我的大学 | 戴吟弛:为商业“向善”而奋斗不息

我的大学 | 戴吟弛:为商业“向善”而奋斗不息


Dai Yinchi,a recent graduate ofInternational Business with Spanishprogrammeat Nottingham University Business School China (NUBS China),has been paying attention tosocial innovation and sustainability for years and has continued to realise her ideals through her actions.In her view, “Business for Good” will become a trend in the future, and the power of social enterprises will also grow.

Please scroll down for the English version.



Dai Yinchi



毕业去向:间隔年+ 2021纽约大学公共、非盈利管理与政策研究生


在身边多数商科生把进入金融、投行、咨询等领域作为心仪的职业规划时,对联合国可持续发展目标(Sustainable Development Goals, 简称SDGs)感兴趣的戴吟弛却选择走上一条与众不同的道路。“毕业后,我的短期规划是去非政府组织(NGO)完成有关弱势群体赋能和环境保护的项目,之后会去国际组织发展,积累经验后再专注于一个社会议题,最后落脚创建社会企业,再用商业的模式去解决社会问题。”在她的眼中,商业“向善”将在未来成为大趋势,而“社会企业”的群体也将壮大。这个来自宁诺的女孩,在四年中对于这类议题时刻保持着关注和热爱,通过自己的实践不断为理想加码。

Interview with Dai Yinchi 戴吟弛视频采访






在戴吟弛身上,充满着强烈的社会责任感和世界公民的意识。在宁诺,她与来自不同文化背景的同学们联合创办了ReBloom平台,收集宣传专注于SDGs的服务和产品,为社会企业提供支持;她担任校内组织AIESEC的项目经理人,在为期六周的项目中与众多非政府组织和社会创新组织对接,带领团队和来自五个国家的15位志愿者通过艺术疗愈,赋能自闭症儿童及其家庭;同时她是学校可持发展续倡议(Sustainable Development Initiative )的一员,在老师们的带领下,与不同学术背景的学生以国际视角深度对话探讨可持续议题,设计可行的个人行动方案;参加NottinGreen环保组织等。





同时,她还有一段在共益企业中国(B Corps China)的实习经历。B Corps China 在B Lab(共益实验室)的支持下,目标创建一个繁荣的领导力社群,用商业的力量来促进发展。B Corporation(简称B Corp)是通过商业驱动经济利益的同时让社会和环境变得更好的新型公司模式,也称“共益企业”。其网络在中国的主要任务是把该理念渗透到各个角落,把整个商业文化往向善的方向引导,尤其是推广其自有的影响力评估工具B Impact Assessment(BIA),并促进其本地化进程。共益企业中国将这一款评估工具通过游戏化即“共益创新之路”桌游的形式让参与者进行角色扮演,决策判断,在影响力画布上走得更远。


谈到这段实习,戴吟弛表示非常享受推广这样一个理念的过程,而这其中也少不了自己的老师'Alim Beveridge的帮助。“我经常和他交流有关共益企业在国内的发展趋势,我们也会交流自己有的资源和活动信息。我也有幸能将BIA 桌游介绍给'Alim老师,融入接下来的<商业道德与可持续发展>(Business Ethics and Sustainability)的课程中去,让更多同学了解影响力商业模式和B Corp全球行动。'Alim有时也会分享一些有关这些领域的专家的讲座,比如最近一个就是有关后疫情时代的社会事业。”在宁诺,师生间激情洋溢的交流和思维火花的碰撞是处处皆有的风景线。




进入学校后,戴吟弛通过学校提供的国际化平台和机会,共参加了三次霍特全球挑战赛(Hult Prize),从社会议题出发,通过商业模式和创业的方式解决该问题。第一年小白上路,萌新尝试;第二年获得了第二名,第三年和来自不同文化背景的同学们一起参赛。“当时最后一次参加时,我们想把有条件雇佣弱势群体的社会企业集合在我们的平台上,来解决就业方面的问题。”






戴吟弛的专业是国际商务与西班牙语,她有了得天独厚的条件同时流利掌握英语和西班牙语。她指出,语言的学习离不开多和母语者接触,听说读写四个方面都要抓牢。“比如学习英语,听力通过TED练习,口语可以看看The Daily Show脱口秀,读可以看看资讯或报刊,写的方面基于各种材料、学会模仿架构和表达。”







My UNNC StoryDai Yinchi: Devoted to “Business for Good”

Dai Yinchi, a recent graduateofInternational Business with Spanish programmeat Nottingham University Business School China (NUBS China), has been paying attention to social innovation and sustainability for years and has continued to realise her ideals through her actions. In her view, “Business for Good” will become a trend in the future, and the power of social enterprises will also grow.


Slide up for more details.

Embracing society and nature

Since childhood, Yinchi’s family has guided her to foster kindness and a strong sense of environmental protection and public awareness. The lifestyle that her family has always practised projected a deep influence on her. Her mother recycles wastewater and donates unused items to people in need. Her father loves hiking, and often takes her to see and experience the beauty of nature. The seeds of her love for nature and sustainability were planted in such an environment. Every holiday since elementary school, her family would encourage her to volunteer at an orphanage or wildlife sanctuary, caring for every living being; or would take her on a trip to places around the world to communicate with locals, experience their feelings, perceptions and empathy for life. Having empathy for her surroundings is the driving force behind much of her social work. She keeps herself sensitive to social issues and actively explores their formation, development and resolution.

