Publication | 广以毕业生杨逸凡在国际期刊上发表学术论文

Publication | 广以毕业生杨逸凡在国际期刊上发表学术论文


广东以色列理工学院化学工程专业2021届毕业生杨逸凡以共同第一作者的身份在国际期刊《整体环境科学》(Science of the Total Environment)上发表题为《以玉米芯粉为用于土壤镉固定的尿素分解菌的载体的生化复合材料》的学术论文。广东以色列理工学院环境工程系教授Varenyam Achal为本文通讯作者。




杨逸凡同学介绍道,出于对生物类实验的兴趣,在得知Varenyam Achal教授的研究领域与微生物有关后,他在大三暑假主动与教授联系,表明自己想要加入项目的意向。随后,他在教授的博士生李维拉的带领下开始了这项研究。“我主要负责小部分的实验设计,并和博士生一起完成了所有的实验过程、数据分析、总结和论文撰写。这其中也遇到了不少困难,前期对脲酶活性检测时,需要经常接触有毒的试剂;后期有些实验过程很耗时,且需要使用不少的王水,比较消耗精力。”

目前,杨逸凡同学仍在广以Varenyam Achal教授的实验室担任研究助理。明年1月,他将前往瓦赫宁根大学攻读硕士研究生学位。

《全环境科学》(Science of the Total Environment)是一份国际性的多学科期刊,主要发表整个环境科学领域新颖的、以假设驱动的并具有高影响力的研究,包括大气、岩石圈、水圈、生物圈和人类圈等。该期刊2020年影响因子为7.963,属中科院SCI分区环境科学类一区期刊,JCR分区Q1区期刊。



Graduates | 杨逸凡:“全能少年”修炼记



Opening Ceremony|广东以色列理工学院2018年开学典礼今天举行


Yang Yifan, an undergraduate student from Class of 2021 majoring in Chemical Engineering at Guangdong Technion Israel Institute of Technology (GTIIT), published an academic article titled "Biochemical composite material using corncob powder as a carrier material for ureolytic bacteria in soil cadmium immobilization" in the Journal of Science of the Total Environment as the co-first author. Varenyam Achal, professor of Environmental Engineering Program at GTIIT, is the corresponding author of this article.


This study mainly focused on a biochemical composite material (BCM) formed by loading a strain of ureolytic bacteria isolated from heavy metal contaminated soil to the corncob powder as carrier, and examining its ability of facilitating microbially-induced calcite precipitation (MICP) while immobilizing exchangeable heavy metal contained compounds in soil. Specifically, the mechanism of such biochemical composite material in immobilizing heavy metals and its superiority in comparison with other composite materials were studied.

This research can be applied to sites of soil contaminated by heavy metals, such as e-waste disposal sites, mines, etc., and has the potential to help purify soil and promote crop growth in contaminated farmland.

Yang Yifan said that out of interest in biological experiments, after learning that Prof. Varenyam Achal's research field was related to microbiology, he took the initiative to contact Prof. Varenyam Achal in the summer vacation of his junior year and expressed his intention to join the project. He then began the research under the guidance of his doctoral student Li Weila. "I was mainly responsible for a small part of the experimental design, and completed all the experimental process, data analysis, summary and paper writing together with Weila. I encountered some difficulties in the process. In the early stage of urease activity testing, I often contacted with toxic reagents. Later, some experiments are time-consuming and require a lot of aqua regia, which consumes energy."

At present, Yang Yifan is still working as a research assistant in Prof.Varenyam Achal's laboratory at GTIIT. He will start his postgraduate studies at Wageningen University in January, 2022.

Science of the Total Environment is an international multi-disciplinary journal for publication of novel, hypothesis-driven and high-impact research on the total environment, which interfaces the atmosphere, lithosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere, and anthroposphere. With an impact factor of 7.963 in 2020, this journal belongs to Region 1of Environmental Sciences in SCI of Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the Region Q1 of JCR.

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Related reading:

Graduates | 杨逸凡:“全能少年”修炼记


Yang Yifan gave a speech as a student representative on the 2018 opening ceremony:

Opening Ceremony|广东以色列理工学院2018年开学典礼今天举行


Text/Photos: GTIIT News & Public Affairs





艺考培训-广东本科院校-广东以色列理工学院-微高校-院校号-广东以色列理工学院-Publication | 广以毕业生杨逸凡在国际期刊上发表学术论文