学子故事 | 施嘉怡:去尝试吧,让自己获得更多的选择




2018级 数学与应用数学专业院长奖学金、浙江省政府奖学金获得者理工学院党总支学生第一支部优秀成员……




“数学与应用数学是一个‘万金油’专业,它的就业比较广泛,对于大多数行业都有着一定的兼容性。”作为专业第一,“学霸”施嘉怡为同学们推荐了有效学习的三个方法。首先是讲求课堂效率。课上集中注意力,老师讲的内容在课堂上尽量弄懂,提升课堂效率。其次,抓住老师的office time。对于仍不理解的问题,在各个老师的开放给学生的面谈时间段去提问,去交流。“老师在讲解的时候有时还会补充些知识点,方便我们建立知识体系,对知识有更好的理解。此外,多和老师沟通,还可以让老师对我们有进一步的了解,对未来给我们写推荐信给予了很大的帮助。”最后,我们也可以利用网上的资源(例如哔哩哔哩、YouTube、电子书等)来帮助我们的学习。她引用了网上对于“大学”很有趣的解释,“大学就是‘大不了自己学’,网上的资源很丰富,讲解很详细,给予了我很大的帮助。”










Jiayi Shi:Go ahead and give it a try

Jiayi Shi has been one of the top students in Mathematics with Applied Mathematics since her first year in the UNNC. She is also the recipient of both the Dean's Scholarship and the Zhejiang Provincial Government Scholarship. This year, she received the National Scholarship for her excellent performance in both curricular and extra-curricular activities.

In addition to studying, her after-school life is also busy and fulfilling. She once held a 100-person speech conference. She actively participated in college students' entrepreneurship competitions and the Mathematical Contest in Modeling. She has devoted herself to scientific research projects during holidays. She also worked as an intern in Ping An Insurance and built automatic forms for the company. In addition, she has also participated in many volunteer services, such as voluntary teacher in the rural area, Chinese enterprise annual conference volunteer, etc. "UNNC is a place of freedom," said Jiayi Shi. "It contains lots of possibilities to try various things.”

Jiayi choose Mathematics with Applied Mathematics because it is a popular major with a wide range of employment choices and compatibility for most industries." Jiayi Shi told us that back to the time when she just finished the Gaokao exam, she faced a big choice in her life. She was not interested in finance and was not clear if she likes computer science. Therefore, choosing mathematics, a basic science would give her more possibilities and opportunities in the future.

As a top student in her major, Jiayi Shi has her way to study efficiently. She would like to take this opportunity to recommend three key points in her learning methods to her fellow students. Firstly, Jiayi is very focused and tries to understand as much knowledge as she can in the class. Secondly, she will make full use of the academic staff’s office hours. When she still have some questions about the knowledge, she would have no doubt turn to the teaching staff, and usually, she could have something more. "After the class when I come to them for help, teachers sometimes add some other knowledge to help us build the knowledge system and have a better understanding of what we learned. Moreover, through the casual talk, my teachers can have a further understanding of me, so that they are more likely to write recommendation letters for me in the future." Finally, she said that there are many learning resources on the internet. She believes that the most important skill she has obtained in the University is the self-learning skill.

UNNC is a global campus where lives students and staff from different countries and cultures. Our students also have opportunities to study and work overseas, experiencing different cultures on-site and broadening their horizons. Jiayi said that her voluntary teaching experience in Nepal is her most impressive memory. She knew very little about this country and its customs before. When she came to Nepal, she found out that local girls do not share the same learning right as the boy. She decided to bring them as much knowledge as she can during her voluntary teaching period and try her best to help those girls.

After the class, Jiayi likes to do some reading and workouts and take a hike on the weekend. She loves nature and she said that she could truly relax and relief in nature. She finds her pace of learning and living. She would also like to suggest other students be bold and give it a try. Remember to seize every opportunity in front of you and it will lead you to success.

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文字来源:Jinghan Wen, Xuhui Wang

图片来源:Jiayi Shi

电子排版:Jinghan Wen




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