新一任学术副校长正式选定 三名高级管理人员履新 New vice president and deans at XJTLU

新一任学术副校长正式选定 三名高级管理人员履新 New vice president and deans at XJTLU

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XJTLU will welcome Professor Barry Godfrey, who will succeed Professor Andre Brown, as its new Vice President for Academic Affairs inAugust 2017. Three new deans have also been appointed,responsible for managing the University’s research, graduate studies, learning and teaching and international affairs. Their roles started from Febuary 2017.


学术副校长 Barry Godfrey教授

Vice President for Academic Affairs, Professor Barry Godfrey

Godfrey教授即将接替现任学术事务副校长Andre Brown教授,于2017年8月起担任西交利物浦大学新一任主管学术事务的副校长,任期三年。Godfrey教授将加入西浦高层管理团队,负责学术事务,并承担与利物浦大学在学术标准、质量保障体系、学术战略制定、学术人员招聘及发展等方面的联络工作。

Professor Barry Godfrey will succeed the current Vice-President for Academic Affairs at XJTLU, Professor Andre Brown, in August 2017.Professor Godfrey will sit on the senior management teamat XJTLU for the next three years and will be responsible for academic strategy, as well as all aspects of liaison with the University of Liverpool, including academic standards and quality assurance, academic strategy, and academic staff recruitment and development.


科研与研究生院院长 林永义教授

Dean for Research and Graduate Studies, Professor Eng Gee Lim


Professor Eng Gee Limfrom theDepartment of Electrical and Electronic Engineeringhas been appointed as dean for research and graduate studies, supporting the operational delivery of the academic strategy as it relates to research matters. He will lead and implement strategies on research management, income, performance and output, and will help drive initiatives in research-led teaching. He will also be responsible for the ongoing co-ordination, development and management of the Research and Graduate Studies Office.


教务长 Chee Seong Chin博士

Dean for Learning and Teaching, Dr Chee Seong Chin

土木工程系系主任Chee Seong Chin博士被任命为教务长,主管大学学术战略实施和教学教务方面工作。Chee Seong Chin博士2006年于英国斯旺西大学获得土木工程学博士学位,于2012年加入西浦,是西浦可持续材料与环境研究院创始院长。

Dr Chee Seong Chin, head of theDepartment of Civil Engineering, has been appointed as dean of learning and teaching, supporting the University in the operational delivery of its academic strategy and the ongoing co-ordination of learning and teaching.He joined XJTLU in 2012 and is the founding director of theInstitute for Sustainable Materials and Environment.


国际事务院长 Stuart Perrin博士

Dean for International Affairs, Dr Stuart Perrin

曾任西交利物浦大学教务长、语言中心主任,现担任大学首任国际事务院长,负责大学国际化事务。Stuart Perrin博士将利用自己在学术、国际招生和市场推广方面的丰富经历,制定一系列政策和战略支持西浦成为真正的国际化大学。

Dr Stuart Perrin, the outgoing dean for learning and teaching as well as outgoing director of the XJTLULanguage Centre, has been appointed as the University’s first dean for international affairs. In this role, drawing on his experience in academia, recruitment and marketing, Dr Perrin will be looking at steps XJTLU needs to take to become a ‘truly international university’ and will be developing a number of initiatives and policies in this respect across all areas of the university.



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艺考培训-江苏本科院校-西交利物浦大学-微高校-院校号-西交利物浦大学-新一任学术副校长正式选定 三名高级管理人员履新 New vice president and deans at XJTLU