2009 年,教育部实施“ 基础学科拔尖学生培养计划 ”。
南开大学首批入选— 成立南开大学伯苓学院。伯苓学院分为数学 、 物理 、 化学和生物四个伯苓班 。 其中化学伯苓班每年从新生中选拔50 人,配备一流的师资,提供一流的学习条件,创造一流的学习环境与氛围,创新培养方式 , 探索创新型化学人才培养模式 , 努力使受该计划支持的学生成长为化学相关学科领域的领军人物,并逐步跻身国际一流科学家队伍。
政治课重新整合, 英语课由外籍教师承担
每两周一次校内讲座 , 每月一次伯苓讲座( 固定周五晚上)
大二以后 , 按研究生模式配备导师 , 进行科研活动
选拨对象 : 化学作为第一志愿报考南开大学的化学学院和其他学院新生
选拨办法 :笔试+面试
笔试科目 :数学50 分、物理50 分、化学100 分、英语100 分
根据考试结果划定单科和总分分数线,确定面试名单。经过面试,最后录取50 人,分成两个班。
自愿退出 :学生发现自己不适合,主动提出退出
挂科退出 :必修课挂科,自动退出
中期考核 : 两年后 , 根据学分绩和综合素质考核进行排名 , 只保留20 人左右,其他人根据志愿选择转入其他本科专业。
若必修课学分绩排名在转入专业的前50 ,仍可参加保研。
愿意从事科研的学生 ,也可全天候进入实验室参加科研活动
跟随分子科学与工程专业选修比普通班提前修读的 《 有机化学2-1》 、 《有机化学2-2》 和 《有机化学实验2-1》(需先修有机化学2-1) 三门专业必修课程 , 同时跟随分子科学与工程或化学类专业修完其他正常设的必修课程和指定选修课程, 按教学进度取得相应的公共必修课(A类) 学分以及与伯苓班学生相同的专业必修课(B和C 类)学分第一学年必修课(ABC 类)平均学分绩排名进入伯苓班必修课学分绩排名前50%。
国创 、 百项( 大二下),伯苓班学生必须主持承担创新项目
根据学生参加科研训练的情况,鼓励导师每月从科研经费中支付给学生一定的实验补贴(参考值400 元/月)。
2014.09.26, 从基于纳米结构的表面增强拉曼效应的发现和发展学到什么 ,田中群 院士 ,厦门大学
2014.10.31 ,魅力稀土, 严纯华 院士 ,北京大学
2014.11.28 ,致力科研、乐在其中— 我的人生和科研感悟:聚合物太阳能电池光伏材料和器件, 李永舫 院士 ,中科院化学所
2014.12.26 ,寻找学习与科研之路, 严秀平 教授 ,南开大学
2015.03.27 , 在研究反应机理中寻找快乐,
吴云东 院士 ,北京大学深圳研究生院
2015.04.24 ,未来能源系统的科学基础研究, 包信和 院士 ,中科院大连化物所
2015.05.29, 神奇的高分子世界 , 李子臣 教授 , 北京大学
2015.06.26 ,二维世界中的新化学, 谢毅 院士 ,中国科技大学
夏季学期聘请外籍教授授课(2015 年):
Principles Inorganic Chemistry, Prof. Annie Katherine Powell,
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany.
Fundamentals of Oranic ChemistrProf. JaS. Siegel,
University of Zurich, Switzerland.
Macromolecular Chemistry: An Introduction, Prof. Julian X.X. Zhu,
University of Montreal, Canada.
Fundamental of Spectroscopy, Prof. Ayyalusamy Ramamoorthy,
University of Michigan, USA
短期交流: 2012 级15人
UCBerkeley 暑期学校,11人
UCLA CSST 暑期项目,2人 人
Mitacs Globalink Internship 项目,2人
中长期交流: 2012 级6人
Cambridge University,
University of California, Los Angeles,
Northwestern University,
University of Toronto,
Indian University,
Humboldt-Universitt zu Berlin
邸正傲 的国外导师反馈意见:
I was impressed by Zhenago Di during his stay. He worked hard anddeveloped a good understanding of the wider project that he was working onquickly. He learnt the molecular biology skills in the lab very well. And in doingso, he contributed to our ongoing research programmes, and to our
understanding of how to assemble artificial protein scaffolds in plants.
Because he was so keen to get a lot done, I felt that he probably tried to dotoo many things simultaneously, and this lead to some of them not working.
This is not a major criticism, and is common in a "keen to succeed person" athis stage, and it something that I think he is now aware of and so can controlthis in the future.
In summary, Zhengao made and excellent contribution to my laboratory during his stay. The work he conducted was a very good standard.
李晓彤 的国外导师反馈意见:
Xiaotong was a terrific student with us, who was one of the hardest working and
most persistent students in my group.
She did a great job in her research, put together a beautiful presentation on it by
herself, and gave a superb talk. Her science and communication skills are both superior.
