我的大学 | 李钧泽:在这里走过的每一步都有意义

我的大学 | 李钧泽:在这里走过的每一步都有意义


Li Junze is a recent graduate of the International Business Economics programme at the University of Nottingham Ningbo China (UNNC). From disorientation in the beginning to his current confidence, he is now ready to pursue further study at the London School of Economics and Political Science. In this interview, Junze recalled his student days, and shared some of his experiences, allowing us to follow his path in retrospect to explore his experience at UNNC.

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Li Junze





Interview with Li Junze 李钧泽采访视频






在高三的一场饭局之中,李钧泽第一次了解到中外合办大学。高考结束后,李钧泽和父母一起对国内的中外合办大学进行了详细的了解和分析。最终,李钧泽认为最适合他的大学是宁波诺丁汉大学,并选择了这所学校。“学校提供了非常好的平台,资源丰富,有益于学生未来的发展,但最重要的还是我们如何去利用好这个平台。” 而合理利用学校的资源与优势,正是李钧泽所擅长的。


但李钧泽在宁诺的学习生涯也并非一帆风顺。“刚到这个学校的时候,感觉很挣扎,甚至都有想要退学复读一年然后再去国内传统大学读书的念头。” 刚进入宁诺学习的李钧泽,并没有如想象中的那样适应这里的大学生活,大一秋季学期的成绩在整个专业的中等偏下水平。但在家长的坚持和学长学姐们的鼓励下,李钧泽积极调整心态,在春季学期有了很大的进步,很快他便适应了宁诺的学习节奏,并积极地参与到校园生活当中。在谈及这一段经历的时候,李钧泽特别地表达了对父母一路上无私奉献与支持的感激。“父母会为我考虑很多,比如从小城走出去的孩子会不会不适应、和其他同学有代沟,但他们一直全力支持着我,因为他们希望我能抓住这个机会走向更广阔的世界。”


在问及如何确定自己的目标时,李钧泽讲述了他的经历。在iWeek(新生适应周)期间以及参与的社团活动中,李钧泽结识了许多乐于分享的学长学姐。“一开始进来(宁诺)的感觉,像是个温馨的大家庭,每个人都乐意去分享经验、帮助他人。” 李钧泽这么形容宁诺的氛围。通过与学长学姐的交流和自己的观察,李钧泽找到了学习参考的对象,并通过实践将他人的经历改造成适合自我的全新规划。“无论是大一的暑假还是其他时候,每一个阶段都能找到学习的对象。”后来,李钧泽也将学长学姐们带给他的这份温暖与力量延续了下去,成为学长、朋辈导师的他,经常为学弟学妹们解疑答惑、分享学术经验,被大家笑称为“多老师”。











“毕业之后还是先继续读书吧。” 当谈到对未来职业规划的时候,他透露了自己所规划的两条截然不同的道路。第一个方向是在读完研究生后步入职场,从事项目管理或者管理咨询的工作,然后通过继续读MBA来丰富自己的知识。第二个方向是在读完研究生后继续攻读博士,在学术研究领域继续深入,然后回到学校当一名教授。他有着明确的方向,但世间风云变幻,随机应变是他的态度,他会在每个路口再抉择,踏实走好脚下的每一步,就好!



My UNNC Story

Li Junze: Every step I take here is meaningful!

"I’ll miss this place very much!" expressed Li Junze during this interview after graduation. He used the most understandable words to describe UNNC’s profound presence in his memories. "The four years were wonderful but fleeting," said Junze, as he recalled his journey at UNNC. From disorientation in the beginning to his current confidence, he is now ready to pursue further study at the London School of Economics and Political Science. From listening to seniors sharing their experience, to eventually helping other fellow students, from building friendships to parting ways, Junze reflected on how his educational journey broadened his knowledge and deepened his insights. In this interview, Junze recalled his student days, and shared some of his experiences, allowing us to follow his path in retrospect to explore his experience at UNNC.