Now, she has chosen to take a gap year before postgraduate studyto maintain her awareness, build up her strengths and explore further possibilities. Out of her concern for rural development and disconnected rural groups, she plans to spend the first half of the year in rural areas, where more than half of the Chinese population lives. She is currently part of a research project on the survival of rural communities, and will later travel to villages on the border between Yunnan and Myanmar. She will participate in the Prop Roots project on rural empowerment, children’s empowerment and cultural awareness. After that, she will attend a United Nations training project which will involve sorting out information and documentation, understanding operational structures, such as project management, and undergoing training and assessment. "I would like to focus on gaining experience in the first six months and take on some internships the next six months to enrich my soft skills so that I can get closer to my goal."

A strong sense of social responsibility and global citizenship is embedded in Yinchi. During her university years, she co-founded ReBloom with friends from different cultures to provide a platform that gathers and promotes products based on SDGs to support social enterprises. She also served as a project manager for AIESEC and led a six-week programme in collaboration with numerous NGOs and social innovation organisations. Yinchi was leading teams and 15 volunteers from five countries to empower autistic children and their families via art therapy. She was also a member of the Sustainable Development Initiative at UNNC, participating in in-depth dialogues with multidisciplinary groups on global sustainability issues and designing viable individual action plans. Yinchi went onto joining the student environmental club NottinGreen as well as other organisations.

Unique internships that explore the power of change

While working on the AIESEC project, Yinchi got in touch with NPI, the largest non-profit incubator in China, and was given the opportunity to work with them. For her first internship, she went to NPI's 724 Cheershub, the first social innovation hub in Shanghai. Her main job was to run its social media channels, prepare its second anniversary event, and co-create events for 724 communities. During this internship, she had to negotiate with different charity organisations, social enterprises and social innovation organisations to create collaborations that would amplify the effect of a connected community. It was also an internship that allowed her to meet changemakers and practitioners who are working for a better society. They all have motivated her and shown her the power of change.

At the same time, she had an internship at B Corps China, whose main goal is to create a thriving leadership community that uses the power of business for good. The B Corporation (B Corp) is a new corporate model in which businesses drive economic interests towards making society and the environment better. The network's main task in China is to spread this concept and to steer the entire business culture towards good influence with the impact assessment tool, the B Impact Assessment (BIA). B Corps China has gamified this assessment tool, allowing participants to make and role-play decisions, further promoting its influence.

Speaking of this internship, Yinchi said that she enjoyed the process of promoting such a concept and that her teacher Dr'Alim Beveridge was indispensable. "I often communicate with him about the development trend of B Corps in this country, and we also exchange information about our own resources and activities. I was fortunate enough to be able to introduce the BIA board game to 'Alim for the Business Ethics and Sustainability module for the coming semester to make more students aware of the Impact Business Model and the B Corp Global Movement. I am also grateful for all the insightful events that 'Alim has shared." In UNNC, passionate communication between teachers and students, and the collision of dynamic ideas are found everywhere.

Choosing UNNC means choosing a brilliant platform

With the recommendation and support of her parents, Yinchi made UNNC her choice. Her interest in the protection of nature, sustainable development and social value creation has also continued here. She participated in the Hult Prize through opportunities provided by the University.

Starting with social issues, the problem in the competition was solved through business models and entrepreneurship. She participated in this three times, explaining, "When we participated for the last time, we wanted to bring together social enterprises with the condition of hiring vulnerable groups on our platform to solve employment problems." The team visited an NGO responsible for training homeless people in Shanghai. They gradually developed new ideas such as connecting social enterprises and group training institutions through the platform. After surveying the mobile phone ownership rate and internet usage rate of homeless people, they planned to allow them access to nearby training centres and social enterprises through a simple operation on the platform. Discussions with her teammates on this matter greatly deepened Yinchi's understanding of social enterprises.

Speaking of the teachingat NUBS China, Yinchi gave the example of the module Business Ethics and Sustainability. She believes that this moduleis very practical in understanding sustainable development and social issues in a corporate context. The teacher uses lively case studies to inspire the students on how to conduct a comprehensive stakeholder analysis and designing sustainable strategies, etc., which also fitted in well with her future plans.

Diversity makes for the best look

Yinchi is fluent in both English and Spanish, thus she has a good understanding of different cultures.She pointed out that good language learning is inseparable from contact with native speakers, and the four aspects of listening, speaking, reading and writing must be grasped simultaneously.

Finally, she leaves the younger peers with a few words of advice, “Don't put limits on yourself. We all should stay curious and positive to explore infinite possibilities. Observe yourself from multiple aspects to find what you love and explore your potential. In the process of continually exploring yourself, it is more important to not forget your original intentions and to firmly hold onto your goals and move forward. There is no fixed model of excellence for everyone to adopt. Excellence is found by making the right choices, finding the right direction for yourself, and moving forward towards your goals by maximising your efforts.”

Wish Yinchi a smooth journey on her way to success!

采访:CC | 图片、视频:戴吟弛, FoB





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