.Review lessons.

C.Begin a new book.

19.Which is the most important thing of good speech delivery?

A.Eye contact.

B.Note cards.

C.Visual aids.

20.What will you do if you want to make a good speech?

A.Look directly at one man all the time.

B.Always stare at one man’s eyes.

C.Look at the entire audience.




Text 1

M:If the traffic wasn’t so bad,I should have been home at six o’clock.

W:What a pity!Henry was here to see you.

Text 2

M:Good afternoon.This is Dick Williams at World Travel Company.Is Mr. Baker there?

W:No.He’s out for lunch.

Text 3

W:Could I have a few words with you,Mr. Chairman?

M:I’m very busy at the moment.Please contact my secretary to fix a date for another interview.

Text 4

W:Well,we have considered carefully about allowing friends at the party,but we’ve decided against it since it’s paid by student fees.Sorry about that.

M:I guess if I can only bring myself,I’ll give it a miss.

Text 5

W:I have waited so long in this line and my feet hurt.

M:I just hope that the tickets aren’t sold out.

W:I have heard them singing before,and I think the wait will be worth it.

Text 6

W:I didn’t know that in foreign countries men should always pick up the bill or pay for cinema tickets.It sounds very good to me.

M:So,other examples are,opening doors for women, helping them put on their coats,carrying heavy bags or luggage,helping them sit down at the table…Men take care of women because…

W:Men don’t need to do that.It just gives you the idea that girls and women can’t open the door for themselves.It puts women in a bad position.Men and women are equal.Women can...

M:Yeah,they should carry their own heavy bags and pay for the ticket to the cinema…

W:Yes.Sometimes,yes.And men should help to do the dishes and…

Text 7

M:Excuse me.Could you help me? I have a problem with this disc player.I bought it here yesterday afternoon.

W:I see.What seems to be the problem?

M:It doesn’t work!I put in a CD and pressed the play button,but nothing happened.I haven’t been able to play any CDs at all since I bought it.

W:I’m very sorry to hear that.Could you let me have a look at the disc player?

M:Sure.Here it is.

W:You’re right.It doesn’t play.Let me just check the batteries. No, they’re OK. There must be something wrong inside.I’ll have to send it back to the manufacturer to be repaired.I’m very sorry. Would you like a replacement model?

M:Yes,I would.Thanks.

Text 8

M:Look at this three-bedroom house.It has two baths, a desk and a fireplace.

W:And just look at the price:a hundred and twenty thousand dollars.

M:That’s just the asking price.

W:Well,that’s true.But we haven’t even seen it yet.And I didn’t know we were looking for a new house.

M:Well,interest rates are low and it’s a very good time to get amortgage(抵押贷款).

W:We’d probably need a 20% down payment.Where are we going to get 24,000 dollars?

M:We’d have to sell our house,of course.

W:Our house is only valued at 75,000.

M:Yes, but we only owe about 30,000 on the mortgage.If we sold it,we would have 45,000 dollars to use.

W:Maybe we should just take a look at it first.

Text 9

M:We have justmoved into a house.


M:Thank you,and we want to buy a new television.

W:What kind of television do you want to buy?

M:A color TV,of course,but I’m not sure about the size.Maybe we should buy a big one.If we buy a smaller one,we might have to change it in a few years for a bigger one.That would be a waste of money.What is your opinion?

W:In my opinion,I don’t think it’s necessary to buy a very big one.

M:Any reason?

W:Yes.If your sitting room isn’t big enough,you put in a very big television,that will be bad for your eyes,but a smaller size TV can also pick up good programs.

M:Um,that’s quite true.I’ll think about it.

W:You’d better make a quick decision because the price may go up now.

Text 10

M:Good evening,class.Before we begin tonight’s lesson,I want to remind you about next Thursday’s mid- term.Remember to review chapters one through eight in the book. You will be responsible for knowing all of the information in the chapters plus all of the other topics we have discussed in class. Last week,we talked about the importance of using note cards and visual aids to prepare your speeches.Tonight I’ll tell you the details that could help you with your speech delivery.Please take careful notes. The first and perhaps the most important thing of good speech delivery is eye contact.It is extremely important,especially in the English-speaking world, to make eye contact with all your audience.This may be very difficult for you if you come from a culture where making direct eye contact is a sign of disrespect.But,you really need to practice this skill until you are comfortable looking directly at all of your audience members when you are speaking to them.Please note that you need to look at the entire audience.Please don’t direct your attention to just one person or one side of the room,and don’t stare into the eyes of anyone for a long time









●高中英语一轮复习:必修1 Unit 1(人教版)

●高中英语一轮复习:必修1 Unit 2(人教版)

●高中英语一轮复习:必修1 Unit 3(人教版)

●高中英语一轮复习:必修1 Unit 4(人教版)

●高中英语一轮复习:必修1 Unit 5(人教版)

●高中英语一轮复习:必修2 Unit 1(人教版)

●高中英语一轮复习:必修2 Unit 2(人教版)

标签:高考英语 一轮复习

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艺考培训-高考-高考信息资源-高考号-高考英语考试技巧-每天一套 | 高中英语听力专项训练(48)(录音+原文+答案)