Upcoming Lecture | 瑞典隆德大学宣讲会






隆德大学成立于1666年,2020年总体排名:US NEWS 排名: 99; QS排名: 97。学科领域全面,超过80个硕士专业,500个英语授课的课程。






广以数学与计算机科学专业可以对接信息系统,机器学习系统与控制, 数理统计,数学等。


1. 隆德大学是欧洲研究型大学联盟成员(LERU)之一,也是众多科技产品与服务的发源地(例如:超声波,浅析,蓝牙技术,括鼠标,起搏器,Spotify,skype等)。

2. 隆德大学和瑞典研究理事会共同运营瑞典最大的MAX IV 实验室(一家国家级实验室,也是高性能同步加速器辐射实验室)。

3. 2023年,欧洲散裂源研究中心将在隆德大学城正式启用,这将是世界上最大和最先进的中子研究中心。

4. 瑞典第一所研究园Ideon 位于隆德。

5. 瑞典隆德大学拥有高度国际化学府(超过150个国家的学生)、与70个国家和地区的640所大学合作。注重校企合作,与知名企业进行合作,例如:Ericsson 爱立信、Sony Mobile,、Tetra Pak利乐、Gambro 金宝、Alfa Laval阿法拉伐公司。


As the first Sino-foreign cooperative university that has been introduced with the quality educational resources from Israel, Guangdong Technion-Israel Institute of Technology is committed to cultivating talents with innovation, global vision and humanistic literacy. Many famous universities all over the world provide opportunities for GTIIT students for further study.


Speaker:Ms. Zhu Beili, the representative of Lund University

For further study

Lund University has suitable master programs for all the GTIIT students.

The Chemical Engineering Programme of GTIIT can be connected to Chemistry, Biochemistry, Physical Chemistry, Synthetic and Analytical Chemistry of Lund University.

The Biotechnology and Food Engineering Programme of GTIIT can be connected to Bioinformatics, Animal Ecology, Aquatic Ecology, Conservation Biology, Plant Science, General Biology, Biomedicine, Biotechnology, Food Technology and Nutrition, Geology Biogeology, General Molecular Biology, Medical Biology, Microbiology Molecular Biology, Molecular Genetics and Biotechnology, Pharmaceutical Technology: Discovery, Development and Production, Biological Physics and Computational Biology.

The Materials Engineering Programme of GTIIT can be connected to Nanoscience, Material Science, Production and Materials Engineering.

The Mathematics with Computer Science of GTIIT can be connected to Information Systems, Machine Learning, Systems and Control, Mathematical Statistics, Mathematics.

About Lund University

1. Lund University is a member of LERU and the birthplace of many technological products and services (for example: ultrasound, analysis, Bluetooth technology, mouse, pacemaker, Spotify, skype, etc.).

2. Lund University host the largest MAX IV laboratory in Sweden (a national laboratory jointly operated by the Swedish Research Council and Lund University, a high-performance synchrotron radiation laboratory)

3. In 2023, the European Spallation Source Research Center will be officially opened in the university city of Lund, which will be the largest and most advanced neutron research center in the world.

4. Ideon Science Park, Medicon Village and Science Village Scandinavia are closely linkedto Lund University.

5. International:

- The students come from more than 150 countries.

- Be active in a number of cooperation study programmes. There are connect with 640 universities in 70 countries and regions.

- Focus on university-enterprise cooperation, such as Ericsson Ericsson, Sony mobile, Tetra Pak Tetra Pak, Gambro Jinbao, Alfa Laval and Alfa Laval.



Text/Photos:GTIIT Student Affairs Department, GTIIT News & Public Affairs




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