我的大学 | 张津毓:非线性的自我成长之路

我的大学 | 张津毓:非线性的自我成长之路





Zhang Jinyu




Our interview with Zhang Jinyu took place online as she is nowin Fontainebleau, France,for her postgraduate studies. The six-hour time difference did not affect the recall of her four beautiful years at UNNC.

Scroll down for the English version.


聊起第一次与宁诺结缘,津毓说,从高中开始,就产生了出国留学的想法,也是在那时了解到了宁波诺丁汉大学(UNNC,以下简称“宁诺”)。“之所以选择宁诺,因为觉得它的环境氛围很好,充满了可能性。大学四年是价值观塑造的关键时期,我希望在这四年中,深度挖掘自己的潜力,不给自己设限,看到这个世界的多元,而不是成为传统意义上优秀的人。” 满怀着期待,她踏入了宁诺的大门。



在宁诺的四年里,张津毓连续三年获得了Head Scholarship(系主任奖学金),这在竞争激烈的FAM(金融财务与管理)专业里属实不易。此外,她还利用课余时间,学习其他知识。提到拿高分的秘诀,津毓坦诚地说道:“在学习方面,我比较强调高效。我比较习惯在短期内百***专注,所以我的策略一般会集中精力突击。”此外,津毓还分享了学习时间分配技巧:一些难度偏大且偏数理的课,如QM(计量方法)和FFMA(财务与管理会计学基础),需要花费大量精力但收获也很大,我会根据二八法则来分配时间,从而提高成绩。津毓说二八法则不仅用在了每门课的分配上,也用在了她的本科生活中,关于学校课业方面,她个人的想法是保持一个比较上游的成绩,其他的时间用来探索自我和职业规划。“学习绝不仅在书本和课堂上,更在于生活中。”




大一大二期间,张津毓担任了校园大使,接待了上百位来自海内外的教授和国际学生,还有合作公司高层管理人员等。大一暑假,她作为宁诺国际夏校志愿者,全程陪同来自14个国家的25名国际生在华行程安排。同时,她还曾在几项国际峰会(多国总理出席)中担任会务助理。“我很重视国际化,未来希望可以在多个国家生活工作,不想把自己局限在一种文化里,所以本科的国际化机会我都想抓住,都想体验,”津毓说。校园大使对成员的英语水平有很高的要求,而且待人接物也要得体。“校园大使对我的英语和社交能力是非常大的锻炼,而且我在接待来参观的家长,或者国内外教授这个过程中,也在思索宁诺的核心理念是什么,应该怎么去展示宁诺学子的形象,” 她说道。这份工作不仅局限在校园里,有时津毓也会带着外宾去宁波的景点,介绍当地文化,这需要她首先去了解风土人情,并不停地与人交谈,在不知不觉中锻炼了她的口才。“其实我们学校提供了很多这样的志愿者机会,特别适合大一大二时间相对充裕的学生多参与。”津毓补充道。






“我觉得发展兴趣爱好对我来说特别重要,尤其是在我特别累的时候,阿卡贝拉就像给我充电一样。和大家在一起唱歌非常开心,每次排练都其乐融融,欢声笑语。” 津毓感触很深的是,她玩阿卡贝拉纯粹是因为喜欢而付出了很多精力,但这个爱好,却让她在INSEAD的面试中给面试官留下了深刻的印象,最终也帮助斩获offer。



津毓的实习经历十分多元化:在国内本土咨询公司打cold call(陌生电话),参与阿姆斯特丹大学在国内的一个战略研究项目,在知名市场调研公司担任市场分析实习生。在不断探索商业世界的过程中,津毓发现并确定了自己对消费领域的热爱。最后凭借出色的商赛成绩和对市场营销的思考进入了知名美妆公司欧莱雅做暑期实习。




在宁诺学习期间,有很多老师为张津毓提供了很大的帮助。“我大二的personal tutor (个人导师),同时也是我们那时的经济学老师— Peter Anderson,给了我很大的帮助。大二期间,我非常焦虑,不知道自己是不是应该放弃金融和会计的道路,当时他给了我很多建议,也给予我很多认可,并鼓励我追求自己喜欢的方向。我建议学弟学妹们多去找personal tutor(个人导师)聊聊,不论是成长还是学习上的问题,他们都会给你很多有建设性的引导。如果对某门课或者某个方向很感兴趣的话,也建议大家利用office hour(老师接待学生时间),多去和学科老师聊一聊。” 津毓说。她很感恩的还有黄琳老师,在2021欧莱雅Brandstorm商赛期间,她为津毓的团队提供了很多建议和帮助,最后津毓的团队成功入围了全国前二十强(共1500余支参赛队伍)。对于商学院老师们的帮助,津毓心里满是感激。

