In this article we willdiscuss objective and subjective patient selection criteria as well as theoptical performance of multifocal IOLs.
In successful practices with highconversions to multifocal IOLs, the staff assesses the patient’s suitabilityfor a multifocal IOL, from the front desk and ophthalmic assistant to theinsurance interview and surgeon. The staff spendsmore time with the patient and is usually very good at giving a rating that isuseful to the surgeon during his discussion of IOL options. A questionnairedeveloped by Steven Dell, MD, is also helpful in assessing a patient’s needsand how the patient rates himself on a scale from “easygoing” to“perfectionist.”
Multifocal IOLs haveapproximately a 30% loss of contrast sensitivity (0.2 log units or 2 dB) and adecrease of slightly less than one line of best corrected visual acuity (0.1logMAR), which is usually from 20/16 to 20/20. This slight decrease in opticalperformance is minimal and rarely clinically significant; it is the presence ofhalos and glare at night or low light levels that can cause a problem. If these“observations” (not “symptoms”) are tolerable, then the patient will be asuccess. The only treatment for an unhappy patient is lens exchange, and mostsurgeons consider this catastrophic, hence the low market share. Identifyingthe successful patient correctly is by far the most important factor with theseIOLs.
There are occupations that make multifocals inadvisable — airlinepilots, truck drivers, taxi drivers, astronomers and anyone whose job requiresactivity at night or low-light conditions. These people are not good candidatesfor multifocal IOLs because they are continually reminded of the halos andglare and have difficulty performing their jobs.
翻译:2015级临床16班 陈雨佳
指导教师:大连何氏眼科医院 单良
在多焦点人工晶体高转化率的实践中,工作人员对使用多焦点人工晶体的患者进行舒适度评估,这些工作人员包括前台、眼科助手、保险面试人员以及医生。工作人员花费更多的时间与病人一起,他们通常更善于给予评估,这对于外科医生讨论人工晶状体的选择是非常有用的。Steven Dell博士发明了一套调查问卷,这份问卷在评估病人的需求和病人如何评价自己在“普通型”到“完美型”这个范围中也是十分有用的。
多焦点人工晶状体有大约30%对比敏感度的损失(0.2个对数单位或2dB)和不到一行的最佳矫正视力的减少(0.1 logMAR视力表),这是通常的 从20 / 16到20 / 20(相当与我们常说的视力1.2-1.0)。这种轻微的视觉质量下降是非常微小的,几乎没有临床意义;它是在夜间或光线较暗的时候会出现光晕和眩光,这时候才会有临床问题。如果这些“观察到的现象”(而不是“症状”)是可以容忍的,那么病人将是成功的病例。如果患者不高兴,那么唯一的治疗方案就是做人工晶体置换,大多数外科医生认为这是灾难性的,因此市场占有率低。手术前正确的辨别出术后能成功的患者对于这种晶体来说是目前最重要的因素。