The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen
Notices and Arrangementsduring NCP Prevention and Control
February 9, 2020
In order to facilitate normal operation of all its schools, colleges, and departments in light of theprevention and control of the2019-nCov, so that studies shall not be discontinued though students cannot currently return to the campus, CUHK-Shenzhen has announced a series of measures and regulations which are assembled as follows: ( All annexes are uploaded onintranet.)
1.Notice of Postponement of Spring Semester
Inlinewith theregulations of Guangdong and Shenzhen governments regarding theprevention and control of2019-nCov,the university has decided to postpone the start date of the spring semester of the 2019-2020 academic year.The new semester shall not begin until the end of February or even later. The specific date will be further noticed as circumstances become more predictable. Meanwhile,online teachingand learning will become effectiveon February 17.Designated employees of each department shall be on duty from February 10.
Annex 1:Arrangements of the Chinese university of Hong Kong (Shenzhen) for the postponement of the new semester
Annex 2:Notice of the Chinese university of Hong Kong (Shenzhen) on staff to start work after the Spring Festival
Press the QR code to download Annex 3: Notice of the Chinese university of Hong Kong (Shenzhen) on staff to start work after the Spring Festival
2.Notice of Online Teaching and Learning Arrangements
In light of the epidemic situation and the government’s requirements, the University has announced the deferment of the date for students to return to the campus until further notice. Meanwhile, the University has been making every effort to minimize the impacts on our students’academic pursuits. The University has decided to launch an online teaching and learning (online T&L) plan as follows:
1) Online T&L will commence from February 17th and will remain effective until the term is resumed and students return to the campus, when classes will be switched to the normal face-to-face mode.
2) The online T&L plan will be applied to all undergraduate and postgraduate courses as well as part-time programmes, except lab courses and physical education classes. Arrangements regarding laband physical education classes will be made later.
3) All online classes should be conducted according to the original timetable.Teaching staff members have been informed about the detailed arrangements of the online T&L plan [Attachments 1 and 2].
4) The University will provide Blackboard, an e-learning system, Panopto, an online video platform, and Zoom, a real-time live teaching system, for all instructors and students to carry out the online T&L activities.
5) The Information and Technology Services Office (ITSO) will provide technical support for the use of these systems. A manual on the online T&L systems for the instructors [Attachment 3] and that for the students [Attachment 4] have been sent to the teaching staff and the students, respectively.The teaching assistant (TA) of each class is expected to provide more direct technical assistance to the instructor and the students of the class.
6) ITSO will organize online training sessions for the teaching staff It is required that all teaching staff should attend at least one such training.ITSO will organize a special training session for the TAs.Details about how to register for the training sessions have been emailed to all instructors and the TAs.
7)ITSO will also organize multiple online training sessions for students. Details about the training sessions have been emailed to all students, which can also be read in the attachment here [Attachment 5].
8)The TA/instructor of each class will organize a live test session during the week of 10-16 Feb, according to the original teaching timetable. This is to make the students of the class familiar with the online teaching mode, in addition to serving as a test to prepare for the actual online class to be started the week after.Details about the test sessions will be notified by each School.
9) The add/drop system for courses offered in Term 2 will be activated once again from17-23 February 2020. Specific arrangements are given in the document [Attachment 6].
10) Graduate students should utilize the online resources to continue their research work with their supervisors. The supervisors should maintain regular interaction with their students, providing guidance online to the students.
The University appreciates very much the understanding of our students on the above online T&L arrangements adopted in this special time, and welcomes any valuable suggestions and feedback for improvement. Further notices will be announced through wechat and email.
Pleaseuse VPN to login to your account to browse the following annexes on intranet.(
Annex 1:Notice of Online Teaching and Learning Arrangements
Annex 2:Online Teaching and Learning Arrangements II
Annex 3:Online Teaching and Learning System User Manual (Instructors)
Annex 4:Online Teaching and Learning System User Manual (Students)
Annex 5:Training sessions for students
Annex 6:Notice on Special Add/Drop for Term 2 of Academic Year 2019-2020
Support Arrangemen (HRO)
In accordance with the government and Education Bureau requirements of prevention and control of epidemic situation, most of the staff work from home through the network, Schools/Colleges/Units are required to coordinate and notify staff members who are necessary and required to come to the University on duty because of need to conduct online teaching and learning programs and other related matters. Schools and other relevant units, please coordinate relevant staff members and ensure the smooth implementation of online teaching and learning programs and other related work. Staff on duty are reminded to follow strict guidelines and requirements of the prevention and control measures of epidemic infection. Avoid close contact with others and group work environment.
Those who are currently in Hubei and Wenzhou, please protect your own personal health and do not return to the University. Those, within the last two weeks, have stayed in Hubei or Wenzhou, or have a history of contact with Hubei or Wenzhou citizens, please do not return to the University and follow strict guidelines for quarantine. Those colleagues who have not yet reported their own personal information are required to report to Della Huang of Human Resources Office at mobile: 15889768097.
After the epidemic infection is under control, the University will notify staff members for resumption of normal work arrangement.
4. Library Online Service
The Library of CUHK-Shenzhen provides users with online services. These services include online reference and consultation service, and accesstoeResources when users are away from campus.
Users can access all library eResources via VPN. For more detials, please refer to Users can check the eResources List athttps://cuhk-shenzhen.网址未加载/az.php.
Since February 10, 2020, the Library offers online reference services to all users. These services include eResources consultation service and subject consultation service.
Service Hours:
09:00-12:00 & 13:30-17:30
09:30-11:30 & 13:30-17:00
Contact Us:
Phone: 0755 23515151
For more information, you may also visit the library WeChat.