除了老师,父母更是张津毓发展道路背后最大的支柱,“我父母对我最大的支持就是,不会帮我做决定。不管是选择高中、大学还是未来的生活和职业规划,以及生活中的小事,都会和他们事无巨细地分享,包括这么做的原因,可能的后果等。只要我向他们表达清楚我的想法,他们都会非常支持我,这让我不会去惧怕走一条和别人不一样的道路。” 父母不干涉的态度,让张津毓在一个比较早的年纪就认识到了自己真正想要什么,非常地独立,可以去做好自己的决定,而不是让父母去安排好一切事情。津毓说:“大学就是去试错、去尝试、去多做,不要担心自己比别人跑得慢,因为你永远不知道什么时候会弯道超越。有一句话是,不要总想着局部最优解(即小阶段的胜利),局部最优解未必能达成全局最优解,局部最优解往往只会不可避免地走向平庸,这句话对我非常有帮助。”


采访最后,说起在UNNC(宁诺)自己最大的改变是什么,津毓说:“是做自己吧,我从一个比较从众的精致利己主义者变成了一个偏理想主义的人。相比于四年前的自己,从‘由外’变成了‘向内’,从追求外界的认可和可以量化的优秀,变成了追求自己内心的价值追求和对世界的思考。现在的我更加注重自己的成长,体验和未来的可能性。人生不是线性的,希望自己接下来的几年还是能保持对世界的强烈好奇心,dig my potential and possibility, and be limitless(挖掘潜能,创造无极限)。”


My UNNC Story | Zhang Jinyu:The Way of Non-linear Self Growth

Our interview with Zhang Jinyu took place online as she is nowin Fontainebleau, France forher postgraduate studies. The six-hour time difference did not affect the recall of her four beautiful years at UNNC.

Talking about her first sense of UNNC, Jinyu said that she had the idea of studying abroad since high school and learnt about the University of Nottingham Ningbo China (UNNC) at that time: "I chose UNNC because its environment is perfect and full of possibilities. My four years at UNNC was a critical period that moulded my values. I hoped to discover my potential and see the diversity offered by this world, rather than just becoming a good person in a traditional sense." Full of anticipation, she stepped through UNNC's gates.


Be wise in learning and achieve excellence

During her four years inUNNC, Zhang Jinyu won the Head Scholarship for three consecutive years, which was not easy in thecompetitive Finance Accounting and Managementdegree programme. In addition, she made full use of her spare time and received high grades in many exams that earned her qualifications. Speaking of the secret of achieving high scores, Jinyu said frankly: "In terms of learning, I attach great importance to effectiveness. I'm used to being100%focused for a short period." In addition, Jinyu also shared how she organised her time: some challenging and partial mathematical courses, such as QM(Quantitative Methods) and FFMA(Fundamentals of Financial and Management Accounting), requires spending a lot of effort to figure them out, but a lot of progress can be made.Itis essential to gauge one's ratio of input-output and organise time according to the 80/20 Rule (also called the Pareto Principle) to improve average scores. The 80/20 Rule was used in organising times for learning and every aspect of Jinyu's undergraduatelife. Her personal goal is to maintain relatively good academic performance while also leaving time to explore herself and make career plans. Jinyu believes that learning not only happens in books and classrooms but also in life.


Talking about the extra qualifications and certificates that many students are concerned about, Jinyu said that obtaining them can help you achieve personal growth and knowledge. But this is subjective. When applying for jobs and postgraduate study, obtaining a certificate has little effect. In her view, career planning is a long-term process. "We should notrestrict ourselves to the certificate's or qualification's field, but to choose a career which we will be really good at and like."

Slide up to read more.

Introduce local culture and receive friends from around the world

Zhang Jinyu served as a campus ambassador during her freshman and second year, receiving manyprofessors, students and senior management figures from companies home and abroad. As a UNNC International Summer School volunteer, she received 25 international students from 14 countries in her freshman summer vacation. Throughout their time together, she was responsible for all their itineraries in China. At the same time, she also served as a conference assistant at several international summits (attended by premiers from many countries). "I attach great importance to internationalisation, and I hope to be able to live and work in multiple countries in the future. I don't want to limit myself to a single culture. Therefore, I want to seize international working opportunities during my university life," said Jinyu. Campus ambassadors must meet extremely high requirements for English proficiency, and they must be well-mannered when dealing with others." Being a campus ambassador greatly exercised my English and social skills. When receiving visiting parents or foreign professors, I was also thinking about what the core philosophy of UNNC is and how I should demonstrate the image of UNNCers," Jinyu explained. This job was not limited to the campus only. Sometimes Jinyu would take foreign guests to Ningbo's and Hangzhou's scenic spots to introduce local cultures. This required her to understand the local customs before explaining them to people, which exercised her eloquence. "In fact, our university provides many such volunteer opportunities, which are especially suitable for students who have spare time during their freshman and second years," Jinyu added.

Be versatile and well-rounded.

