1. Training objective
This specialty aims to cultivate skillful talents with moral, intellectual, physical all-round development, mastering the necessary basic theoretical and professional knowledge of management of mechanical and electrical equipment on modern ships, satisfying the Manila STCW78/95 amendment and China shipping crew competency standards and the law of People’s Republic of China on ocean-going ships crew competency examination and certification regulations, who can master the basic knowledge and skills of management of mechanical and electrical equipment, have high English and computer application abilities, can do a competent job as a marine engineer, have good team spirits, cooperation spirits and innovative spirits.
2. Employment Orientation
Graduates will mainly work as marine engineers on ocean going vessels of shipping companies; maintenance and repair work in shipyards.
天津海运职业学院是天津市教委直属的以培养海运人才为主,具有工学、经济学、管理学等学科门类的综合性公办全日制高等职业院校,其办学历史可追溯到1962年成立的天津市科学技术进修学院。学院是我国海事局向国际海事组织申报船员培训机构之一,是天津海事局在华北地区最先开办海员对外适任证书培训的机构之一,也是华北地区首批通过国家海事局《船员教育和培训 ...