武音将赴美国纽约卡内基音乐厅展演“ 编钟与民族管弦乐音乐会”

武音将赴美国纽约卡内基音乐厅展演“ 编钟与民族管弦乐音乐会”

"The Grand Set of Chime-bells and Chinese Orchestra Music"

May 31st, 2019, Issac Stern Auditorium, Carnegie Hall, USA




Bianzhong (Chime bell) is an ancient Chinesemusical instrument that has been dated between 2,400 to 3,000 years old. Unearthedin 1978 in Suizhou of Hubei province, Bianzhong of Marquis Yi of Zeng covers arange of five and half octaves. With each bell’s capability of twin-tone, thethree and half octaves in the middle register can sound a complete 12-tonescale. Chime bells embody the splendid Chinese civilization and its rites andmusic culture.



At this concert, ancient chime bells and thenew-style Chinese orchestra interacts with each other, bringing the audiencebeautiful, lingering sound of chime bells as well as the charm of Chinesenational orchestral music. The concert integrates the outstanding Chineseculture, the themes of Chu music, and themes of our time. The concert will beconducted by Pang Kapang, a well-known conductor and a distinguished professorof "Chutian Scholars"; Mr. Pang will perform jointly with professorHu Zhiping, a renowned Erhu player, professor Rong Zheng, a famous bamboo fluteplayer, and the Oriental Chinese Orchestra of Wuhan Conservatory of Music.

编钟音乐是武汉音乐学院的特色和优势学科领域。1978年曾侯乙编钟出土以来,武汉音乐学院在编钟音乐理论研究、编钟音乐创作、编钟音乐表演方面取得了丰硕成果,开展了一系列编钟音乐创作和展演活动,涌现了一大批优秀的编钟音乐作品和编钟等古乐器演奏家,承担了国家和湖北省一系列重大的演出活动。如1984 年庆祝新中国成立 35周年组建湖北编钟乐团进京献演“曾候乙编钟音乐会”;1997年组建中华编钟乐团参加庆祝香港回归庆典演出;1999年受国务院新闻办和文化部委派组建中国编钟乐团参加由中国国务院新闻办与联合国教科文组织联合举办的“’99 巴黎·中国文化周”,在联合国教科文组织一号大厅展演3场“中国编钟音乐会”;2010年参加国家大剧院第三届“春华秋实——艺术院校舞台艺术精品展演周”演出“华韵楚风——大型民族管弦乐与编钟音乐会”。为促进编钟音乐文化创造性转化、创新性发展,武汉音乐学院音乐创作湖北省协同创新中心2018年面向海内外开展“编钟与民族管弦乐、编钟与民族室内乐作品征集评奖活动”,产生了一批优秀的编钟与民族管弦乐作品。2018年10月承担由湖北省人民政府主办的“第三届湖北艺术节暨庆祝改革开放40周年优秀作品展演”开幕式“编钟与民族管弦乐音乐会”和由中共武汉市委、武汉市人民政府主办的“第七届琴台音乐节”开幕式“华韵楚风——编钟与大型民族管弦乐音乐会”。等等。

Chime-bellmusic is the characteristic and advantageous subject field of Wuhan Conservatory of Music. Since chime bells were unearthed from the Tomb of Marquis Yi of Zeng in 1978, Wuhan Conservatory of Music has achieved fruitful resultsin theoretical research, creation and performance of chime-bell music. It hascarried out a series of creation and exhibition performance of chime-bell musicand a large number of outstanding chime-bell music works and performers ofancient musical instruments such as the chime-bell. Meanwhile, it has alsoundertaken a series of major performance activities in the country and HubeiProvince. For instance, to celebrate the 35th anniversary of the founding ofPeople's Republic of China, Hubei Chime Orchestra was established and gave a"Concert of Chime-bell of Marquis Yi of Zeng" in Beijing in 1984. In1997, the Chinese Chime Orchestra was established to perform at the celebrationof Hong Kong's return to the motherland. In 1999, delegated by the StateCouncil Information Office of the People's Republic of China and the Ministryof Culture, the China Chime Orchestra was established to participate in"1999 Paris Chinese Culture Week" jointly organized by the StateCouncil Information Office of the People's Republic of China and United NationsEducational, Scientific and Cultural Organization and performed three"China Chime-bell Concerts" in No.1 Hall of UNESCO. In 2010, WuhanConservatory of Music participated in the third "Chunhua Qiushi -- ExhibitionPerformance of Fine Stage Art Week of Art Colleges" and performed "HuayunChufeng -- the Grand Chinese Orchestra and Chime-bell Music ". In order topromote the creative transformation and innovative development of chime-bellmusic culture, Hubei Provincial Collaborative Innovation Center of MusicCreation of Wuhan Conservatory of Music launched "Chime-belland Chinese Orchestra, Chime-bell and Chinese Chamber Music Work Collection andAward Activity" at home and abroad in 2018, resulting in a number of excellentchime-bell and Chinese orchestra works. In October 2018, it performed " TheGrand Set of Chime-bells and Chinese Orchestra Concert" at the openingceremony of "the Third Hubei Art Festival and Exhibition of OutstandingWorks Celebrating the 40th Anniversary of Reform and Opening-up" sponsoredby Hubei Provincial People's Government and performed "Huayun Chufeng --The Grand Set of Chime-bells and Chinese Orchestra Music" at the openingceremony of "the 7th Qintai Music Festival" sponsored byCPC Wuhan Municipal Committee and Wuhan Municipal People's Government.



