最新出炉 | 统计学第一届毕业生超过八成被全球排名前50的大学录取

最新出炉 | 统计学第一届毕业生超过八成被全球排名前50的大学录取


The first cohort of








吴韵湉也没有辜负老师对于她的期望。今年,她成功拿到了四所US News全美排名前20的大学的录取通知书,其中,耶鲁大学还给出了3万美元的奖学金支持。这对于吴韵湉来说,是对对于她大学四年努力的肯定与认可了。未来,她还是会选择专业排名更高的密歇根大学,深耕生物统计领域。






数学科学系系主任Behrouz Emamizadeh教授表示,


Best Wishes




作为数学学科系的系主任,Behrouz Emamizadeh也代表全系的老师祝我们的毕业生在下一趟征程中一切顺利,期待听到你们更多的好消息。

The first cohort of Statistics students are on the path to succeed in their further studies

In the latest further study survey organised by ACDO, the further studies data of the first cohort of Statistics (2+2) students shows a big success in the talent cultivation.

From the 23 graduates who chose to further their studies overseas, 34.8% of students received offers from QS World Top 10 universities and 82.6% of them received offers from QS World Top 50 universities. All of them are admitted into the QS World Top 100 universities.

Top offers include Spatial Data Science and Visualisation at University College London, Health Data Science at the University of Manchester, Statistical Science at the University of Oxford, Financial Technology at the University of Hong Kong, Computing Science at Imperial College London, Quantitative Finance at the National University of Singapore, and Biostatistics at the University of Michigan.

Professor Behrouz Emamizadeh, Head of School of Mathematical Sciences, said that the 2+2 Statistics programme is one of the most exciting programmes in UNNC.

“The programme offers a 4-year education and the students can get learning experience in both countries—China and UK. This renders a great opportunity for the students to learn of a new culture, and obtain a first-hand account of the UK universities which, in turn, would help them later on to select the best university to attend should they intend to pursue postgraduate studies in the UK.” Professor Emamizadeh emphasised the 2+2 feature for this programme.

The professors are amongst the best in their fields of expertise. The curriculum of the 2+2 Statistics programme is diverse, and comprises of both computational and theoretical modules. In the first year the students learn English and review fundamental mathematics. In the second year, amongst other modules, they take the core modules which provide a sound background for year 3 and year 4 study. In the last two years of the programme the students will take advanced modules in statistics and related subjects. The diversity of the curriculum empowers our graduates and make them competitive and marketable which can be attested by their rate of admissions into top universities around the world.

Hao Chen also mentioned that the Statistics programme has built a solid foundation for their future research and career development. Inspired by C. R. Rao, the author of “Statistics and Truth” also a statistician, Hao found that chance could create and help in the investigation of truth and it is his pursuit of truth that made him decide to study the statistics programme. He is going to study Statistical Science at the University of Oxford after graduation.

Yuntian Wu, a student who received offers from Columbia, Yale, Duke, Michigan, and UCLA, which are top universities in the United States, said that they are able to tailor the choice of optional modules to suit their interests and career plans.

She had spent four wonderful years at the University of Nottingham. “I am so grateful to meet my best friends and I will always remember the time we study together and strive to be the best.”

This batch of students is going to embark on their journey to their further studies. As the Head of School of Mathematical Sciences, Professor Behrouz Emamizadeh would like to wish all of our graduates the best in their next endeavours. We look forward to hearing many success stories about you.





文字来源:Fay Ma

图片来源:Yuntian Wu,Hao Chen

电子编辑:Fay Ma





艺考培训-浙江本科院校-宁波诺丁汉大学-微高校-院校号-宁波诺丁汉大学招生办-最新出炉 | 统计学第一届毕业生超过八成被全球排名前50的大学录取