(Please scroll down for the English version -- New students inauguration: Lighting up the road to liberal arts)
New students inauguration:
Lighting up the road to liberal arts
(Scroll down to read more)
About 2,000 undergraduate first-year students of UIC joined the inauguration ceremonies on 15 September, which was held in a combination of offline and online.
President of UIC and Member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Prof Tang Tao, said to the students that they are joining UIC at an exciting time in the college's history. UIC is becoming a bigger and better university to meet the changing needs of China. He explained how UIC is growing in size, in numbers, in diversity, and in quality.
"A university is known by the quality of its students. UIC is great because our students and graduates are great," Prof Tang continued. "UIC will provide you with the best facilities and teachers, and in exchange, you as students, will do your best in developing habits of excellence."
UIC Provost Prof Chen Zhi spoke about how UIC aims to cultivate an environment that allows each student to develop into capable members of society with good bilingual ability, a global vision, and an open mind. "UIC expects you to fully utilise your four years of education here to better equip you for what's ahead," Prof Chen said.
Secretary of the Party Committee and Vice President (Administrative) Prof Mao Yaqing encouraged the students to think about their future development path in their freshman year and find their position. Furthermore, Prof Mao hopes that the students cherish their youth, work hard and get ready to serve society.
Zhao Xinke, a first-year Journalism and Communication student, received a full scholarship for freshmen admission. She was deeply impressed to learn about UIC's international atmosphere, liberal arts focus, and whole-person approach to education. "I think it is going to be important that we embrace new challenges with bravery. At UIC, some of the approaches to learning will be new to us, and we may meet some obstacles while we adjust to this new style," she said.
At the ceremony, President Tang also issued certificates to the full scholarship winning students.
来源 | 新闻公关处
文字 |廖秋娴 Samuel Burgess
图片 |廖秋娴彭子归谢丰
编辑 |陈晓虹何锭 高昕瑜