On arrival at UCLA, Xiaotong jumped right in. She was able to learn new techniques
from chemical characterization to microbiological preparation and familiarized herselfwith the relevant literature. She is already excellent at setting up simultaneous, differentexperiments to have high productivity, more along the lines of a productive seniorgraduate student. She makes sure each experiment is taken to completion with care. It isan underestimate to say that she has a positive attitude; she has an infectious enthusiasmfor science, both what she is doing and the world beyond. She works very well withothers, which is a requirement on this project. She is showing signs of independence,following up on project ideas from discussions. In the lab, Xiaotong functionalized andtested surfaces for cell patterning experiments. She cultured Shewanella cells onchemically patterned surfaces and imaged them with optical and fluorescencemicroscopies.
I worked hard to get her a fully funded position in our PhD program and was very disappointed that she decided to go to another university.
李哲夫 的国外导师反馈意见:
Zhefu is a very nice person who speaks English quite well and writes English very well. He is a questing investigator, looking at related papers, discussing his results with others in the group, preparing reports for me, learning new skills involving computation and understanding, and always willing to work hard to find some new ideas, concepts, and results.
Zhefu’s focus was on the formal and computational approaches that we have taken tothe dielectric behavior of oranic molecules, and to an attemt to understandstructure/function relationships in capacitance. He has prepared a paper which Ianticipate will be easily published. It shows that for some systems, the Hammett fit is excellent, and on other systems, the Hammett fit simply doesn’t work. These results allcame in during the last two months of Zhefu’s visit, so that we did not have time toadvance these interesting questions. Zhefu did prepare a draft of a paper, and TobinMarks and I are working on it at the moment.
Zhefu is very hardworking, very nice, very interested, and very cooperative. He is not super brilliant, but he has a great work ethic, and a deep sense of questioning some suggestions from other people. I believe that he will do very well at the University ofChicago, and I anticipate that he will return to China with very strong credentials in the area of theoretical chemistry of molecular behavior. Thank you for sending him to us. It has been a great pleasure.
李日尧 的国外导师反馈意见:
Riyao did everything that he was asked to do, and contributed keyexperimental findings to a project directed by his graduate student mentor,Aaron Lee. I anticipate that Riyao will earn co-authorship on at least one published manuscript.
Riyao is excellent listener, and an excellent experimentalist. Mr Leecommented that once you showed Riyao how to do something once, he can thenwork independently. He also was strongly motivated to succeed and learn in this environment. For example, he taught himself how to make calorimetrictitrations, which are very difficult to master.
Riyao’ s oral communication skills, while quite adequate, will have toimprove so that he is better prepared for a workplace where English is thespoken language. I have no doubt that This will improve with practice,
particularly if he is to attend graduate school in the US (this is his plan).
In my estimation, he has a very bright future as an experimentalist andscientist.
徐哲 的国外导师反馈意见:
Zhe was an excellent student - he was hard working, motivated, and a verygood coworker. He got along well with my group and they enjoyed having himhere. Zhe got some nice results on a challenging project (magneticnanomaterials) - I expect we will publish a paper on this work, but there are stillmore experiments to be done. Overall, I was pleased with Zhe's preparation and performance!
杨洋 的国外导师反馈意见:
Yang did a fantastic job in the lab, was very open and communicative andvery hard working. His results on probing the stability of phosphoramidate-G-s linked PEG peptides, for which he developed a very nice synthetic/HPLC assay,will be very likely included in a research paper, which we are in the process ofpreparing. I therefore can only give my highest recommendations for Yang andwould give him the highest grade possible for his practical work (in the German
system 1,0; in theAmerican systemA).
From a program perspective I think it is great that your university offerssuch extended research stays abroad for your very best students. Therefore, yourstudents will have a chance to get their first international training, which is keyto succeed in the science world later on. I can only support you in continuingthis program.
刘洛言 的国外导师反馈意见:
I have known Luoyan (Roy) since June 2015 when he began a 12-weekMITACS sponsored Globalink exchange program in my laboratory.
Roy was a mature student with good initiative. He quickly learned theorganic synthetic techniques required to accomplish the research. Since his timein my lab was very short, a research project was chosen that required very littleinitial training, and as such his project was at an undergraduate level and not thetype of project I typically give to students conducting longer research projects,typically 4 or more months. However, he was impressive in his accomplishments and consistently looked for additional duties throughout his12 weeks. Although his English language skills are not strong, they weresufficient that communication was rarely an issue and should only improve withtime. I believe he has the potential as a graduate student and recommend him tocontinue his studies.
2014 届毕业生18 人,当年出国5 人,当年出国率28%。保送读研13 人,保研比例72%。
2015 届毕业生16 人,当年出国5 人,当年出国率31%。保送读研11人 人 , 保研比例69%。
2016 届毕业生20 人,当年出国11 人,当年出国率55%。 保送读研8 人,保研比例40%。 来年出国1 人,占比5% 。
2016 届化学伯苓班毕业生去向统计