Please scroll down for the English version -UNNC wins European Chamber 8th Corporate Social Responsibility Award.
以宁诺英伟达混合现实联合实验室为例。该实验室致力于将数字化技术引入到文化遗产领域,通过虚拟现实等方式再现各类世界遗产和文化古迹,由全球知名虚拟现实学者庄以仁(Eugene Ch’ng)教授领衔。成立以来,实验室在文化遗产数字化领域进行前沿研究,与此同时团队利用数字化技术保护地方的历史和文化,打造了一批极具辨识度的项目,如重现宁波元代三江口、追寻江南记忆中的外婆家等等,用新颖的方式向世界展示与传播宁波。颁奖典礼上,庄以仁教授强调,
而宁诺甬学研究中心俨然已成为所有热爱甬学的海内外专家学者间互动交流的首选平台。该中心由宁波诺丁汉大学国际传播学贺龙飞(Thomas Hirzel)博士、建筑学谢晶博士和计算机科学David Towey教授领衔,团队通过摄影测量和数字捕获等技术,建立了宁波市古代和现今即将消逝的建筑数据库。团队与宁波博物馆启动了长期计划,扫描和记录宁波独有的“青瓷”,以期将其数字化收藏存档。中心还聚集了跨界跨学科的甬学爱好者,共同向世界推介宁波灿烂的文化遗产。
此外,还要提到宁诺与宁波帮博物馆正在合作的数字遗产中心项目。自2019年签署共建“人文素质教育基地”后,宁诺与宁波帮博物馆在人文素质教育、志愿服务和社会实践交流合作上展开了深入的合作。宁诺教学副校长Cohen Tan博士为项目总协调,国际传播系系主任Filippo Gilardi博士则大力推进了选修模块“数字叙事、数字素养”在宁波帮博物馆的落地。他多次带学生赴博物馆开展社会实践,在他的悉心指导下,学生丰富的创意大大增加了宁波帮故事的传播度,吸引了本地和国际光中了解宁波帮故事。比如,有学生追踪记录下老宁波人的食谱,并制作成为明信片分享给参观者。
正如Cohen Tan在颁奖典礼上所说,“通过为这些老故事和记忆注入新生命,我们帮助新一代宁波人重塑当地独有的文化遗产和文化认同。”
UNNC wins European Chamber 8th Corporate Social Responsibility Award
2 December: The University of Nottingham Ningbo China (UNNC) was awarded the Excellence in Environment Conservation-Regional Award of the 8th Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Award by the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China, for its outstanding contribution and achievement in preservation and promotion of cultural heritage. The International Entrepreneurial Project of UNNC was also nominated for the Excellence in Social Innovation Award.
In the area of preservation of cultural heritage, UNNC has made various explorations adopting advanced technologies in the area and has obtained profound breakthroughs. It has leveraged its world-leading technical and academic expertise to formulate international standards for the protection of cultural heritage, as well as making both global and local impacts through contributions to preserve and promote local cultures.
The NVIDIA Joint-Lab on Mixed Reality of UNNC, for instance, has been committed to introducing digitalisation into the field of cultural heritage to reproduce world-renowned heritage sites and cultural relics. Directed by Professor Eugene Ch’ng, who has been at the forefront of the field of digitalisation of cultural heritage for over 15 years, the Joint-Lab has been developing Virtual Reality projects in the areas of architecture, archaeology and cultural heritage, such as reproducing the site of Sanjiangkou port of Ningbo in Yuan Dynasty.
The Centre of Ningbo Studies, led by Dr Thomas Hirzel, Dr Jing Xie and Professor David Towey, centres on the use of Photogrammetry and Digital Capture to preserve and database cultural artefacts and architecture, as well as to build bridges between communities of enthusiasts and scholars and promote Ningbo’s rich cultural heritage both within China and abroad. The Centre is currently providing technical workshops and consultancy for staff in the Ningbo Museum on Photogrammetry and Digital Capture so as to archive Ningbo’s priceless collection of celadon.
In addition, UNNC has also established cooperation with Ningbo Bang Museum since 2019 to develop humanistic quality education, community services and social practices, with the support and coordination of Dr K. Cohen Tan, Interim Vice Provost for Teaching and Learning. UNNC students of International Communications have the opportunity to do internship practice at Ningbo Bang Museum via the module “Transmedia Narratives and Digital Literacy”, developed by Dr Filippo Gilardi, Head of School of International Communications. The end of the module assessment is to develop interactive workshops and social media campaigns related to the Museum’s exhibits. The playful creativity of these students, described in the innovation section below, has brought the museum content alive for younger generations of Ningbonese.
"Our strategic goal is 'Solving Problems and Improving Lives'. We do so by serving our local community and engaging positively with key stakeholders through research and teaching activities," said Dr Tan. "We believe that research should be focused on solving real world problems, and these problems are rarely, if ever, simple or unitary. By breathing new life into those stories and memories, we help the next generation of local Ningbonese rediscover their unique heritage and identity."
“Any need for conservation requires an awareness that extends beyond objects, monuments, sites or intangible culture, and also includes the environments that have preserved and sustained our heritage to this day,” Professor Ch’ng emphasised in his speech during the awarding ceremony. “Any heritage conservation in the 21st century must include social innovation, and heritage is a viable social innovation arena. Heritage does not belong to experts - but to citizens.”
The International Entrepreneurial Project (IEP) module nominated this time also won much attention due to it mapping a multidimensional, professional, and tailored-made CSR developing paradigm to build and strengthen students’ understanding of CSR theories and insights.
The module discusses CSR-related topics, aiming to equip students with CSR knowledge and skills. Through collaborations with external companies such as Huawei, Whale Cloud and UN Women, it examines real CSR cases to explore how and why businesses have chosen to adopt sustainable approaches. The IEP module also facilitates students in participating in various competitions like L’Oréal Brandstorm Competition, Unilever Marketing Competition, P&G Case Competition, and Ingenuity Entrepreneurship Competitions to apply CSR concepts into the governance of business.
The CSR Awards of the European Union Chamber aim to acknowledge CSR successes, raise sustainability awareness, and share the CSR experiences with organisations looking to promote and exercise corporate responsibility in China.
Winning the 8th CSR award fully recognises UNNC’s contribution in shouldering social responsibility. Standing on its pioneering tradition as the first Sino-foreign university, UNNC will continue to practice its own social responsibilities, reinvent the ways of learning and thinking and lead the community in social engagement.
图文来源 | BDO, Nico,Elena
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