This article is written in both Chinese and English, which is convenient for teachers and students to learn and discussEnglish learning process together.
《老杜讲故事》是由云南翰文教育投资集团董事长助理、对外交流合作总监杜安睿先生原创打造的教育国际化探索与交流平台。将会定期与大家分享杜安睿在中国生活与工作中的点滴与感悟,致力于在分享和探讨中,领悟和落实全新的教育国际化理念,为建立连接中外教育的桥梁奉献出自己的一份力,实现自己的“中国梦 世界梦”——大道之行也,天下为公。
"LaoDu's TeaTalk" is an exploration and exchange platform/blog for international education created by Mr. Andre Du Plessis, director of foreign exchange and cooperation of Yunnan Hanwen Education Investment Group. We will regularly share with you some of Andre’s ideas and thoughts regard to his working life in China. This channel is committed to understand and implement the new concept of international education in the process of learning, sharing and discussion in China, contributing our own efforts to the establishment of a bridge connecting Chinese and foreign education, fulfilling our "Chinese Dream”and “World Dream" – Shared humanity, Shared prosperity and Unity through differences.
Reflections on my journey through China
八年多前,我辞去了在第一兰德银行(First Rand Bank Limited)担任集团财政部门首席财务官的职务,当时的我已经在第一兰德银行集团担任中高层管理人员超过了八年的时间,负责投资整合超过500亿美金的资产。让我毅然决定辞职的原因便是那早就在我心中播下过种子的“中国梦”,所以我决心跳出自己的舒适圈,前往中国去生活和工作。
Over 8 years ago I resigned from my position as the Group Treasury CFO of First Rand Bank Limited (Where I had hold middle and senior management positions for over 8 years, and was responsible for $50billion portfolio), to pursue my dream of living and working in China.
* First Rand Bank Limited, also known as First Rand group, is the holding company of First Rand Bank. It is one of the largestenlisted companiesinSouth Africa and thelargest banking groups inSouthAfrica.
(2019 Family Road Trip)
My calling was to use my skills and expertise through personal development, leadership, management and entrepreneurship events and lectures to help young students achieve their goals and dreams in life. Along the way many people have called my decision both "brave" and "crazy", and along the way I have had to adapt and learn more about Chinese people and society, but ultimately this dream and goal is the reason I wake up in the morning full of vigor, my calling is to serve others so that they can better serve the community.
(Participate in Xitang Hanfu Culture Festival)
And so afteralmostfourandhalf years I find myself in Yunnan with a team with well talented "returning turtles/海归" on the cusp of building an International Education (student recruitment and language training, leadership development and international entrepreneurship) business. All the people I have met along the way andduring the last years’ intense non-stop work have brought me to a point of no-compromise, where I must use all my talents, passion and energy to make this venture a success. Failure is not an option.
(The rich culture of Yunnan Deeply attracts me)
This business, “a bridge between China and the World”, is as necessary as ever under the current epidemic conditions. We need more foreigners and locals starting businesses together in China, we need more foreign and local universities partnering on study and entrepreneurial projects and once this epidemic has passed we need more of our Chinese students going abroad to study or work, making foreign friends, building businesses together and improving country to country relationship and finally and most importantly we need more talented foreigners from all around the world coming to China to work and study. This is not the time to retreat, this is not the time to give up, this is the time to take a stand, this is when we combine all the positive and creative talents from China and the World under one family.
(Culture and Education Unitethe World)