Looking back on her four years of undergraduate study, what impressed Jinyu most was the Acapella group that she started and has since flourished for four years. "At the beginning, funding an acapella group was purely out of my passion because I like this form of music very much. But this kind of music was not popular in China, so I wanted to see whether I could do it," said Jinyu. The founding members are all students from the Class of 2017. With the help of Thomas, a Year 4 student from the Class of 2014, X-Cape, the first pure acapella vocal band in UNNC, was born. During the past four years, X-Cape has appeared on various stages of UNNC and even in the activities of other universities.

"Acapella has very high requirements on performers' intonation, stage equipment, teamwork, and so on, which is why there are very few people involved in acapella groups in China. When the team was just established, we had no professional guidance, equipment, rehearsal space, etc. We had to explore and adapt many things by ourselves."

"But during our four years, we received more and more invitations to perform, and we became an affiliate of the UNNC Art Troupe, and then we welcomed more and more new members."

"I think it's really important for me to develop hobbies, especially when I was exhausted, singing acapella recharged me. I had so much fun singing with the group members. Everyone was happy during every rehearsal."

Jinyu feels deeply that she did not have any other motive when participating in the acapella group – it was purely out of her passion. Additionally, this hobby made her stand out during the INSEAD interview, leaving a deep impression on the interviewers, and she finally got the offer.

Diverse experiences, not being afraid of trial and error

Jinyu's internship experience was diverse: doing cold calls in a domestic consulting company, participating in a strategic research project for the University of Amsterdam, and doing market analysis in a well-known market research company. In constantly exploring the business world, Jinyu discovered and confirmed her love for the consumer sector. "Finally, I got a summer internship at L'Oreal, a famouscosmetics company, based on my excellent ranking in business competitions and my understanding of marketing," Jinyu revealed.

"Undergraduate internships are all about finding out what you want to do, or at least what you don't want to do. Let's try more during undergraduate study. Also, I don't want to easilydecide my career direction in the next few years or even decades because of my degree, certificates and internships, and those sunk costs," Jinyu explained. When asked about what she learned by participating in business competitions, Jinyu said that participating in business competitions was a perfect opportunity to understand all the aspects of an industry, show systematic thinking about an industry, and exercise teamwork skills.

Be grateful to those who supported you.

During her study at UNNC, many teachers provided excellent support to Zhang Jinyu. "One of my teachers was my second-year personal tutor – Peter Anderson. During my second year, I was very anxious and wondered if I should give up the path of finance and accounting. At that time, he gave me a lot of suggestions and encouraged me to pursue a direction I liked. I suggest that younger students speak to their tutors more. Whether it is growing or learning problems, they will give us suggestions. I also recommend that everyone use their subject tutors' officer hoursto talk to them," Jinyu said. Another teacher she recalls is Dr Lin Huang. During the business competitions, Lin provided Jinyu with many suggestions and helped Jinyu successfully enter the national top 20 (1500+ teams in total). Jinyu is very grateful for the help given to her by the business schoolteachers.

In addition to her teachers, Jinyu's parents areher most prominent supporters, especially during her development. "My parents' greatest support is that they will not interfere with my decisions. Whether choosing a high school or a university, or what I generally do, I share everything with them, including my reasons for doing something, the possible consequences, etc. As long as I clearly express my ideas to them, they will be very supportive of me, so I will not be afraid to take a different path from others, which helps me to mature faster." Her parents' attitude of non-interference allowed Zhang Jinyu to realise what she wanted at a relatively early age and that she could make her own decisions instead of letting her parents decide everything. Jinyu said: "University is all about trial and error. Don't worry about running slower than others, because we never know when we will overcome. There is a saying, ‘don't always think about the local optimal solution, which is a victory in the small stage. The local optimal solution may not reach the global optimal solution, and the local optimal solution tends to inevitably lead to mediocrity.'This idea has been and still is very helpful to me."


"Resumes area means, not an end. After four years of understanding, and trial and error, finally formed (at this stage) a logical self-consistency and reconciling with myself,which is what I am most grateful for. I think it is much more important to know what kind of person I want to be and how to create a rewarding life and a promising future within limited circumstances than it is to pursue periodic achievements."


At the end of the interview, talking about her biggest change at UNNC, Jinyu explained: "Being myself. I have changed from being a conformist and slightly self-concerned to a much more idealistic person. Compared with four years ago, my former self has changed from the 'outside' to 'inside', from pursuing external recognition and quantifiable excellence, to pursuing better inner values and thinking about the world. Now I pay more attention to my growth, experience and future possibilities. Life is not linear, but limitless."

NUBS China

采访: CC | 文字助理:周汉扬、尹斯盛

图片、视频:张津毓, FoB





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艺考培训-浙江本科院校-宁波诺丁汉大学-微高校-院校号-宁波诺丁汉大学招生办-我的大学 | 张津毓:非线性的自我成长之路