每天一套 | 高中英语听力专项训练(49)(录音+原文+答案)

每天一套 | 高中英语听力专项训练(49)(录音+原文+答案)





1.What is Tom’s plan next summer?

A.To visit China.

B.To earn a lot of money.

C.To finish his degree.

2.What are the speakers doing?

A.Talking over the phone.

B.Having a meeting.

C.Having a date.

3.How much was the computer the speakers saw last week?

A.$150. B.$250. C.$450.

4.Where are the speakers?

A.In the shop.

B.In the supermarket.

C.In the barbershop.

5.What is the man?

A.A patient. B.A dentist.

C.A teacher.




6.How does the man know the weather?

A.From the woman.

B.From the radio.

C.From the TV.

7.What will the weather be like tomorrow?

A.Cloudy. B.Snowy.


8.When does the man plan to go skating?

A.Today. B.Tomorrow.

C.This weekend.


9.What can we learn from the conversation?

A.The woman is very good at French.

B.The man didn’t do well in the exam.

C.The woman likes football better than the man.

10.What do we know about the man?

A.He is interested in football.

B.He doesn’t like TV programs.

C.He is good at French.

11.What does the man think of the football game on TV tonight?


B.Not too bad.

C.The Chinese team won’t win the game.


12.How long did the man stay in Seattle?

A.3 years. B.3 months.

C.3 weeks.

13.Where are the speakers from?

A.California. B.Seattle.

C.San Jose.

14.What is Gilroy famous for in the world?

A.Beautiful scenery.

B.Garlic. C.History.


15.Who is the man?

A.An operator. B.A waiter.

C.The woman’s friend.

16.What happened to the woman’s brother?

A.He fell down the stairs and hit his leg.

B.He fell down the cliff and hit his back.

C.He fell down the stairs and hit his head.

17.Where is the woman?

A.In her house.

B.In her office.

C.In the street.


18.What does“I have this dance taken”mean?

A.The woman doesn’t want to dance with you.

B.The woman doesn’t like the music.

C.The woman can’t dance.

19.What should the man do before a dance with a dated lady?

A.Wait until she turns up.

B.Make some attempt to find her.

C.Leave her alone before the music begins.

20.What should the man do at the end of a dance?

A.Thank his partner and leave her.

B.Look for the next partner.

C.Thank his partner and lead her to a seat.




Text 1

W:I hear you’re planning to take a trip next summer, Tom.

M:Oh,I hope I can tour China if I can finish my degree in time and save enough money.

Text 2

W:Hello,may I speak to Mr. Wang?

M:I’m afraid Mr. Wang is not in at the moment.Shall I take a message?

Text 3

W:Wow,what a wonderful sale.Did you see the sofa? It’s in good shape,and he’s selling it for $100.

M:Yes.And that computer,just $150.What a sale! The one we saw last week was three times as expensive as it.

Text 4

M:How would you like it?

W:Trim(修剪) the back,but leave it long on thesides,please.

M:Do you want a shampoo?


Text 5

M:When did your toothache start?

W:It’s been this way for a few days.

M:Let me take a look at it.It’s a small decayed tooth. It should be easy to pull.

Text 6

W:Can you turn the TV up a little,Peter? There should be the weather report after the news.

M:All I watch is advertising.Oh,here it comes.

W:Peter,what did it say?

M:It says we are going to have more snow and it will turn colder.

W:But it’s already terribly cold today.

M:I’m glad I’ll be able to go skating this weekend.

W:Not if it’s too windy.

M:You’ll just have to learn to like it,Susan.The weather here will be like this for another two months.

W:Yes,I know,but I wish the winter was shorter here.

Text 7

W:Hello,John.How was your French exam yesterday?

M:Not too good.

W:Well,the term exam is always more difficult.Work harder,and you’ll certainly do better next time.

M:I’ve worked hard enough,I think.But unluckily,I have never done well in the exam.

W:Well,it’s no use worrying about the exam now. Let’s talk about the football game tonight.It’s much more interesting.

M:Is there a football game on TV tonight?

W:Yes,it’s between the Chinese team and the Japanese team.

M:Er...I’d rather watch some other programs.

W:Why? You are so interested in football.

M:The Chinese team has always played badly in the important matches,just as I have done in the important exams.

Text 8

W:It’s nice to meet you.My friend told me about you. Have you been in Seattle long?

M:No,only three months.How about you?

W:I moved here three years ago from California.

M:OK,really!I’m from California,too.Where did you live in California?

W:In Gilroy,not far from San Jose.

M:What? This is really a coincidence.I’m from Gilroy, too!I like telling people I’m from the garlic capital of the world.Did you usually go to the summer garlic festival?

W:I used to go every summer.How about you?

M:I went to most of them.I thought the one in 1998 was great.Did you go to that one?

W:Sure.I was there.You were there then?

M:Yes,I was there.

Text 9

M:Emergency services,can I help you?

W:Yes,please help me!My brother fell down the stairs and he’s not moving!

M:Miss,please calm down.Is your brother breathing?

W:Yes,he’s breathing,but he hit his head and he won’t wake up.

M:Please give me your name and address so I can send an ambulance.

W:I’m Linda Smith.We’re at 254 Main Street.It’s the green house near the corner of Pine Street.

M:Okay,Miss Smith,the ambulance should be there within 15 minutes.

W:What should I do now?

M:It’s possible that your brother has injured his neck,so it’s very important that you not try to move him. Other than that,just try to keep calm and wait for the ambulance to arrive.

W:I’ll do that.Thank you very much.Please hurry!

Text 10

M:If you wish to dance with a certain lady,go to her,bow and say,“May I have the pleasure of a dance?”If it is a formal dance with programs,she will tell you which dance she will have with you;if there areno programs she will either rise and dance with you,or she may say,“I have this dance taken.”Thismay be a polite way of saying that she does not wantto dance with you,or it may be that she is tired and wants to rest.Do not expect a lady whom you have engaged in advance for a dance to make any attempt to find you.It is her part to remain seated until you find her,bow and say,“I believe this is my dance.”At the end of the dance,thank your partner,but do not leave her until you have conducted her to a seat.If you are introduced to a lady,you must of necessity ask her for a dance.If you cannot dance very well,it is always permissible to ask a lady if she is willing to“sit out”a dance with you.









●高中英语一轮复习:必修1 Unit 1(人教版)

●高中英语一轮复习:必修1 Unit 2(人教版)

●高中英语一轮复习:必修1 Unit 3(人教版)

●高中英语一轮复习:必修1 Unit 4(人教版)

●高中英语一轮复习:必修1 Unit 5(人教版)

●高中英语一轮复习:必修2 Unit 1(人教版)

●高中英语一轮复习:必修2 Unit 2(人教版)

标签:高考英语 一轮复习

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艺考培训-高考-高考信息资源-高考号-高考英语考试技巧-每天一套 | 高中英语听力专项训练(49)(录音+原文+答案)