5. College Life
While most students are away from campus due to Chinese New Year holiday and the outbreak of 2019-nCoV, Colleges are still“home”to our students. To stay in touch with students, the Colleges and Office of Student Affairs (OSA) have been organizing various online activities and supporting students in every way.
Shaw College:
Tel: 0755 84273023
Tel: 0755 84273024
Diligentia College
Tel: 0755 84273910
Muse College
Tel: 0755 84273974
Harmonia College
Tel: 0755 23515400
Annex 1:Notices Issued by Colleges during nCoV Prevention and Control
Annex 2:Overview of Major Measures Taken by Colleges and OSA
6. Arrangements ofCareer Services and Further Study
TheCareer Planning and Development Office (CPDO) will organize career and further study information posting, online activities and consulting through online channels. Updated news will be posted through CPDO website, WeChat account, email and WeChat groups.
1)Full-time and Internship Positions:
Apart from regular online sharing of career information, CPDO is to hold an online “Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Recruitment Fair” this March to welcome companies of various industries to offer recruitment opportunities.
2)Career and Further Study Activities:
CPDO as well as all schools will have diverse online activities, including career and further study planning, industry sharing, overseas university or program information sessions, etc.
3)Career and Further Study Consulting:
From Feb 10th, CPDO and all schools will open reservations for one-on-one online consulting service of career and further study. Students can make appointments through CPDO and school websites.
If you might have any further questions related to the placement work, please feel free to contact the below respective departments:
7. Requirements on Prevention of the Novel Coronavirus
The University has collected basic information concerning 2019-nCoV prevention and control of all students and staff while submitting reports on their health conditions to the central and local authorities on a daily basis. It is of necessity that all students and staff daily report their health conditions and their travel history to the University.
Designated personnel of each school, college, and department will be on duty starting from February 10 to facilitate the operation of online teaching and learning which shall become effective on February 17. Personnel on duty must comply with the prevention and control measures as stipulated by the University.
Students and staff who are currently in severely infected areas should abide with regulations announced by central and local authorities, avoid travelling back to Shenzhen, and take all necessary measures for self-protection.
Please consultRequirements on Prevention of nCoVfor further details.
Press the QR code to download
8. Counseling Service
1)The Psychological Counseling and Development Service, in Office of Student Affairs, starts on February 1, 2020, providing online counseling service to all students at CUHK-Shenzhen. This service is delivered by the office counselors who are supported and supervised by the faculty members in the Psychology Major program, School of Humanities and SocialSciences.
Service Hours:
To sign up for counseling service, please scan the QR code below and fill in the required information.
2)From February 10, 2020, the counseling service will resume its normal service hours, and its reservation system shall be open for reservation.
Service Hours:
Monday-Friday,09:00-12:00 & 13:30-17:30
Please scan the QR code below so as to log into the reservation system make your reservation. Counseling services will be provided by phone.
9.Campus Management and Entry Control
Under current emergency situation against Coronavirus outspreading, the Security Office of CUHK-Shenzhen is now regulating its policies on entry and exit of the university campuses.
1)The campuses shall not be open to the public; visitors, individual or group, cannot be received. Food takeaways shall not be admitted into the campuses.
2)From 17:00 on January 28 to the begin of the semester, all students (including undergraduate students, master's students and doctoral students) who are outside the university are strictly prohibited to return to school. Faculty members outside the university are not allowed to return without permission until further notice.
For staff who need to go back to school and obtain permission from the university in order to support the online teaching are required to wear masks and have their temperature checked before they can go through the designated school gate.
3)The East gate which close to LongFei and the South gate which close to Daoyuan Building, will serve as the entry/exit for pedestrians and vehicles on the lower campus; the old west gate, the one below Liwen Building, will allow commuting between the lower and upper campuses. Other gates on the lower campus shall remain closed.
4)Pedestrians can enter the middle campus through the west gate, the one next to Aolin Restaurant, whereas vehicles will not be allowed(except the vehicle of construction units)
5)All three gates on the upper campus shall remain open to students and staff, both pedestrians and vehicles.
Annex 1:Notice on Entry and Exit of CUHK-Shenzhen Campuses during Coronavirus Prevention
10. Logistics Support
The university logistics team has initiated safety measures of multiple levels on campus. Daily disinfection shall be applied to elevators, offices, meeting rooms and shuttle buses throughout the range of the university. All university canteens will only prepare packed meals to be taken away as group dinning is strongly discouraged. In the meantime, food sources shall be under strict inspection. The mail office and all incoming parcels will also be daily disinfected.
Annex 1:Precautionary Measures, Actions and Advice in Time of 2019-nCoV
In view of the rapid update of information during the current outbreak, we hereby launch an intranet website to publish various information on university announcements, newsletters, protection knowledge, consultation and so on ( Use browser ). Most importantly, you can also learn all kinds of summary information about online teaching, campus management, return-to-campus arrangements, etc. through this intranet page.
Open to university teachers and students only, this web page requires login through a CUHK-Shenzhen VPN application. (If you have not installed the VPN, please download and install the corresponding PC or mobile clients at ) With the VPN, you can easily log in to your account to browse this specific page.
Please be aware that the website will be updated before 18:00 p.m. on a daily basis. Please take good care of yourself and your family by this stage. We sincerely wish you good health and peace.
In the meanwhile, please make sure to access the latest announcements of CHUK-Shenzhen through your university email and the coronavirus information intranet website (VPN-required).
1) Personal mailbox - the only channel to get the latest important information of each department in real time.
2) Coronavirus Information Website - a summary platform for daily access to major information updates released by the university.
2019-nCov Prevention and Control Leading Group
The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen
February 9, 2020