朱宣咸 (作)
木刻版画, 13.1×9cm, 1946年于浙江
An Unforgettable Night
——My experience
By Zhu Xuanxian
Woodcut, 13.1×9cm,
In Zhejiang Province, China, 1946
朱宣咸早年积极参加进步学生运动,1946 年遭镇压后被校方开除,并被武装押解出学校,《难忘的一夜——我的遭遇》就是真实纪录下了离开学校后、他在回家途中夜宿农民家时的情景。表达了他在那个难以入睡的难忘的一夜,那种苦闷、彷徨与愤恨的心情,他无比痛恨学校在一夜之间结束了自己的学生时代,而被迫走进茫茫人海的社会大门,痛恨人世社会的不平!此后不久,他加入了中华全国木刻协会组织的“木刻之友”,投身到了中国新兴木刻运动中。
In his early years, Zhu Xuanxian actively took part in the student movements, and was dismissed by the school administration and sent out of the school under armed escort 1946. The woodcut An Unforgettable Night——My Experience realistically recorded his experience of staying overnight in the home of a farmer on his way home after he had left the school. The painting expresses his depression, confusion and hatred at that unforgettable night when he could not fall asleep. He hated the school bitterly for terminating his career as a student all of a sudden and driving him into the uncertain society. He hated the unfairness of the human society! Shortly after that, he joined “the Association of Woodcut Artists” under the leadership of the National Woodcut Association, and devoted himself to the new woodcut movement of China.