






【三年级】找出下列单词中不同类的一项( )

A. door

B. dining room

C. bedroom




A. sunny

B. snow

C. rain




A. eight

B. weight

C. paint

D. light



【六年级】选出画线部分读音不同的单词。( )




D. trouble




Kroc’s family is very poor,so he works in a restaurant to make some money after school. The bossasks1 to clean the tables every day. Kroc isn’t very2 . One day Kroc3 home late. After dinner, Kroc says to his father, “I don’t want to go to the restaurant tomorrow. I want4 a boss. I don’t want to clean the tables every day.” His father5 anything. He asks Kroc to clean the table. Kroc cleans the table quickly. Then his father wipes(擦)the table with a white cloth(布) and the cloth becomes very dirty. His father says to his son, “It’s easy for you to clean a table,6 you can’t clean it very well.7 can you be the boss?” Kroc’s face gets red. He8 forgets his father’s words.9 that, he uses five cloths each time to clean the tables. He10 hard all the time. The boss likes him a lot and makes him the new boss of the restaurant. Ten years later, Kroc opens his first restaurant company(公司)—McDonald’s.

( ) 1.A.heB.himC.hisD.he’s

( ) 2.A.happyB.interesting


( ) 3.A.arrives atB.arrivesC.gets toD.arrives in

( ) 4.A.to beB.to haveC.to doD.to make

( ) 5.A.saysB.speaksC.doesn’t talkD.doesn’t say

( ) 6.A.andB.then


( ) 7.A.HowB.Where


( ) 8.A.doesn’tB.neverC.notD.no

( ) 9.A.BeforeB.AtC.InD.After

( ) 10.A.walksB.sleeps





Eric was terribly ill. He couldn't move and had to spend all day in 1 .

Because his friends were not allowed to go near him, he felt quite 2 . Every day he just looked out of the 3 , doing nothing at all. As time passed, Eric became more and more hopeless.

One day, however, he saw something very 4 outside the window. A panda was eating sandwiches there. Eric was very surprised. Before he could 5 what had happened, he saw a monkey playing the violin. After a while, he saw more and more 6 characters outside the window. This time he began to 7 a lot and could hardly stop.

No one would stop laughing when they saw a pig playing a drum, or a dog 8 a pair of glasses and acting like a teacher. Eric didn't tell anyone about this 9 he thought nobody would believe this. Anyway, those strange characters brought happiness back 10 his heart. Soon he got well and was able to go back to 11 again.

When class was over. Eric told his 12 about all the strange things he had seen. While he was talking, he saw something coming out of Tom's 13 . He wanted very much to know what it was, so he asked Tom 14 . Finally Tom had to 15 him what was in the bag. There, inside, were all the fancy-dress(假面)toys that Tom had used to cheer him up!

And from that day on, Eric always did his best to make sure that no one was sad or lonely.

( ) 1.A.bed B.church C.school D.class

( ) 2.A.happy B.tired C.excited D.sad

( ) 3.A.door B.book C.wall D.window

( ) 4.A.delicious B.useful C.strange D.warm

( ) 5.A.pick up B.take away C.find out D.get back

( ) 6.A.quiet B.funny C.brave D.dangerous

( ) 7.A.cry B.sing C.run D.laugh

( ) 8.A.making B.selling C.wearing D.inventing

( ) 9.A.but B.so C.because D.or

( ) 10.A.into B.with C.for D.by

( ) 11.A.work B.town C.hospital D.school

( ) 12.A.parents B.brothers C.classmates D.sisters

( ) 13.A.schoolbag B.eyes C.jacket D.shoes

( ) 14.A.in time B.again and again C.as usual D.day and night

( ) 15.A.teach B.sell C.lend D.show




Mr. and Mrs. king have lived in our town for nearly twenty years. They have a bookshop by the bus station. They’re1 to everybody and have a lot of friends. They often 2 the poor students and sell them some books cheaply. So there’re many young men in their shop. Of course people3 them and their friends often call on (拜访) them and 4 them. We can always hear their rooms are full of 5 and quarrel.

It was a Friday evening. Mr. andMrs. King were going to have a picnic on the island the next 6 . It was a little far from our town. So they had to 7 earlier than usual to catch a six o’clock train. After 8 a few friendscame to see them while they were cooking some 9 and drinks for the picnic. Mr. king and his wife had to stop 10 them. They talked a lot and few of them looked at the 11 on the wall. Mr. and Mrs. King were anxious (焦急) but they couldn’t tell the visitors about it. The woman thought for a few 12 and had an idea. She said to her 13 , “Oh, it’s eleven o’clock! You’d better stop talking, dear! Our guests are anxious to 14 !

Mr. king heard this and stood up and said 15 to the visitors and they left soon.

( ) 1. A. hadB. politeC. coldD. careful

( ) 2. A. helpB. hurtC. hitD. watch

( ) 3. A. knowB. understandC. meetD. like

( ) 4. A. play withB. fight withC. talk withD. catch up with

( ) 5. A. cryB. shoutC. noiseD. laugh

( ) 6. A. morningB. afternoonC. eveningD. laugh

( ) 7. A. go to workB. get upC. go to sleepD. open the shop

( ) 8. A. breakfastB. lunchC. supperD. meal

( ) 9. A. clothesB. bagsC. booksD. food

( ) 10. A. receiveB. to receiveC. receivingD. to accept

( ) 11. A. phoneB. photoC. clockD. picture

( ) 12. A. minutesB. daysC. weeksD. months

( ) 13. A. visitorB. husbandC. brotherD. father

( ) 14. A. go homeB. go to bedC. go shoppingD. have a rest

( ) 15. A. helloB. goodbyeC. sorryD. nothing





