Open Day Review | 广东以色列理工学院举行线上开放日,干货满满

Open Day Review | 广东以色列理工学院举行线上开放日,干货满满


Open Day




常务副校长Eliezer Shalev致欢迎辞






经国家教育部批准,广东以色列理工学院新增数学与计算机科学专业(Mathematics with Computer Science,教育部专业目录名称:数学与应用数学),自2020年起开始招生。




学生能够在掌握牢固数学学科知识之余,进一步学习与计算机科学相关的专业知识,为从事计算机领域相关的工作打下坚实基础。根据以色列理工学院的经验,本专业毕业生具备继续攻读数学专业或计算机科学专业研究生的知识结构,而且计算机科学领域更加欢迎数学基础扎实、融贯计算机科学知识的学生。除了考研深造,本专业的就业前景也非常广阔,在机器学习、神经网络、大数据、认知系统、遗传算法等数学与计算机科学引领的产业创新领域,本专业毕业生尤其具有得天独厚的知识优势和能力优势。更多消息,请点击链接获取New Program|今年!广以的数学与计算机科学专业在等着你



今年广东以色列理工学院目前开设的四个专业计划招收410名本科新生,其中材料科学与工程专业110名、化学工程(教育部专业目录名称为:化学工程与工艺)专业85名、生物技术与食品工程(教育部专业目录名称为:生物技术)专业85名,今年新增的数学与计算机科学(教育部专业目录名称为:数学与应用数学)专业130名。更多消息,请点击链接获取Intake Plan | 2020年广东以色列理工学院本科招生计划发布




在录取要求方面,学校今年调整了招生政策。对于报考材料科学与工程、化学工程、生物技术与食品工程的考生,高考外语单科成绩须不低于110分(满分150分)或88分(满分120分),并且数学单科成绩不低于95分(江苏省考生数学单科成绩(含附加分)须不低于125分)。对于报读数学与计算机科学专业的考生,高考外语单科成绩须不低于110分(满分150分)或88分(满分120分),而且高考数学单科成绩不低于110分(江苏省考生数学单科成绩(含附加分)须不低于145分)。更多消息,请点击链接获取Admissions Policy|广东以色列理工学院2020年夏季普通高考招生章程










Anniversary | 一同进步,未来可期!

Teaching Lab|带你揭开广东以色列理工学院教学实验室的“神秘面纱”

国际范 Internationalization|从广东以色列理工学院,走向国际一流大学!

Good News|硬核!广东以色列理工学院陈林泓同学学术论文被国际物理期刊收录

Good News|冠军!GTIIT学子勇夺2019霍特奖大湾区创新挑战赛大奖



Open Day


To help potential students and parents find out more about the university, GTIIT held a virtual open day on July 18th. The event, which lasted for nearly 7 hours, provided the audience a more diversified image of the university through introduction of teaching features, scientific research achievements, and program setting.

The event is full of substantial contents. General concerned topics such as university features, faculty team, scientific research and development, curriculum arrangements, talent cultivation, and career prospects have been introduced in detail. Online teaching lab and research labtours were also arranged so that the audience can see a full range ofcutting-edge lab equipment without leaving home.

WelcomeSpeech by Vice Chancellor Eliezer Shalev

GTIIT Overviewby Pro-Vice Chancellor Lin Danming

A special guest was also invited to share information about the college entrance examination application and give tips for the audience. During the Q & A session, potential students and parents asked questions online actively.

Highlights of the Open Day


Open Mathematics with Computer Scienceprogram

Approved by the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China, the Guangdong Technion Israel Institute of Technology opens a program ——Mathematics with Computer Science, which will enroll students from 2020.

In total, undergraduate programs open in 2020 areChemical Engineering, Biotechnology and Food Engineering,Materials ScienceandEngineering, andMathematics with Computer Science.

The Mathematics with Computer Science program follows the disciplinary tradition of the Technion. In line with the rationale of "high-level computer science problems are based on deep mathematical knowledge", courses related to mathematics and computer science are integrated to generate interdisciplinary education advantages and cultivate advanced compound talents with adaptability and flexibility. The curriculum covers core courses of Mathematics programs and compulsory courses ofComputer Science programs offered by world-renowned universities, focusing on fundamentals, compatibility and scalability of the knowledge structure. Teaching processes willstrengthen the unique mathematics thinking training of the Technionby guiding students to constantly ask and reflect on scientific problems, thus effectively absorbing and digesting the knowledge learned. Graduates of this program will possess a solid foundation in both mathematics and computer science, and at the same time master the principles and applications of symbiosis and co-prosperity in the artificial intelligence environment. As a result, students will be able to develop the ability to mine and solve cutting-edge scientific problems and industrial innovation problems.

