TheResearch Institute of Quantitative Finance(RIQF) is going to organise the 5th “Quantitative Finance Workshop/Conference Series (QFC2017)” on April 28-29th 2017, one of the successful XJTLU research events in the past three years, with the fully support fromInternational Business School Suzhou(IBSS) andDepartment of Mathematical Sciences(MTH) and other departments at XJTLU.
This workshop provides an excellent opportunity to strengthen the collaborations between academic researchers and industrial practitioners. It aims to build up a platform for experts both from the academics and the financial industry to disseminate research results and exchange ideas.
The workshop targets the dissemination of the most recent advances in the fields of quantitative finance, financial engineering, wealth management, actuarial science and empirical finance.
A variety of topics in the area of quantitative finance, financial mathematics, actuarial science, and risk management with the special emphasis on the Chinese financial markets will be covered in the workshop.
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