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University of Nottingham demonstrates its commitment to sustainability at the UK-South China COP26 Conference.





COP26大会主席,英国商业、能源和产业战略大臣Alok Sharma表示,在阻止森林采伐和向清洁能源过渡等领域,加强与中国合作的意义重大。他还强调,中国在应对全球气候挑战中的作用至关重要。







在线会议上,英国诺丁汉大学副校长Zoe Wilson教授(理学部)分享了英诺是如何通过开展跨食品系统的高水平、多学科研究为全球粮食挑战提供可持续解决方案。从基因组植物和动物科学,到初级生产(作物和牲畜)、食品制造、营养和健康,再到社会科学、商业、历史和文化,研究涉及领域非常广泛。


Zoe Wilson通过线上会议进行分享



University of Nottingham demonstrates its commitment to sustainability at the UK-South China COP26 Conference

The COP26 Summit, taking place in Glasgow, UK, brings together parties with the aim of accelerating actions towards the climate goals of the Paris Agreement and the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. The Provost, Professor Nick Miles, of University of Nottingham Ningbo China (UNNC) presented the contribution of all Nottingham campuses to the global sustainability efforts at a side event of the Summit in Guangzhou.

Attended by over 150 government, business and academia representatives and watched by an audience of over 2,000 online, the Conference explored the roles of the government, industry, academia and NGOs in achieving net zero for both countries focusing on the three themes of Zero Emission Transport, Green Finance and Nature Positive Future.

Alok Sharma, President for COP26 and the UK’s Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy sent his message online to remark that it is significant to strengthen collaboration with China in areas like stopping deforestation and transition to clean energy and emphasise that China is of vital importance in this global endeavour to address this challenge.

UNNC, in partnerships with leading Chinese research institutions and businesses, has been contributing to the bilateral commitment between the UK and Chinese governments to address global challenges through science and innovation collaboration.

At the side event of How to Transform into Nature Positive Future, Professor Miles introduced the University’s wide-ranging contribution to research in the field of climate change. Speaking at the event he said, ‘’we are very proud that our researchers are solving problems and improving lives through making significant contributions to all the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The diversity of the research topics and projects is a testament to the outstanding talent of our researchers.’’

Dr Bencan Tang, Associate Professor of Chemical and Environmental Engineering at UNNC shared a case study of Alternative Feeding Antibiotic Products from Herbs in partnership with companies and research partners in the UK and Hunan Province to address the rise of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) by creating innovative solutions to address the problem.

Joining the session online from the UK, Professor Zoe Wilson, Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Sciences) of University of Nottingham, UK, illustrated how the University is delivering sustainable solutions to global food challenges by undertaking high-calibre multidisciplinary research across food systems, from genome-enabled plant and animal sciences, through primary production (crops and livestock), food manufacturing, nutrition and health, and digital technologies to social science, business, and histories and cultures.

Since its establishment in 2004 as the first Sino-foreign university in China, UNNC has achieved several breakthroughs in research by bringing together the most talented staff internationally and committing itself to transforming lives and society. At the Research Exhibition Creating a Sustainable World which took place in April this year, 31 research cases were exhibited to showcase UNNC capabilities and solutions to 16 of the United Nations SDGs.

COP26 offers important opportunities for the pioneering and globally minded researchers to translate their knowledge into insights for policy-makers and innovation partnerships that solve problems and improve lives. With global campuses in the UK, China and Malaysia, the University of Nottingham is committed to environmental sustainability through our research, teaching, campus activity, investments and our work with partners locally, nationally and globally.

图文来源 | Min Rose,

Communications and Marketing Office,








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