1、编钟与民族管弦乐《庆典序曲》 赵季平曲


Zhao Jiping: Festival

for Chime Bellsand Chinese Orchestra

Chime Bells PartArranged by Tan Jun

2、编钟与民族管弦乐《和鸣》 龚华华曲

Gong Huahua: Harmonyof “Ba Yin”

for Chime Bellsand Chinese Orchestra


——选自竹笛协奏曲《巴楚行》 钟信明曲


Zhong Xinming: The Pastfrom Journey toBachu

for Bamboo Flute and Chinese Orchestra

Bamboo Flute: RongZheng

4、编钟与民族管弦乐《我的祖国》 刘文金编创


Liu Wenjin: MyMotherland

for Chime Bellsand Chinese Orchestra

Chime Bells PartArranged by Tan Jun

5、二胡与民族管弦乐《纳兰性德辞意》 桑雨曲


Sang Yu: ArtisticConception of Nalan Xingde

For Erhu andChinese Orchestra

Erhu Solo: HuZhiping

6、编钟与民族管弦乐《编钟徊响》 徐昌俊曲

Xu Changjun:The Echo of Chime Bells

for Chime Bellsand Chinese Orchestra


Artist Profile



Conductor:Pang Kapang


Pang Kapang, a well-known national first-gradeconductor, is an expert entitled to the governmental special allowances of theState Council. He is a member of the 13th National Committee of theChinese People's Political Consultative Conference, and a managing director ofChina Nationalities Orchestra Society. Moreover, he is the art director andprincipal conductor of the Oriental Symphony Orchestra, China BroadcastingChinese Orchestra, China National Opera & Dance Drama Theater, and SuzhouChinese Orchestra, and the Oriental Chinese Orchestra of the Wuhan Conservatoryof Music. He won the Fourth Special Conductor's Award by China Golden Recordand the "Ten Outstanding Young Persons of China" award. In 1996, Pangreceived the 35th International Kirill Kondrashin Conductors Master Classaward. In 2015, he obtained a diploma in opera conducting from the Universityof Music and Performing Arts Vienna.



Erhu player:Hu Zhiping


HuZhiping is a renowned erhu player and Chinese music theorist. He is a professorand president of the Wuhan Conservatory of Music, and director of the NationalExperimental Teaching Demonstration Center for Musical Performance. Moreover,he is vice president of China Nationalities Orchestra Society, vice presidentof the Erhu Society of the Chinese Musicians Association, and vice chairman ofthe Hubei Federation of Literary and Art Circles. Professor Hu Zhiping has madeoutstanding achievements in musical performance, Chinese traditional musictheory, music creation, aesthetics of music, and other areas. His musical works“Quici” (Ode to Autumn) and “Yue de Beiyin” (Recital of the Moon) won the 6thChinese Golden Bell Award for Music played by Chinese Instruments and the 2ndHubei Golden Chime-Bell Award for Chinese Chamber Music.



Bamboo-fluteplayer: Rong Zheng


RongZheng is a famous Bamboo-flute player. He is a professor and deputy director ofthe Chinese Instrumental Music Department of Wuhan Conservatory of Music.Moreover, he is the director of China Nationalities Orchestra Society, vicepresident of the Professional Committee of Flute, vice president of HubeiSociety of Chinese Orchestra, executive vice president of the HubeiProfessional Committee of Flute, and honorary president of Henan Flute andCucurbit Flute Society. His bamboo-flute performing is based on the bamboo-flutemusic style of the Central Plain and draws on the strengths of the bamboo-flutemusic of north and south China. He is a representative performer of the"Central Plain Flute" in China today. He has given performances andlectures in more than ten countries in America, Europe, Asia and Africa, aswell as in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan.


OrientalChinese Orchestra of Wuhan Conservatory of Music


WuhanConservatory of Music (WHCM) is the only independently established musicinstitution of higher education in Central China. Its National ExperimentalTeaching Demonstration Center for Musical Performance is one of the twonational demonstration centers for experimental music education in China. ItsMusical performance, musicology, and recording arts are national-levelspecialties. Oriental Chinese Orchestra is an art group brand of WHCM. It iscurrently headed by Tan Yong, Vice-President of Wuhan Conservatory of Music.Its members include outstanding young and middle-aged teachers, postgraduates,and undergraduates of the Department of Chinese Instrumental Music at WHCM. Theorchestra has "Chuzeng Baizhong (100 bronze bells hung on a rack, struckusing poles)", a locally distinctive musical instrument known as "theKing of Bronze" and "the Supreme among Instruments". The facultymembers of the orchestra have repeatedly given performances and lectures inAsia, America, Europe, Africa, and other parts of the world.


