A Letter to Overseas Faculty and Students from GZNU

A Letter to Overseas Faculty and Students from GZNU



A Letter to Overseas Faculty and Students from Guizhou Normal University

Dear overseas faculty and students of GZNU,

As the COVID-19 continuously spreads across the globe from the beginning of 2020, Chinese people make concerted efforts in the fight against the pandemic and finally succeed in building a‘Health Great Wall’for people’s life safety. We are now glad to embrace the good news that the prevention and control measures in China have yielded positive result sand our university survived from the epidemic without any confirmed cases. As we see the world, however,some countries and regions still face severe challenge sand stand great tests amid the proliferation and the cross-border spreading of the virus.What the planet happened makes it a task with top priority and common responsibility for every country to fight against the disease and secure global public health safety.

Spring is here on our campus with flowers blooming in this beautiful season, while the mountain of Zhaobi and the river of Siya are no longer bustlingas they were before.We are, as always, concerned about all international faculty and students including those working or studying overseas. All staff in GZNU throws themselves in the fight to contain the pneumonia outbreak, keeping close contact with students and faculty and successfully maintaining a stable situation.

The virus knows no border, but the worst of the time reveals the best in people.At this particular time when the whole world works to prevent and control COVID-19, we deeply understand the meaning ofA Community withSharedFuture forMankind,aconcept mentioned by President Xi Jinping with great foresight. GZNU values life and health of its students and faculty at home and aboard. Here are some suggestions we would like to share with you to stop the virus spreading:

1.Abide by the epidemic requirements and regulations of the university, the public health authority and the government in host country.

2.Follow the local epidemic situation, keep track of its latest news from embassyand consulate and proactively cooperate with local government in carrying out prevention and control measures. More learning about the disease prevention are also of great importance.

3.Enhance personal protection. Avoid unnecessary outings,outside activities and travelling. When going out, wear a mask. Keep personal hygieneby doing moderate exercise,washing hands frequently, drinking more water and ventilating your room.Avoid organizing or attending dinner parties.If you have a fever, dry coughor other symptoms, please seek medical treatment immediately at the closest designated medical institution.

4.Foreign teachers and students are required to report on their health condition to Office of International Exchange and Cooperation and the School of International Education every day.

5.Faculty and students who are working or studying overseas but are returning to China recently, must inform your school/department of the detailed schedules including flight information, transit city, port of entry etc. 14 days ahead. Upon entering China, please cooperate with departments of thecustoms, immigration inspection, airport, civil aviation, high-speed railway,passengerstations, etc. and submittheHealthDeclarationwith true and correct personal information. Follow the advisement of the epidemic prevention and control departments to take temperatures, have medical checks or centralized isolation under medical observation.

6.Staffs in GZNU, whose family member(s) are working or travelling overseas and are going back to China recently, should follow the prevention and control requirements of local authorities and give guidance to your family.

Our love will eventually drive away the winter and embrace the spring! Let’s expect the day to meet under the foot of Zhaobi mountain and gather along Siya river, enjoying the beautiful scenery on campus together.

Wish everyone of you and your family members safe and sound!

Guizhou Normal University

March 17, 2020



责编:张 皓






艺考培训-贵州本科院校-贵州师范大学-微高校-院校号-贵州师范大学-A Letter to Overseas Faculty and Students from GZNU