The four-year program consists of a large number of deep and rigorous courses in Math which cover the main areas of mathematics as algebra, analysis, geometry, topology, combinatorics and number theory and the main courses in a strong computer science program as courses in data structures, operating systems, programing and computer organization together with more advanced courses.

Graduates of this program will be ready to pursue graduate studies in Mathematics or Computer Science. According to the experience of the Technion, students with a solid mathematical foundation and thorough knowledge of computer science will be more welcomed by the field of computer science. In addition to postgraduate studies, the employment prospects of this program are also very broad. Graduates will have unique knowledge and capability advantages in industrial innovations led by mathematics and computer science, such as machine learning, neural networks, big data, cognitive systems, genetic algorithms, etc.More information, please click the link:New Program|今年!广以的数学与计算机科学专业在等着你


Enroll 410 students from 20 provinces(cities)

In 2020, the four programs currently offered by Guangdong Technion Israel Institute of Technology will enroll 410 students in total:110 students for Materials Science and Engineering, 85 students for Chemical Engineering, 85 students for Biotechnology and Food Engineering, and 130 students for Mathematics with Computer Science.Besides the regular sources of our students from 17 provinces (cities) including Guangdong, Tianjin, Shanghai, Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Shandong, Hunan, Hubei, Henan, Hebei, Heilongjiang, Jilin, Liaoning, Sichuan, Chongqing, Shanxi, Shaanxi, GTIIT will start to recruit students from Fujian, Anhui, and Guangxi in 2020.More information,please click the link:Intake Plan | 2020年广东以色列理工学院本科招生计划发布


New entry requirements

Candidates must meet the entry requirements of the program they apply:

Materials Science and Engineering,Chemical Engineering,Biotechnology and Food Engineering

(1) The score of the foreign language in Gaokao should not be less than 110 points (out of 150 points) or 88 points (out of 120 points), and

(2) The mathematics score in Gaokao should not be less than 95 points (for Jiangsu candidates, mathematics score should be at least 125 points or above including additional points).

Mathematics with Computer Science

(1) The score of the foreign language in Gaokao should not be less than 110 points (out of 150 points) or 88 points (out of 120 points), and

(2) The mathematics score in Gaokao should not be less than 110 points (for Jiangsu candidates, mathematics score should be at least 145 points or above including additional points).

More information,please click the link:Admissions Policy|广东以色列理工学院2020年夏季普通高考招生章程


Increase the amount of scholarship

In 2020, GTIIT has increased the amount of the second and third prizes for both the Chancellor's Scholarship Policy and the Academic Excellence Scholarship Policy, aiming atrewarding students with excellent GAOKAO performance and those maintain good academic performance in the academic years.More information,please click the link:Scholarships|必读!广东以色列理工学院2020年奖学金政策新鲜出炉!


Choose fromover 100 universities to study worldwide

GTIIT is now officially included in the Technion's exchange agreements. This means that students at GTIIT will also have the opportunity to take one or more semesters abroad at a Technion partner university, where the curriculum could be recognized as part of their degree at GTIIT and the Technion. This enables students to expand their horizons and academic experience.

Currently, GTIIT aims to facilitate student exchanges with more than 100 world-renowned universities. They are Carnegie Mellon University, Cornell University, Johns Hopkins University, McGill University, University of British Columbia, University of Toronto, Berlin University of Technology, Munich University of Technology, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, University of Melbourne, Monash University, National University of Singapore, Nanyang Technological University and so on.

Read More

Anniversary | 一同进步,未来可期!

Teaching Lab|带你揭开广东以色列理工学院教学实验室的“神秘面纱”

国际范 Internationalization|从广东以色列理工学院,走向国际一流大学!

Good News|硬核!广东以色列理工学院陈林泓同学学术论文被国际物理期刊收录

Good News|冠军!GTIIT学子勇夺2019霍特奖大湾区创新挑战赛大奖



Text/Photos: GTIIT News & Public Affairs







艺考培训-广东本科院校-广东以色列理工学院-微高校-院校号-广东以色列理工学院-Open Day Review | 广东以色列理工学院举行线上开放日,干货满满