卡尔维诺文集 by 卡尔维诺
Call Number: PQ4809.A45 A53 2001
毛姆文集 by Maugham, W. Somerset
Call Number: PR6025.A86 A53 2017
To kill a mockingbird by Lee, Harper.
Call Number: PS3562.E353 T6 1997
A benchmark of classic American literature, To Kill A Mockingbird approaches the highly sensitive topic of racism in 1930s America with humour, warmth and compassion, making it widely recognised as one of the best books of the twentieth century and in American literature.
Tales from the Thousand and one nights by William Harvey (Illustrator), N. J. Dawood (Translator)
Call Number: PJ7716.A1 D39 1973
The tales told by Scheherazade over a thousand and one nights to delay her execution by the vengeful King Shahryar have become among the most popular in both Eastern and Western literature. From the epic adventures of 'Aladdin and the Enchanted Lamp' to the farcical 'Young Woman and her Five Lovers' and the social criticism of 'The Tale of the Hunchback', the stories depict a fabulous world of all-powerful sorcerers, jinns imprisoned in bottles and enchanting princesses. But despite their imaginative extravagance, the Tales are also anchored to everyday life by their bawdiness and realism, providing a full and intimate record of medieval Eastern world.
Midnight's children by Rushdie, Salman.
Call Number: PR6068.U757 M5 2008
Born at the stroke of midnight at the exact moment of India s independence, Saleem Sinai is a special child. However, this coincidence of birth has consequences he is not prepared for- telepathic powers connect him with 1,000 other midnight s children all of whom are endowed with unusual gifts. Inextricably linked to his nation, Saleem s story is a whirlwind of disasters and triumphs that mirrors the course of modern India at its most impossible and glorious.
Jane Eyre by Bront, Charlotte
Call Number: PR4167.J3 2008
Such a strange book! Imagine a novel with a little swarthy governess for heroine, and a middle-aged ruffian for hero.' Sharpe's London Magazine (June 1855) Jane Eyre is an orphan grown up under the harsh regime first of her aunt and then as a pupil at Lowood Institution. She leaves to become a governess to the daughter of the mysterious Mr Rochester; gradually their relationship deepens, but Jane's passionate nature has yet to endure its deepestblows. In this new edition Sally Shuttleworth explores the power of a narrative that questions the rights of women, the nature of servitude and madness, martyrdom and rebellion in a story whose emotional charge is a strong today as it was more than 150 years ago.
The Design of Everyday Things by Donald A. Norman
Call Number: TS171.4 .N67 2013
The Design of Everyday Things shows that good, usable design is possible. The rules are simple: make things visible, exploit natural relationships that couple function and control, and make intelligent use of constraints. The goal: guide the user effortlessly to the right action on the right control at the right time.The Design of Everyday Things is a powerful primer on how--and why--some products satisfy customers while others only frustrate them.
The Gene by Siddhartha Mukherjee
Call Number: RB155.M85 2016
Weaving science, social history, and personal narrative to tell us the story of one of the most important conceptual breakthroughs of modern times, Mukherjee animates the quest to understand human heredity and its surprising influence on our lives, personalities, identities, fates, and choices.
海洋帝国 : 地中海大决战 by Crowley, Roger
Call Number: D215 .C7612 2014
中国古代哲学思想选集 The Collected Works of Ancient Chinese Philosophy
编注 蔡希勤 ; 英译 王琴, 姜防震
Duke Kunshan University Library
七月书单 | 以梦为马,诗酒趁年华
六月书单 | 微月初三夜,新蝉第一声
五月书单 | 心有明灯,便不惧黑暗
杜克教育 中美经历 国际视野