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Ready to rise and take off

At a dinner during his senior year at high school, Li Junze first learned about Sino-foreign universities. After the Gaokao, Junze and his parents together explored this type of university thoroughly. Junze eventually found that UNNC matched his ideal requirements, and he decided to attend university here. "UNNC provides a great platform that is rich in resources, which can benefit students' future development, and students need to consider how to take advantage of them." Junze is especially adept at appropriately taking advantage of UNNC’s strengths.

However, Junze’s journey at UNNC was not all smooth sailing. "When I first entered the university, I struggled a lot, and even thought of dropping out to repeat another year and then enter a traditional university." Consequently, Junze was facing below-average grades by the spring of his freshman year. Nevertheless, through his parents’ support and senior students’ encouragement, Junze adjusted his mindset and changed himself during the autumn semester. He then quickly caught up with the university’s academic pace and actively began to participate in university events. As Junze discussed this period, he highlighted how grateful he was for his parents’ selfless giving and support. "My parents paid a lot of attention to my behaviour, like whether their son from a small town could adjust to a new environment or whether there would be a recognition gap between other students and me. However, they provided full support because they hoped I could use the opportunity to open the door to a bigger world."

Learning from observation, growing from communication

When asked about how he targeted his goals, Li Junze explained how his experience during iWeek (new students' induction week) and with student organisations was formative because he connected with and learned from many senior students. When describing UNNC’s community, Junze said, "Upon entering, one can feel that UNNC is like a warm family, and everyone is happy to share." Through communicating with senior students and through observation, Junze found role models worth referencing and adapted other role models’ experiences to form his ideal plan. "No matter the period, everyone can find a role model for different stages in life."

With regard to studying abroad, Junze also gave his opinions. He thinks that the most significant value in studying abroad does not lie solely in the knowledge learned from courses, but in gaining an elevated international view from communicating with a different culture." I learned during my UK trip the contrast between the English and the Scottish." Junze used this example to explain the following, "I look forward to travelling to different countries because it can critically influence our future profession or other experiences." At the same time, Junze also pointed out that communication is essential in NUBS China’s courses because interpersonal communication with professors or peers can stimulate different ideas and thoughts.

Classroom outside of NUBS China

Aside from studying at NUBS China, Junze also learned a lot from other places. He gained many benefits from clubs and friendships, which enriched his university life. During his second year, he became the leader of the Sunny-Biz Student Society. As Junze discussed the ways he benefited from the club, he explained, "I think the club gifted me two things — teamwork experience, and friendship built through the experience." Friends who share common bonds are vital to Junze. In both daily and academic life, friends gave him support and enlivened his UNNC journey.

When actively attending clubs and maintaining friendships, the balance between such involvement and learning becomes an inevitable issue. Junze believes that the problem lies in balancing social and academic life. "It is impossible to achieve total balance, and there is no absolute standard," said Junze when he responded to the issue. He thinks that daily life and study time are intertwined, meaning that they cannot be easily split into different periods. If one tries to forcefully split them apart, one may face more struggles and lower efficiency. The best way might be to appropriately position one’s attitude and mindset, be flexible with changes, adapt to emerging issues, and achieve a balance between the dynamic pace of daily life and studying.

Space and calm to explore future paths

As the interview came to an end, Junze shared his thoughts when asked about what he wanted to share with younger students. He first described his experience during the past year, "I was swamped, to the point where I could not find a clear direction." Final year examinations, graduate school applications, papers, and the recent COVID-19 pandemic made Junze’s schedule in the past year very packed. Since graduation, he has finally found some time to be calm and reflect on the previous year. He believes that by doing so, he can better position himself, digest recent accomplishments, and clarify his future direction to prevent himself from feeling lost. Such a state of mind is something he looks for in daily life.

Future paths

"I will first be continuing my studies after graduation." Junze mentioned his graduate school choice as he talked about his future path. While conversing over career development, Junze revealed two different paths he planned for himself. The first plan is to enter a company to gain project management experience after graduating with a master’s degree, and then later pursue an MBA programme. The second plan is to pursue a PhD degree after a master’s programme, to delve deeper into academia and return to university to become an academic staff. No matter which choice, Junze gradually equips the ability to cherish the moment and keep his wits about his future.


采访:CC | 图片, 视频:李钧泽, FoB





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