



Please scroll down for the English version - The irresistible trend of globalisation – To new students of 2020 and their parents.

首先,请允许我代表诺丁汉大学,英国的和宁波的,向2020级新生表示热烈的祝贺,欢迎你们成为诺丁汉全球大家庭中的一员!同时,非常感谢各位同学和家长,在这个特殊时期仍然选择信任宁波诺丁汉大学,把人生中宝贵的四年托付给我们, 为你们的选择点赞!






在复旦时,我曾受邀去美国院校访问。我了解到,在美国,最好的博雅学院是威廉姆斯(Williams College),排名第二的是艾姆赫斯特(Amherst College),排名第三的是史瓦兹摩尔(Swarthmore College)。而被大家熟知的哈佛大学排名第8,耶鲁大学排名第10。













The irresistible trend of globalisation – To new students of 2020 and their parents

First of all, on behalf of the University of Nottingham, please allow me to extend my warm congratulations to the class of 2024 and welcome you all as members of the global Nottingham community! I would also like to thank you and your parents, for choosing the University of Nottingham Ningbo China (UNNC), despite this special period, and entrust us with these precious four years of your life!

The Covid-19 pandemic has brought much uncertainty to the world and impacted everyone’s personal life. It has also raised doubts among many about studying abroad, international exchange and even international education. This is reflected in the results of the Gaokao recruitment for Sino-foreign cooperative institutions and programmes this year. I understand very well that even if you have chosen international education, you may still feel uneasy.

But I think it is the pandemic that makes us see that the fate of mankind has long been closely interwoven. Exchange and mutual understanding are essential to the development of civilisation. If you search on the Internet, you will find that President Xi's speeches on various occasions over the past six months have emphasised the inevitable trend of globalisation. To build a community of a shared future for mankind in the face of the severe global challenges is the "China plan" put forward by President Xi.

So, everyone, you are visionary to choose UNNC!

Now, I would like to first introduce you to what kind of university UNNC is. Only when we know what kind of university we are, can we learn better here.

Many already know that UNNC was founded in 2004, and is the first Sino-foreign university in China. It introduces high-quality educational resources from the University of Nottingham, UK - one of the world's top 100 universities- and is subject to the double examination of the Ministry of Education of China and the British Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education. UNNC holds the certification of international professional associations and issues the degree certificate of the University of Nottingham. But beyond this, what kind of university is UNNC?

While at Fudan University, I was once invited to visit some American colleges and universities. I first learned that in the United States the best liberal arts college is Williams College, second is Amherst College and third is Swarthmore College. Harvard University, one we are all familiar with, ranks eighth and Yale tenth.

I was lucky to serve as Chancellor of the University of Nottingham for 12 years and I have visited numerous universities around the world. I gradually realised what a liberal education was and I began to consider whether this excellent education system could be introduced to China. I was very excited to contribute to the establishment of the University of Nottingham Ningbo China.

Back to the question of which kind of university we are - I think we are not a research university like Fudan University, but we are more like Swarthmore or Williams College.

We maintain the essence of the University of Nottingham and enrich the content of "liberal" as much as possible. We advocate that one’s conduct is the foundation of everything, and learning comes second. We insist on the student-centred principles, regarding teaching and learning as the foundation of a university. We promote discussion-oriented teaching – there is no wrong question or indisputable answer. We encourage and support students to extend extracurricular activities, exploring their passions in student associations, social practices, public welfare activities, scientific research and so on.

UNNC is a pioneer. We intended to gather the best educational ideas and practices to cultivate real-world citizens. I disagree that students should be divided into batches according to their Gaokao scores. Looking back to the initial stages of the University, our admission scores were not very high, but students still enjoyed a wonderful undergraduate study and obtained diversified achievements. UNNC has students who are interested in scientific research and go to top universities for further study, and students who head to work in World Top 500 companies right after graduation.

We have seen students that are practical and start their own businesses, whose products are sold to more than 50 countries and regions, or students who are committed to public welfare and join international NGOs. There have also been students who have distinctive passions and went off to pursue their dreams all around the world.

Within my first two years at UNNC, I received more letters from students than I did during my six-year presidency in Fudan. One recurring theme in these letters is that "the University has changed my life".

For 16 years, we have made great efforts, not in pursuing the greater scale of the University, but in unremittingly polishing the quality of education. In collaboration with the Ningbo Government and industry partners, we provide solutions to local challenges through world-class research and innovation. Over 16 years, we have formed a mature education system rooted in China whilst facing the world and promoted extensive exchanges between China and the UK in numerous fields, such as economy and trade, science and technology and culture.

During the ongoing pandemic, regardless of the difficulty, we have never compromised on our teaching quality. By March, more than 80% of our academic staff have managed to return to campus from all over the world to prepare for online and face-to-face teaching. With support from the UK and the Malaysia campus of the University of Nottingham, we became the only Sino-foreign university to fully resume face-to-face education. This, I think, amply demonstrates the responsibilities and capability of this university.

Over the summer vacation, dozens of academic staff voluntarily remained on campus to guide over 600 student participants in summer programmes to improve their professional skills, practical abilities and employment competitiveness. There were more than 170 scientific research internship projects alone. With such a good platform, such responsible lecturers and students eager for knowledge, I believe we will have a bright future.

Finally, welcome again to all our new students. I hope you like it here and have a pleasant experience at UNNC. I hope you take the initiative to explore and discover yourself while also discovering the world.

Professor Yang Fujia

President of University of Nottingham Ningbo China (UNNC)

Professor Yang Fujia, whose family comes from Ningbo, is an eminent physicist and distinguished academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. He is Vice-Chairman of the Chinese Association for Science and Technology (CAST) and the Bohr Professor of Fudan University (where he is also a former president).

In 1991, he was promoted to the Chinese Academy of Science and the Science Academy of the Third World, and in 1998 was given an honorary professorship in physics by the American Vanderbilt University.

Professor Yang is recognised as an outstanding university leader and has served as the executive director of the Union of International University Presidents' since 1996. He was the Chancellor of the University of Nottingham from 2001 to 2012.










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