Conductor: Pang Kapang


Erhu solo: Hu Zhiping


Bamboo-flutesolo: Rong Zheng


Rehearsal conductor: Tan Jun


Orchestra players:


Erhu: Bai Dan, You Yiyi, Liu Yuanhui, ZhouMengmeng, Liu Quanmian


Liu Yu, Zha Qingyang, Xian Yueying, Fan Ziyan, HuQinni


Gaohu: Yao Kexin, Liu Weiwei, Luo Siqi, Zhong Yi,Tang Jiaqi, Xue Quan


Zhonghu: Chu Jun, Zhang Jun, Kang Mengjie, WenZezhong, Zhu Chikai, Hu Yue


Cello: Tang Yan, Li Bing, Li Zhen, Li Xin


Bass: Yang Zhihao, Xu Zihan, Zhang Shixuan


Liuqin: Hua Hui, Zhou Zhiyi


Yangqin: Lu Yunhun, Cai Yiwen


Pipa: Jin Gege, She Yingli


Zhongruan: Li Yun, Xiao Yiyi, Wang Yijing, LiaoJiaqi


Daruan: Liu Like, Wei Lei


Guzheng: Chen Yunyu


Bangdi:Xie Wenji, Tao Hansheng

曲笛: 张莹莹、梁玉书

Qudi: Zhang Yingying, Liang Yushu

新笛: 吴恒昌、申奇松

Xindi: Wu Hengchang, Shen Qisong


Soprano Sheng: Tian Ye, Zhu Tingjie


Alto Sheng: Geng Sen


Bass Sheng: Han Yukun

高音唢呐: 张云山、耿凯威

Soprano suona: Zhang Yunshan, Geng Kaiwei

中音唢呐: 贾建昌、陈一亨

Alto suona: Jia Jianchang, Chen Yiheng

低音唢呐(喉管): 邓清玄、徐海

Bass suona (Houguan): Deng Qingxuan, Xu Hai


Percussion: Wang Yunming, Long Wen, Zhang Tongxin,Wang Meihui, Lin Haobang, Li Shengjie

编 钟:高文钧、陈锦怡、赵婧娴、陶燃、李旗

Chime bells: Gao Wenjun, Chen Jinyi, Zhao Jingxian,Tao Ran, Li Qi


Introduction of Programs

1 、编钟与民族管弦乐《庆典序曲》 赵季平曲

编钟编配:谭 军

Zhao Jiping: Festival

for Chime Bellsand Chinese Orchestra

Chime Bells PartArranged by Tan Jun


"Festival" has a clear melodicline and attracts both refined and popular tastes. The simultaneous performanceof chime-bell and Chinese orchestral evokes the memory of a grand, festivecelebration scene amid passionate melodies.

2、编钟与民族管弦乐《和鸣》 龚华华曲

Gong Huahua: Harmonyof “Ba Yin”

for Chime Bellsand Chinese Orchestra


Composedto commemorate the 40th anniversary of the unearthing of Bianzhong of MarquisYi of Zeng, the piece is designed to recreate the harmonious sound made by"Ba Yin (musical instruments made of eight different materials)" inancient China.


钟信明 曲

Zhong Xinming: The Pastfrom Journey toBachu for Bamboo Flute and Chinese Orchestra


Thepiece is based on folk songs in western Hubei and traditional Chinese operas inHubei. Its free-flowing melody and rich, varied tone reflect the distinctivemusic style of western Hubei.

4、编钟与民族管弦乐《我的祖国》 刘文金编创

编钟编配:谭 军

Liu Wenjin: MyMotherland

for Chime Bellsand Chinese Orchestra

Chime Bells PartArranged by Tan Jun


Thispiece is composed based on Liu Chi’s song "My Motherland" and Hebeifolk music "Panning for Gold". It expresses Chinese people's deeplove, best wishes, and heartfelt praises for their motherland.

5、二胡与乐队《纳兰性德辞意》 桑雨 曲

Sang Yu: ArtisticConception of Nalan Xingde

For Erhu andChinese Orchestra


Thecomposer got inspiration from the poem "He Zhuan (Tales ofRivers)" created by Nalan Xingde, a poet in Qing dynasty. The pieceexpresses its composer's and performers' aesthetic pursuit of Chinese culture.


Xu Changjun:The Echo of Chime Bells

for Chime Bellsand Chinese Orchestra


The piece is created to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the unearthingof Bianzhong of Marquis Yi of Zeng. In the piece, Chime bells play with drums,various musical instruments made of eight different materials performharmoniously, such penetrating sounds make this piece full of power andgrandeur.










艺考培训-湖北本科院校-武汉音乐学院-微高校-院校号-武汉音乐学院-武音将赴美国纽约卡内基音乐厅展演“ 编钟与民族管弦乐音乐会”