变与不变!宁诺首发,TEDx UNNC周末火热举行

变与不变!宁诺首发,TEDx UNNC周末火热举行

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First ever TEDx event at UNNC is a roaring success.

2021年9月25日,以“(未)改变”为主题的TEDx UNNC在宁波诺丁汉大学劳伦斯报告厅顺利举行。TEDx与UNNC的相遇,激发出前所未有的奇妙化学反应。现场座无虚席,共有百余名观众参加。一个下午的时间,12位来自艺术、文化、科技等领域的受邀讲者,讲述与分享他们对于“巨变中的不变”的理解,为观众们带来了一场思想盛宴。





此次活动是TEDx首次落地宁波本土高校,也是观众第一次在宁诺参加TEDx UNNC大会。活动由TEDx UNNC团队、宁诺研究生院和李达三孵化园共同举办。


宁波诺丁汉大学执行校长尼克·迈尔斯(Nick Miles)教授出席活动并致开幕词。他肯定了TEDx“传播有价值的思想”的理念,并指出这与宁波诺丁汉大学创造价值和传递智慧的使命不谋而合。

学术研究如同黑暗中的灯塔,为文明的前行指明方向。在本次TEDx UNNC活动中,多位来自宁诺的学者从各自的研究领域出发,向观众展示了科研如何改变着我们的世界。任教于宁诺英语语言教学中心的Aidin Jalilzadeh博士从哺乳动物线粒体DNA突变这一现象出发,解释了基因编程技术可以如何比其他常规方式更有效、更可持续和更人道的方式实现害虫防治;商学院助理教授陈曦博士则尝试应用人力资源管理与组织行为学来探索医患关系的解决制度,试图增进医患间的理解与互信。

机械、材料和制造工程系助理教授Adam Rushworth博士则在现场展示了3D打印的物品,讲述了创造力如何帮助工程师,通过应用新的材料来制作产品,打造一个绿色、可持续的未来。他说道:“新冠疫情重创了我们的世界,使得很多人无法再过他们习以为常的生活,但是有一样东西是疫情无法破坏的,那就是我们的创造力。”





高校与行业之间的互动分享是此次TEDx UNNC的一大闪光点。活动邀请了五位横跨教育、医疗、广告等各个行业的演讲者,讲述他们推动可持续发展的亲身经历。

活动组织者、宁诺在读博士Phoebe Miles就表示,“我们希望在大学社区中搭建一个知识交流的平台,不仅让那些‘象牙塔’中的科研故事被更多人倾听,也帮助引入社会的声音,为科研注入新的灵感。”

来自澳大利亚的陆唯(David Laris)不仅是一位享有盛誉的厨师,更是凭借一份菜单改变着世界的社会活动家。他坚信主厨们在菜单上的创新能够引导人们吃得更绿色、健康,减小饮食对环境的影响;有多年教学以及管理经验的善剑(Shanker Dutt Bhatt)认为教育的最终目的应该是帮助学生更好地认识自己,而不仅仅是培养学生的竞争力。

来自宁诺的本科生和博士生们也在TEDx UNNC的舞台上勇敢地发出了自己的声音。来自人文社科学院的本科生黄沛妍把目光聚焦在社交媒体上,Z世代广泛使用表情包、字母缩写的现象,以及其对弱化文字使用、带来社会隔阂的可能性。理工学院的博士生Deepesh Jayasekara则从多个维度解释了云技术如何为传统制造业注入新的活力。

正如宁诺研究生院院长、全球事务长张毓隆(Alain Chong)教授在闭幕中提到的:“在一个不断变化的世界中,唯一不变的正是知识的力量。”知识在不断分享中被不断重新创造,将知识应用于实践、以实践反哺科研,一座城市、一个社会才能不断进步和发展。未来,宁诺将秉持这一理念,继续为社会可持续发展贡献知识,将城市建立于智慧之上。


TEDx UNNC系列视频将在B站、腾讯视频等学校官方视频平台上陆续推出,敬请期待。

The videos of the TEDx UNNC talks will be available online soon. You are strongly recommend to follow UNNC on Bilibili and Tecent Video to watch these inspiring speeches.



