

Please scroll down for the English version-Dr Chen Zhuo published an article in The Lancet Journal: "US-China Health Exchange and Collaboration following COVID-19".




在文章中,陈茁教授及中国疾控中心前主任李立明教授,中国预防医学科学院前院长王克安老师,美国疾控中心前主任、埃默里大学副校长Jeff Koplan教授一起从中美卫生领域合作的历史出发,阐述了中美在卫生和医学方面的良好合作关系,并分析了中美卫生合作的挑战和机遇。









陈茁教授与美国著名健康经济学家、前美国国家经济研究局健康经济组主任Mike Grossman教授在宁诺“中国留美经济学会2018年会长论坛”上的合影






本月17日至18日,宁诺人文与社会科学学院健康经济学研究中心主办了一场 “基因组学和精准医学的伦理、法律和社会影响”的主题研讨会。届时,陈茁教授将会与国内外的相关专家与学者们在线上进行为期两天的学术研讨,对此有兴趣的学者可点击文末的“阅读原文”报名参与。






陈 茁



目前陈教授担任宁波诺丁汉大学人文与社会科学学院经济系健康经济中心学术主任暨健康经济学客座教授,美国佐治亚大学公共卫生学院卫生政策与管理副教授,中国疾控中心周报(China CDC Weekly)、安徽医药,全球健康研究与政策(Global Health Research and Policy)、Journal of Family and Economic Issues等多家学术期刊编委会成员。


Dr Chen Zhuo published an article in The Lancet Journal: "US-China Health Exchange and Collaboration following COVID-19"

Dr Zhuo Chen, Visiting Professor in Health Economics at University of Nottingham Ningbo China (UNNC), co-authored a viewpoint article titled "US-China Health Exchange and Collaboration following COVID-19" in the prestigious medical journal The Lancet.

With Dr Jeffrey Koplan, former director of the US Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Professor Liming Li, former director of China CDC, and Dr Ke’an Wang, former President of the Chinese Academy of Preventive Medicine, Dr Chen reviewed the history of US-China exchange and collaboration in health and medicine, and advocated for the restoration of collaboration to meet the need of containing the current pandemic and to prevent future outbreaks.

In their work, Dr Zhuo Chen and his colleagues pointed out that China-US health cooperation has a long history and benefits both sides and the world, and it is hoped that the two countries can collaborate to fight COVID-19 and other infectious illnesses, chronic diseases, and other future challenges to human health.

The authors also offered three suggestions for China-US health collaboration after COVID-19. First, to control and rebuild from COVID-19 and prepare for future outbreaks and pandemics, partnership and collaboration on health and medicine between the US and China government agencies need to be restored. Second, we need to promote collaboration and exchange between the academic and scientific communities, which have been hindered by politics and COVID-19. Finally, private sectors and non-governmental organisations can work with governments in both countries to improve China-US collaboration on health and medicine.

In the article, the authors reviewed the past achievements of China-US exchanges and cooperation in public health and medical science. “Some of the achievements may not be that well-known, for example, the relationship between the China CDC and the US CDC. The China CDC had in mind the US CDC as a model when it was created. In addition, some of China’s earlier efforts on influenza surveillance are also developed through cooperation with the US CDC. The ‘Field Epidemiology Training Program’, which played an important role in COVID-19, was indebted to many US experts in this field, who visited China and held many training sessions,” Dr Chen introduced.

“Of course, the benefits that China received from this cooperation is not one-sided. The US also benefits a lot from these exchanges. For example, the cooperation with China on folic acid provides strong evidence for relevant policies in the US. The US has also improved influenza surveillance from its cooperation with China, as China has provided influenza virus strains to the US. In conclusion, China and the US have had a good rapport in public health and medical science in the past, with more collegial collaboration and exchange than some of the other aspects. In my opinion, China-US cooperation and exchange are very important, especially in public health and climate change, and we need cordial collaborative work. It might also open the door for the next step of China-US cooperation. Therefore, we need to promote China-US exchange and cooperation in public health.”

One of Dr Chen’s current research directions is Genomics, which is relatively a new field for Economics students. He focuses more on the ethical, legal and social implications of Genomics. “My direction may be referred to as Economics of Genomics, which is related to economic policy, rather than complete Genomics,” he explained.

“For example, in the US it is possible to conduct BRCA1/2 gene sequencing, which can help women to reduce the probability of breast cancer and ovarian cancer. Should a society offer BRCA gene sequencing for all women of a certain age range or with certain conditions? If so, what will be financial implication of such an initiative and how would it be implemented? These are what Genoeconomics explore.”

On 17 and 18 July, the Centre for Health Economics of UNNC is to organise an online workshop on "Ethical, legal, and social implications of genomics and precision medicine", where Dr Chen will discuss and explore related topics with renowned experts and scholars of at home and abroad. If you are interested in the workshop, please click "Read more" at the end of the article to register for attendance.

For students who are interested in studying economics, Dr Chen advises: “You must have a good foundation in mathematics - the use of mathematics tools, including theory, deduction, and some applications in empirical aspects, plays a vital role in economics. In addition, you should also pay attention to language, especially English writing and speaking. UNNC is a university that teaches only in English, which provides students with an immersive English learning environment. This is a unique advantage for UNNC students, as it provides an opportunity to strengthen your capabilities of writing and speaking in English.”

About Dr Zhuo Chen

Dr Zhuo Chen graduated from the University of Science and Technology of China with Bachelor's and Master’s degrees in Management Science. He later received a Master of Science in Statistics, and a PhD in Economics from Iowa State University.

Dr Chen has been a senior health economist with the US CDC and was granted Excellence in Behavioral and Social Sciences Research Award in 2013. He has more than 70 publications in peer-reviewed journals that are top of the field.

From 2016 to 2018, Dr Chen served as the President of the China Health Policy and Management Society, and was President of the Chinese Economists Society from 2017 to 2018.

He is currently a Visiting Professor in Health Economics at UNNC, and Associate Professor of Health Policy and Management, the University of Georgia, USA.


文字来源 | FHSS

图片来源 | 陈 茁







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