Zhong Ying has once learned drawing from other Artstudio beforecomehere.Most of the time they taughther tocopyothers works.I designacoursefor her personally.Shehas come tostudythree times a week.She hasbeen workingvery hard,as areturn for this, she hasmade agreatprogress in such short period.She has been spentmoretimeondrawing from life,which arephoto drawing, stilllife,andplaster model.Accordingto whatshe doesn't know tohelp hermake progress.She isvery good atdealing light and shade contrast rightnow.Moreover,It is veryprofessionaltobuild volumeofobjectsby deviding surfaces,whichto some extentiswatershed betweenprofession andamateur.Mainly,shehas donea goodjob.
She has begun tolearnportrait.Sincedrawingstilllife,shehas beentrained keenobservation and detailexpressiveforce.After that,She has a plan tolearnpaintingfor next half year.Shewill learnhow tomix colors,copymasterspaintingsas well aspainting from life,whichcould help her lovetopaint andexpress her feelings increation.