First ever TEDx event at UNNC is a roaring success

25 September: University of Nottingham Ningbo China (UNNC) hosted a TEDx event at the D.H. Lawrence Auditorium. This was the first TEDx event held in Ningbo and had a full audience. Twelve speakers from diverse backgrounds such as art, culture, and technology showcased their unique ideas to the university community.

Themed “(Un)Changed”, the event was co-organised by TEDx UNNC Team, UNNC Graduate School and Li Dak Sum Incubator. Professor Nick Miles, UNNC Provost, kickstarted the event with his opening speech by thanking the speakers for volunteering their time to share their ideas on stage. He remarked the spirit of TED’s overall mission to research and discover “ideas worth spreading” which highly resonates with UNNC’s own mission.

During the TEDx UNNC event, several of the UNNC speakers demonstrated to the audience how scientific research into different fields of study is changing our world. Dr Aidin Jalilzadeh, who teaches at the UNNC Centre for English Language Education, explainedhow genetic programming techniques based on the phenomenon of mitochondrial DNA mutation in mammals can achieve pest control in a more efficient, sustainable and humane way than other conventional methods. Dr Xi Chen, Assistant Professor in Human Resource Management and Organisational Behaviour, tried to apply methods of human resource management and organisational behavior to explore the solutions for doctor-patient relationships, aiming to improve the understanding and mutual trust between doctors and patients.

Dr Adam Rushworth, Assistant Professor of Mechanical, Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, presented 3D printing items and described how creativity can help engineers create a green and sustainable future by utilising new materials. He remarked that the Covid-19 has affected every aspect of our lives, and in many ways, but one thing that remains unchanged is our ability to be creative and innovate.

The interaction and sharing between the industry and higher education institute is a running theme for this TEDx UNNC. The event hosted speakers that shared their personal experiences in promoting sustainable development across different areas such as education, healthcare, advertising and more.

TEDx organiser Phoebe Miles, a PhD candidate of Education and English at UNNC, stated that TEDx UNNC had “allowed previously unheard voices to be listened to”, and she hopes this will “act as a catalyst for conversations, motivating staff and students from all fields and backgrounds to come together and share their ideas”.

David Laris, from Australia, is not only a renowned chef, but also a multi-disciplined business entrepreneur. He believes that changes in menus can lead people to eat greener, healthier and have a more environmentally friendly diet. Shanker Dutt Bhatt, who has years of teaching experience, believes that the ultimate goal of education should be to help students better understand themselves.

UNNC undergraduate students and doctoral students also shared their thoughts at the event. Peiyan Huang, an undergraduate from the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, explored the challenges facing Generation Z as they adapt to changes in language used online and in social media, as well as how young people can find ways to express their voice more. Deepesh Jayasekara, a PhD candidate from the Faculty of Science and Engineering, explained how the different dimensions of cloud technology breathes new life into traditional manufacturing processes.

Professor Alain Chong, Dean of Graduate School and Global Engagement, remarked in his closing speech: “Despite the changing world, what remains unchanged is the power of our ideas, innovation, technologies, and how they will transform our future.” Knowledge is constantly recreated and shared. Only by applying knowledge to practice and allowing practice to inform scientific research can a city and a society make continuous progress and development. In the future, UNNC will uphold this concept and continue to contribute knowledge to social sustainable development and build the city on wisdom.

文字来源 | 吴文博,Liam

编辑整理 | Lily Su, Elena Yang







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艺考培训-浙江本科院校-宁波诺丁汉大学-微高校-院校号-宁波诺丁汉大学-变与不变!宁诺首发,TEDx UNNC周末火热举行