2016年初入校时,全英文教学给患有轻度听力残疾的孙亦然带来巨大的挑战,且因身体,心态,能力等因素,她在大一时挂科并又重修了一年。亦然说:“那年的自我接受与调整离不开学校与老师的体贴关怀,例如宁诺Disability Support部门为有听力障碍的同学配备了助听耳麦以帮助学生更好的适应生活。”
在上课的时候,建筑学的每位个授课老师都会带上特质的话筒,亦然的接收器中就会传来老师授课的清晰声音。在考试期间,学校也安排单独的听力考场,根据孙亦然的实际情况调整了考试节奏。除此之外,来自personal tutor(个人导师)与学院各个老师的关怀让孙亦然意识到自己其实并不是孤独的一个人。
来自多元文化背景的国际化师资,也为亦然带来了许多灵感。来自日本木匠世家的筱原宽之老师教会了孙亦然苛求完美、精益求精的匠人精神;在与Yat Ming Loo副教授交流的过程中,亦然对城市文化有了初步的了解,并完成了自己毕设的核心构思;作为孙亦然的personal tutor -- 建筑与建筑环境系系主任Ali Cheshmehzangi教授在课堂内外给了众多指点。
孙亦然说:“每一次tutorial都是一次得到反馈与帮助的机会,如何在与老师的沟通中利用tutorial改进自己的项目是建筑系学生必修的功课。” 除了老师帮助,室友与朋友的关怀也给了孙亦然源源不断的能量,每一次小组作业的观点争论、每一次评图前的挣扎、每一次deadline结束后的欣喜,良师益友们与亦然同行。三年studio的日夜就这样一晃而过,亦然凭借着自己的努力,完成了从吊车尾到年级第一的逆袭。
特别值得一提的是,亦然在大四上学期加入了宁诺宁波城市记忆实验室,在Yat Ming Loo副教授与几位博士生前辈的带领下,亦然参与了数次实验室的城市行走--学者研讨与策展活动,并且,为了能够将学生们的创作呈现出来,亦然特地在结束学业后依旧留在学校两个月,参与“何以为城”展览的策划与设计。
“宁诺宁波城市记忆实验室最大的特别之处是,老师鼓励我们把学习的范围从教室和studio扩展到了我们的日常的生活以及生活的城市,”亦然强调说,“我在城市行走与展览的参与中,加深了对建筑的理解和城市发展进程的认识。” 同时,亦然也鼓励大家不只是从课堂中学习,作为一名建筑专业的同学,课堂外对生活的关注与对城市的探索也同样重要。
亦然认为 “建筑不是一栋独立的建筑,更需要考虑所在地的历史、风土人情,人文与周围环境进行设计。”因此,亦然在毕业时申请了伦敦大学学院的城市研究专业,期待从城市的角度下继续学习建筑。
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Architecture graduate talked about her learning experience with the hearing impairment
Yiran Sun, a top graduate from Architecture programme this year, also one of the curator of the exhibition titled “What makes a city”, recently is going to start her journey as a professional architect in Shanghai.
Yiran graduated with the First Class degree in the July 2021 and she has been nominated for RIBA President’s Medal with her final year design project. She received offers from her dream schools University of College London and London School of Economics and Political Science.
With such excellent academic performance, surprisingly Yiran said, she had been experienced a dark period for almost a year. She was born with hearing impairments. When she entered the University of Nottingham Ningbo China and started the university learning in full English environment, it was a huge challenge for her—she was barely able to hear the lectures clearly and the speech of her classmates, even when in the small-sized workshop.
Obviously, she could not follow up the teaching progress and in the end of the first year, she decided to retake. Yiran at that time was very depressed until one day, she unintentionally knew that the university’s ‘Accessibility’ support to the students in need. Very quickly, she received a device to facilitate her study.
Before the start of each lecture or seminar, Yiran would pass the tailored microphone to the lecturer. The sound would be amplified through the radio signals. “The device made everything so clear and finally I could make a way to study the Architecture”, Yiran exclaimed.
More importantly, the caring from her personal tutor and other tutors made Yiran realise that she was not alone.
As an Architecture student, Yiran had spent much time learning in the design studio and she appreciated every seminar and enjoyed talking with academic staff from different cultural background. She learnt from Dr Hiroyuki Shinohara (previously working in the department as architecture course director) for the craftsman's spirit of getting perfect. She was also inspired by Dr Yat-Ming Loo, a Chinese Malaysian Architect and urban scholars for her final year design project and the study of urban memory. She would also like to extend her gratitude to Professor Ali Cheshmehzangi for sharing his career path and giving her advices as personal tutor.
Yiran was keen to seeking feedbacks from academic staff and she was also very willing to discuss the design idea with both students and staff. She also gained her understanding of the architecture.
"Architecture is not only about an independent building, but also needs to consider the history, culture and surrounding environment of the site to design. Therefore, I have also applied for the major of Urban Studies at University College London, expecting to continue my study of architecture from the perspective of cities. "
From October 2021, Yiran is going to officially work as an intern architect in Xframe Studio in Shanghai. Yiran sincerely hope that her experience could encourage more people to bravely face the challenges and walk through the dark side of the life.
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中文文字 | Fan Zhang,Sophia Han
英文文字 | Fay Ma
图片 I Yiran Sun,Fay Ma
排版 | Fan Zhang